What are your thoughts on how bad my marriage is?


I've been married for 23 years and I'm no longer in love with my husband and don't desire to have sex with him. Because of this, he physically kicked me out of the bedroom a year ago and I've been sleeping on the couch.  We don't even talk to one another. He also allowed my 18-year-old son with a drug history to have a lock on his bedroom door and come in all different hours of the night (morning).  My son has also been physically abusive toward me and I will admit that I've provoked him to it.  My spouse and I, of course, are unequally yoked and I can't stand it anymore. I don't understand why God would want for us to stay together. Things are just getting worse.  I want out so bad.  I want to move on with my life.  What are your thoughts?


I don't know why you are asking. You don't care about your family. You don't care about what God said about how you should treat other people. So what more could I add? By the way, from a Christian perspective, love is not something you do because you feel like it. Love is commanded and you are living in direct violation of the command "that they admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children" (Titus 2:4).

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