When the Bible Makes Us Squirm

by Zeke Flores

Sometimes, the Bible makes us squirm. It can make us uncomfortable when God uses such highly sexualized language to describe His people’s unfaithfulness as He does in Ezekiel 23. I assume that’s because it’s supposed to make us uncomfortable.

When God’s people, whether His Old Covenant tribes or His New Covenant saints, turn away from serving Him loyally and wholeheartedly, it’s just like a woman who turns away from her husband to pursue illicit lovers. And, like most who are caught up in immoral affairs, that activity can turn around and bite them.

Though we often think we “can handle it,” there is nothing good about flirting with sin. It may be satisfying for a while, but what do you really have in the end? Emptiness, sorrow, and condemnation, that’s what.

For those who walk away from God to dally with the pleasures of this world, your “love” will be short-lived. In the end, your pleasures will carry you into a terrible eternity, and they won’t be able to comfort you then.

So turn, turn and live.

"Look! I am stirring up your lovers against you concerning whom you turned away, and I will bring them against you from all around ... and they will repay your obscene conduct upon you, and the guilt of your idols you will bear, and you will know that I am the Lord Yahweh" (Ezekiel 23:22,49 LEB).