The Work of the Holy Spirit


I.         We have spoken at length in the past about the exactly who is the Holy Spirit

            A.        We have shown that he is a being who is a part of the Godhead, just as the Father and the Son.

            B.        He is made more mysterious by men because of our lack of understanding. Perhaps due to our lack of a name, such as Jesus or Jehovah, to attribute to him.

            C.        People often pick out keywords and begin attributing actions to the Holy Spirit that the Bible never intended.

II.        Let us begin with a verse by verse comparison (See Chart)

            A.        Many people attribute a special direct operation on a person when they are told that the Holy Spirit does something.

                        1.         This is not necessarily true. An indirect operation is still from the same source.

                        2.         We don’t have to search for a mystical event to explain what the Spirit does for us, though many people have a preference for the mystical.

            B.        The Bible plainly teaches that Word is the Spirit’s sword

                        1.         Eph. 6:17 - The sword of the Spirit

                        2.         Heb. 4:12 - It is a powerful weapon

            C.        Example - Conviction

                        1.         The Holy Spirit convicts the world - John 15:8

                        2.         The question then is not who does the conviction, but how does the Spirit convict mankind?

                        3.         Titus 1:9 - It is done with his sword, the word of God

                        4.         We see an example of this in Acts 2:37

                                    a.         They listened to Peter preach a lesson

                                    b.         That lesson cut them to the heart.

            D.        Example - Leading

                        1.         Rom. 8:14 - The Spirit leads us

                        2.         The question is not who does the leading, but how does the Spirit lead mankind?

                        3.         Ps. 119:105 - It is done with the word of God, showing us a pathway to walk.

III.       These are not restrictions on God, but a recognition of what the Bible plainly teaches.

            A.        The Spirit is not the same as the Word of God. The word is a tool used by the Spirit.

            B.        By words, the Spirit conveys the thoughts of God to the mind of men - I Cor. 2:13

            C.        The source of our Bible is the Spirit of God

                        1.         II Peter 1:21 - The Spirit is the one involved in inspiration and the delivering of the written word.

                        2.         II Tim 3:16-17 - The Scripture is from the breath of God.

            D.        When we allow the teachings of the Bible to work in our lives, the Spirit (the deliverer of that word) thereby changes us for the better.

The Bible Explains It All

The Who

The How

Eph. 5:19 - Be filled with the Spirit . . . Col. 3:16 - Let the word of Christ dwell in you . . .
Gal. 5:22 - Faith is a fruit of the Spirit Rom. 10:17 - Faith comes by hearing the gospel
John 3:5-8 - Born of the Spirit I Cor. 4:15 - Born through the gospel
I Pet. 1:23 - Born by the word of God
II Cor 3:6 - The Spirit gives life Jn 6:63 - The words Jesus spoke are spirit and life
Rom. 8:11 - Made alive by the Spirit Ps. 119:93 - Made alive by God’s precepts
Rom. 8:2 - The law of the Spirit has made me free Jn 8:32 - Word makes free
Rom 8:14 - Led by the Spirit Ps 119:105 - The word is a lamp to my feet
Titus 3:5 - Saved by baptism and the Spirit I Cor. 15:1-2 - Saved by the gospel
Jam. 1:21 - The word is able to save your souls
Rom. 1:16 - Gospel is the power of God to save
Rom. 15:16 - Sanctified by the Spirit
I Cor 6:11 - Sanctified by the Spirit
Jn. 17:17 - Sanctified by the truth
Heb 10:15 - The Spirit witnesses
I Jn 5:6 - The Spirit bears witness
Jn 5:39 - The Scriptures testify
Gal 5:25 - Walk in the Spirit Phil 3:16 - Walk by God’s rules
Eph. 3:16 - Strengthen by the Spirit Col. 2:7 - Established in the faith
Eph 2:22 - Built through the Spirit Acts 20:32 - The word is able to build you up
Acts 9:31 - Comfort of the Spirit I Thess 4:18 - Comfort with these words
I Cor 6:11 - Washed by the Spirit Eph 5:26 - Washed by the word
John 15:3 - Cleansed through the word
Jn 16:8 - Convicts the world Tit 1:9 - Able to exhort and convince with the word