There Is No Fear of God Before Their Eyes by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Romans 3:10-18   I.         Most of us have been burnt one time or another.             A.        The memory of the sharp pain makes a lasting impression. As a result, we hold a healthy respect for fire and other hot things. The fear of what fire could do generates a respect for fire.…

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I found your advice to aspiring preachers useful

Question: Hello. I read your article on advice to aspiring preachers and found it useful. Thanks a lot. Grace to you! Answer: I’m glad you found the website useful. You might also be interested in the other articles on preaching.

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Can a treasurer use the church’s money in his personal business?

Question: Please, I want to know if one can use the church’s money in his custody to run his personal business. Answer: Absolutely not. The money is the Lord’s money. When Ananias gave money to the church but lied about the amount, Peter told him: “While it remained, was it not your own? And after…

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Is a marriage performed by a witch doctor legitimate?

Question: Here in Africa people go to witch doctors in order to get married, which is a sin. Now can you please tell me if people, who are married by a witch doctor, are allowed to have sex with each other because that for me is a sin? Marriage is from God, and it’s considered…

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The Right to Choose by Raymond Warfel

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Four Things God Provides by Raymond Warfel

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Is using “God” as a curse word not taking the Lord’s name in vain?

Question: Hello Firstly, thank you very much for the very informative site and the work that you do. I recently had someone totally shock me by stating that “God” was a generic term and questioning whether it constituted using the Lord’s name in vain. His argument was that “God” was not God’s name and could…

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How do I tell my boyfriend about my horrible past?

Question: I was raised in a broken family, so my mother took care of us though we were poor. I faced so many problems since I was young, like older relatives sleeping with me, but since I was young l didn’t realize how they were taking advantage of me. When I was in my twenties…

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Can deacons have multiple wives and homes?

Question: I was wondering if polygamy is wrong because a Christan polygamy site states this: “mia doesn’t mean one, it means first in I Timothy 3:2,12; Titus 1:6” Regarding idios they are saying “The word “idios” signifies actual or potential corporate possession, or “ownership” (although sometimes the two words may be synonymous, the change up in this verse is…

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Your website opened up my mind

Question: Greetings to you fellow brothers and sisters of our Lord Jesus Christ. I got to know about your web site some weeks ago. I must admit that the website has really opened up my mind. I wish my fellow brothers and sisters in the other denominations can find the truth and get set free.…

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Since only males were circumcised, how did females enter the Old Covenant?

Question: Brother, This question came up in a recent Bible study. We were covering the book of Romans, the last few verses of chapter 2. Circumcision came up. After a little discussion, a sister in Christ asked how women made a covenant with God under Mosaic Law, since circumcision was the sign of the covenant.…

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Bible Truth About Baptism

by Matthew W. Bassford via His Excellent Word, November 14, 2016 I’d gotten some feedback about my recent preaching on evangelism that I felt merited sermons of its own.  One of them was last week’s sermon.  This week’s sermon is another.  Basically, some of the ladies were asking the age-old question, “But what do I say?” …

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Labeled for Christ by Alan Feaster What are you labeled as? A label declares who a person is. Jesus was labeled, quite a few names (Revelation 19:13) “The Word of God” (Revelation 19:16) “King of kings, and Lord of lords.” (Revelation 1:5, 8) “faithful witness” “the firstborn of the dead” “I am the Alpha and the Omega”…

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Who Is Accountable? by Andrew Long

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Do we carry the labels of our past sins with us our whole lives?

Question: I am having a conversation with an Independent Baptist, who claims that even after conversion, if we lie or cheat or steal, we are a liar, a cheater, a thief and we carry that label until we enter heaven. She says only in heaven is there no sin. Even if we are forgiven by…

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Thank you for creating such a fabulous website

Question: I hope this reaches Jeffrey Hamilton. I have been visiting this website for a few years now. I simply wanted to reach out and say God bless you for creating such a fabulous website. I cannot begin to describe how helpful the articles and studies on this website have been for my spiritual growth…

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How do I convince my Pentecostal parents of God’s truth?

Question: Dear Minister, My father and mother are pastors of a Pentecostal church. I do not agree with what they believe — relying on experience and emotions rather than being fully grounded on the Word of God. I do not want them to stay in that belief forever. I want them to be brought into…

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Redeeming the Time by Alan Feaster Text: Ephesians 5:1-21 Definition of redeemed Vines Pertaining to Salvation: λυτρόω lytroō “to release on receipt of ransom” (akin to lutron, “a ransom”), is used in the Middle Voice, signifying “to release by paying a ransom price, to redeem” (Deuteronomy 15:15; 24:18) God Redeemed Israel. (Titus 2:14; I Peter 1:17-19) Christ has…

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Hastening the Day of the Lord by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: II Peter 3:3-15   I.         When there is an event coming up that you really look forward to, it seems that time just drags.             A.        Christmas when you were little, graduating from High School, going off to college, your wedding day, etc.             B.        But then in other ways you realize that there…

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Are you required to keep promises that you think about?

Question: Hi, I’m wondering if promises that randomly pop up in your head are considered valid. Are you required to keep the promises, even though they’re just thoughts? I have OCD and get these thoughts constantly. They cause me a deal of anxiety. Also, in order to treat OCD, am I allowed to purposefully think…

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Sometimes we lose focus regarding our primary mission

Question: Dear Brother Hamilton, Thank you for all of the good Bible lessons you and others have written and put on your website. It seems that every time I am searching online for Bible study materials, I always end up on your website and find something I like. I have sent links to your website…

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My boyfriend doesn’t want to get married

Question: Hey My boyfriend and I are in a relationship for almost five years. We had sex in the first year of the relationship but then decided to wait until we were married to have sex. We got baptized and went without sex for over two years then we had sex again. I told my…

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Twice Adopted

by Jefferson David Tant Those familiar with Branson, Missouri’s entertainment mecca may know the musical “Twice Adopted,” featuring ten adopted children who share their singing talent with thousands. Their story touches the heart. Randy and Linda Koenig were childless until they adopted a child from Guatemala. One thing led to another, and another, and another…

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How could someone become a mass murderer and not feel bad about it?

Question: Hello, I have a question regarding evil. Are people born evil or does life make them that way? I ask because I was reading this case of a serial killer in Ukraine who killed 52 people. How does someone become this twisted and not feel bad about it? I know it’s not right to…

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Shouldn’t there be 12 children in Genesis 32:22?

Question: Good morning, I am working on my Bible class lesson for my Bible class tonight. While reviewing Jacob’s children up to this point in Genesis, he should have 12 children: 11 sons and 1 daughter. However, Genesis 32:22 says that Jacob sent his two wives, two maids, and 11 children across the Jabbok. I…

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Doesn’t Psalms 91 promise protection from harm?

Question: Hi, Thank you for this opportunity to send in questions. I read through another question on your site, one about why God allows suffering, innocent children to die, etc. Your response was enlightening. Thank you. I would like to find out if you know why God actually allows the suffering (let’s say a child being…

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Blasphemy by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Matthew 12:22-37   I.         What is blasphemy?             A.        A transliteration of a Greek word, blasphemia                         1.         It is a compound word: hurt and speech             B.        It means to speak evil of someone or to slander someone                         1.         Contained in it is the idea that a third party is involved                         2.         It is one person telling…

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How can I avoid panic attacks?

Question: I have recently read the thread on your page about OCD-religion and have a few questions. I have recently developed this disorder. Though never diagnosed, I’ve struggled my whole life with anxiety. I grew up a Christian (saved at a very young age) and attended a Christian school where I was taught God’s Word daily. I…

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Making Known His Glory

by Andrew Hamilton A section of Romans caught my attention during a recent Bible study. As a quick reminder of the context, Paul spends quite a bit of Romans explaining the righteousness of God. Partway through an analysis of Israelite history, he inserts a sort of question-and-answer section to make a few points clear. “What…

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What is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit?

Question: I was wondering what exactly is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit? Could you please help me with this? Answer: What Is Blasphemy? Blasphemy is a transliteration of a Greek word: blasphemia. Literally, it combines the Greek words for hurt and speech. It means to speak evil of someone or to slander another person. It contains…

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Should I go to a Thanksgiving dinner hosted by my homosexual sister?

Question: My sister is homosexual and before that, she was baptized but turned her back on God and now is “married” to another woman. Am I allowed to go visit with her like when she holds family dinners and things? Or where exactly do we draw the line? I have some family that says I’m…

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