Is Azazel a spiritual being?

Question: In the Holy Bible, is Azazel a spiritual being? Why is an animal given to him, which bears people’s sins, instead of being given to God? I’m confused. Thanks. Answer: “Then Aaron shall offer the bull for the sin offering which is for himself, that he may make atonement for himself and for his…

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The Law of Commandments Abolished

by Terry Wane Benton Many people are confused about which parts of the Bible are binding upon us today. The Old Testament was written for the Jews and taught the need for a Savior. Throughout, it shows that a Savior is coming. The Old Law did not provide all that man needed, but it did…

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Was there a second covenant with Israel?

Question: How will you reconcile Deuteronomy 29:1, the additional covenant God made through Moses with Isreal at the land of Moab, and Exodus 19, the covenant on Mount Siani? Are they two different covenants? Answer: “These are the words of the covenant which the LORD commanded Moses to make with the sons of Israel in…

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In Spirit and in Truth

by Jon W. Quinn I cast a shadow if I were walking down the street and the sun was shining. Its size and shape mimic my own to some degree. It is a lot shorter than I really am at midday. It is a lot taller than I am when the sun is low on…

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Only God’s Righteousness Is in View?

by Terry Wane Benton We need to be careful about what we swallow from preachers and teachers. Search the Scriptures to find out what is so (Acts 17:11). An example of a concern in this regard is in the words of a brother who says that the difference between the Old Law and the New…

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The Dead Sea Scrolls

by Terry Wane Benton Dead Sea Scrolls – 250BC to AD70 Photo by Lux Moundi. The Dead Sea Scrolls are a collection of 980 Hebrew documents found in the Qumran limestone caves between 1947 and 2017. Most of the texts are written on parchment. About 40% were copies from the Old Testament. Before the…

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Law of God and Law of Moses: Are They the Same?

by Terry Wane Benton Seventh-Day Adventists have long made the claim that the “law of God” is the moral and permanently binding “Ten Commandments” that were kept inside the ark of the covenant while claiming that the “law of Moses” was different. They claim it was “ceremonial” law and placed “in the side of the…

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Is Matthew 5 only for the Jews?

Question: Hello, A friend of mine who is against divorce and remarriage says that Matthew 5 has a “Jewish element,” that is, the word “council” in Matthew 5:22, so it is a chapter only for Jews and not for Christians.  What do you think about that? Thank you. Answer: This is a variation of an…

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Necessary Inference in the Old Testament

by Terry Wane Benton It has been said that the Old Testament was always direct in communicating God’s will and that the idea of having to “infer” God’s will has never been necessary and, therefore, is not necessary now. But is that argument a necessary conclusion? Consider just a few things that show that the…

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How did people get saved before Jesus was crucified?

Question: How did people get saved before Jesus was crucified? Answer: Prior to Jesus, people were expected to live in obedience to God. “For all who have sinned without the Law will also perish without the Law, and all who have sinned under the Law will be judged by the Law; for it is not…

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Is Matthew 19:9 only for Jews?

Question: About the marriage and divorce issue in Matthew 19:9, Jesus was replying to the Jewish people. Does this mean that it does not apply to Christians but only Jews? Answer: You are missing an important implication. When laws were given to people there is an immediate audience and implied general audience. For instance, when…

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When Jeremiah Said “New” – (Hebrews 8:7-13)

by Terry Wane Benton The moment Jeremiah used the word “new” in speaking of a coming “new covenant,” there was the immediate implication that the Sinai covenant, then in place, was becoming obsolete and ready to vanish away. The idea of “vanishing away” (Hebrews 8:13) is not that you would be unable to read that…

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What is meant by “handwriting of ordinances”?

Question: What is meant by the “handwriting of ordinances” that Paul says was against “us” (including himself along with his audience)? Was the church at Colosse Jewish, Gentile or both? Answer: Colosse is located in the area that we now know as Turkey. The city was located in a valley about 100 miles east of…

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The Guardian of the Law

by Matthew W. Bassford When visitors from denominational backgrounds come to our assemblies, they are often puzzled by our tradition of a-cappella singing. “Why don’t they use instruments?” they wonder. If we explain that the Scriptures do not authorize the use of instruments in worship, they may be Biblically savvy enough to point to passages,…

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Limits of the Old Testament

by Terry Wane Benton The Old Testament was the inspired, God-given rule of law for the nation of Israel. It was not given to all people. “The Lord did not make this covenant with our fathers, but with us” (Deuteronomy 5:2-3). Nehemiah spoke to God about the history of Israel: “You came down also on…

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The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament

Author Unknown Sentry Magazine, June 2001 Text: Hebrew 3:7 Introduction. Some say there was no Holy Spirit in the Old Testament. But note the many Bible passages to the contrary. Discussion. Before the Adamic renovation “The Spirit of God moved upon [‘hovered over’ is a better translation] the face of the waters” (Genesis 1:2). In…

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Lessons from the Old Testament

by Leland R. Ping Sentry Magazine, June 2002 Paul wrote to the church at Rome in Romans 15:4 that “whatever things were written before were written for our learning.” In a simple statement like this, the persecutor-turned-apostle explained the reason for the Old Testament. In light of a statement like this, it is prudent to…

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What are we to be obedient to?

Question: What are we being obedient to? Is it the Old Law? Is it God’s commands? What commands does God have? The old testament commands? I know about the plan of salvation and the steps to become a Christian, but where do we find out how to know we are doing the work of God…

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Was fornication not a sin under the Old Testament?

Question: Since the Old Testament had no shedding of blood for fornication, could it be considered a sin under the Old Testament? Answer: There were numerous types of offerings given to God depending on the circumstances. A sin-offering was given when the person’s sin did not have restitution included in the punishment. “Now if a…

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The Old Testament Points Us to Christ

by Tommy Peeler The Old Testament is valuable because it points us to Christ. Jesus emphasized that the Old Testament pointed to Him Jesus said, “You search in the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; it is these that bear witness of Me” (John 5:39). When the audience failed to…

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The Handwriting of Requirements Was the Law of Moses

by Terry Wane Benton Photo by Greg Rosenke on Unsplash Paul said the “handwriting of requirements” was “against us” and “was contrary to us” and “He (Jesus) has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross” (Colossians 2:14). As a result of this, no one could judge you in food or…

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Which law is the law?

Question: I have a friend who has fallen into the World Mission Society Church of God which is an anti-Christian cult. I have been trying to witness to her and she had presented me with different beliefs that I’m having trouble answering in regards to the law. I was hoping you could help with a…

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Opened Eyes and Burning Hearts by Andy Cantrell Finding Our Purpose from the Past

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by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Students of the Bible are frequently confused by the Old Testament laws regulating uncleanness. Many do not understand the purpose of the laws and often wonder if they impact the Christian in some way or not. The concept of unclean is certainly an old one. It predates Moses, being first mentioned…

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Why is John the Baptist the last prophet in the Bible?

Question: Why is John the Baptist the last prophet in the Bible? (Luke 16:16) Answer: “The Law and the Prophets were proclaimed until John; since that time the gospel of the kingdom of God has been preached, and everyone is forcing his way into it” (Luke 16:16). “From the days of John the Baptist until…

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Must the Old Testament be taken as symbolic?

Question: Hello! I’m a former atheist who recently found God again, but I have one thing I’m really struggling to get, and that is how I can weave together science and the Bible, in particular the Old Testament. I have, after reading different approaches, personally come to the conclusion that it must be read as…

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The Natural Comes Before the Spiritual by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I Corinthians 15:35-49   I.         It’s spring and gardener’s are out putting seeds into the ground, looking forward to crops of fruits, vegetables and flowers.             A.        Yet, no gardener puts in a seed expecting the seed to get bigger. The seeds stop being seeds, they “die” if you will, and become…

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The Canon of the Old Testament – Part 1 by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Deuteronomy 31:9-13 I.         As the last few years of a presidency winds down, people begin to discuss the legacy of the current President. How will the future remember him? What will historians say about him?             A.        So what makes a President great?                         1.         Is greatest determined by the writings of famous historians?…

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Holiness: A Study of Leviticus

2016 Fall Gospel Meeting by Joe Works The Tabernacle of God Tabernacle of God (Handout) Tabernacle of God (Powerpoint) God with Us (Powerpoint) The Value of Old Testament Study The Value of Old Testament Study (Powerpoint) Be Holy for I am Holy Be Holy for I am Holy (Powerpoint) Acceptable to the…

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Which book should be first, Job or Genesis?

Question: I’m confused. A brother mentioned what I understood to mean that Job was to be the first book in the Bible and not Genesis. Since then I have done my own research and am now seriously confused. The way I see it is “Does it really matter?” There are considerably good points brought up…

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Elders in the Old Testament by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Job 29   I.         While we don’t live under the laws of the Old Testament, there are things to be learned from its pages – Romans 15:4             A.        Sometimes we forget that elders have been used long before the church             B.        It would be useful to learn some of the history of…

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What was the history of baptism prior to John?

Question: Hello! I don’t know where to look for the history of the baptism of John. I have the understanding that baptism was done since the Babylonian captivity for the conversion to the Jewish faith (a proselyte, but I don’t know where to find any documentation to confirm or deny it. I just don’t know…

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On Stoning Adulterers and Not Eating Shellfish

by Hugh Fulford via The Fellowship Room Periodically — at least three or four times a year — someone feels compelled to demonstrate his or her lack of knowledge of the Bible by writing a letter to the editor of the local newspaper railing against Bible-believers who oppose homosexuality. (Capital punishment of convicted murderers is another…

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Didn’t Jesus fulfill the Old Testament when he came in the flesh?

Question: I have a question: Didn’t Jesus fulfill the Old Testament when he came in the flesh? Answer: When Jesus was born, the Mosaic law was still in effect. He was circumcised and presented to God as the firstborn male of Mary and Joseph as the old law prescribed: “And when eight days had passed,…

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Why is Proverbs frequently quoted and applied today?

Question: Why is Proverbs frequently quoted as applying today when it is in the Old Testament? Wasn’t the Old Testament done away with? Answer: “For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope” (Romans 15:4). Count the number of times…

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