Can my bride wear white even though we committed fornication?
Please, sir, I need your advice on what to do. I have dated my partner for over a year. We trust and love each other very much, but we fell into the sin of fornication. My questions are: Can she still wear a white dress on her wedding day? Is it right to tell my pastor about it after confessing to God and my prayer partner?
There is no scripture dictating what should or should not be worn at a person's wedding. The wearing of white is a tradition that arose from the symbolism used in Scripture which connects the wearing of white to righteousness (Isaiah 1:18; Revelation 7:13-14).
When a Christian sins, he is to repent (change his behavior) and confess his faults to God (II Corinthians 7:9-11; I John 1:8-9). So, the major point is that you stop misbehaving and admit to God that you were wrong in using your girlfriend as an outlet for your sexual desires. Christians are encouraged to share their burden of guilt with other Christians so that they can pray on their behalf (James 5:16). Who you choose to share your problems with is up to you, but it isn't required forgiveness.