The Law of Commandments Abolished

by Terry Wane Benton

Many people are confused about which parts of the Bible are binding upon us today. The Old Testament was written for the Jews and taught the need for a Savior. Throughout, it shows that a Savior is coming. The Old Law did not provide all that man needed, but it did tell of the coming Savior who would meet all our spiritual needs. Jesus was that coming Savior.

Jesus brought Jews and Gentiles together in "one body" (the church), "having abolished in His flesh the enmity (between Jew and Gentile), that is, the law of commandments contained in ordinances"(Ephesians 2:15). Now we know that Jews and Gentiles are not bound by the Law of Moses or the Old Testament in general as that has been "abolished" as binding law. What brings Jews and Gentiles together is the beauty and authority of Jesus Christ. Jesus has mediated the "new covenant"(Hebrews 9:15) that Jeremiah prophesied about.

Jeremiah said a new and better covenant would be coming (Jeremiah 31:31f), and the book of Hebrews says that this new and better covenant was mediated to us by Jesus Christ. Thus, we who believe in Jesus are bound to Him and are involved with Him through the New Testament of Jesus Christ. All authority resides now in Jesus (Matthew 28:19). He is "head over all things to the church"(Ephesians 1:19f).

The Old Testament gives valuable testimony to Christ and testimony to righteousness and thereby encourages our faith in Jesus, but it is not a binding law. Thus, we do not keep the Sabbath, the old festivals, or the dietary regulations (Colossians 2:13-16). The law of commandments was "abolished in His flesh."

If the Law of Moses was still in force, Jesus could not be our High Priest, as the Law appointed priests only from the tribe of Levi. Jesus came from Judah, not Levi. The law had to change in order for Jesus to be a priest of another order (Hebrews 7:11ff). The law was changed, and now Jesus is a High Priest of a better order and with a better covenant! We must thank God that we have a better covenant, a better sacrifice, and a better High Priest than the Jews had under that first covenant. We are now responsible for being obedient to Jesus under the New Testament. Properly understanding these things will help alleviate confusion!