What Are Elders Responsible For?
Text: Ezekiel 34:1-10
I. Oversee the Church - I Peter 5:2
A. Shepherding the flock - This is where the term “pastor” comes from
1. They see to it that the church is taught, so all can grow - Ephesians 4:11-16
2. But sheep have a tendency to stray - I Peter 2:25
a. Because people forget to listen - Hebrews 2:1
3. They watch for dangers from without - Titus 1:9-11
4. And dangers from within - Acts 20:28-29
5. Watch for the spiritual health of each member - Hebrews 13:17
6. This means they must know God’s word
a. A failing of the Old Testament elders - Jeremiah 10:21
b. Commended to God and His Word - Acts 20:32
B. They rule
1. Not legislating rules
a. They are held accountable to the rule maker (God) - Hebrews 13:17
b. They are stewards of God - Titus 1:7
2. Not at authoritarians - I Peter 5:3
a. “Lording over” means “to domineer, to exercise complete control”
3. Not like worldly leaders - Matthew 20:25-28
a. Even the apostles did not claim that control of a person’s life - II Corinthians 1:24
b. Not like a king whom you do not question - Ecclesiastes 8:4
4. The word rule in Hebrews 13:7,17,24 is hegeomai, which means to lead or guide
a. Thayer defines this word as “leading as respects influence, controlling in counsel.”
b. They rule by their influence as teachers - I Timothy 3:2
C. They serve as examples - I Peter 5:3
1. The qualifications in I Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9 list out area where they should be seen as exemplary Christians
2. They encourage others to follow, as Paul did - I Corinthians 11:1
3. The example of Paul - Philemon 8-9
D. They give of themselves - Acts 20:35
1. What manner? Again, the example of Paul
a. He served the Lord in humility, in tears, and through trials - Acts 20:19
b. He did not shrink from teaching both publically and privately - Acts 20:20
c. He did not consider his life important, his work was more important - Acts 20:24
d. He taught the whole purpose of God - Acts 20:27
e. He did not cease to warn - Acts 20:31
f. He did not covet anyone’s money - Acts 20:33
g. He worked to support himself and those with him - Acts 20:34
2. It is hard work
3. It is not about serving themselves
a. This is the failure of the elders in the Old Testament - Isaiah 56:11
II. Things Elders did
A. Received donations marked for helping the needy - Acts 11:30
B. They represented the church - Acts 21:18-20
C. They worked to resolve doctrinal disputes - Acts 15:6
D. They resolved conflicts between churches caused by members - Acts 15:23-24
E. They prayed for the sick - James 5:14
F. They gave their blessings and set people apart for tasks - I Timothy 4:14
III. The preacher’s duties toward elders
A. Don’t quickly accuse without multiple witnesses - I Timothy 5:19
B. Reprove them if they sin - I Timothy 5:20
IV. How the congregation should treat elders
A. Know them and esteem them - I Thessalonians 5:12-13
B. Make use of them when you have need - James 5:14
C. Be willing to submit to their guidance (but not blindly). Try to make their job easier - Hebrews 13:7,17
D. Support their work - I Timothy 5:17-18
V. Who are elders?
A. They are spiritually mature men, who serve a congregation, ensuring the church develops as it should and remains true to Christ
B. Warnings against elders who fail their duties - Ezekiel 34:1-10
C. It takes a lot of patience
1. While written for all Christians, it especially applies to elders - I Thessalonians 5:14-15