Worship: The Emotional Component

by Warren E. Berkley “God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth,” (John 4:24). Every element of true worship involves some emotional component. The emotional component is not driven by a direct operation of the Holy Spirit (as in Calvinism) or “getting the Holy Spirit” (as in Charismatic practice). The…

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Where does the Scripture mention buying a building?

Question: I visited your web site; it is very nice and helpful. My question is: Where, in the Scripture, does it mention buying a building for church worship? I could only find house worship. Answer: The command to assemble is “And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works,…

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Should Christians sing during the Lord’s supper?

Question: Should Christians sing during the Lord’s supper? Answer: I wonder what is next — singing during prayer or singing during the sermon!? I really don’t understand why people think that the Lord’s Supper needs some kind of “crutch” or “support” to make it meaningful and relevant to Christians. When the Lord gave the bread…

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Is it a sin to go to a youth group or chapel service during the week?

Question: I saw that the church only met on the first day of the week to gather and worship. Does this mean that I sin if I go to youth groups on Wednesdays (while still going to church on Sunday), or if my school has weekly mandatory chapel services on Thursdays? Answer: There are various…

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Do you have more thoughts on the issue of dress in worship?

Question: Thank you for your sensible and persuasive essay on dress.  It is a nice contrast from some of the more stringent and pharisaical content that I’ve seen and heard, in that you are able to make a sound, scripture-based argument without beating anyone over the head with personal views.  Your reasoning shows little personal bias…

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Creation: Necessary Biblical Inferences

by C.G. “Colly” Caldwell via Truth Magazine, Vol. 52, No. 5, May 2008. The points we bring to your attention in this article are in themselves clearly taught in Scripture. They are, however, also necessarily inferred or implied by the very fact of Divine Creation. When one by faith accepts that Almighty God created all things…

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Did Gentiles who converted to Judaism worship in the same way as a native Jew?

Question: Regarding the Gentiles who repented of their wickedness and converted to Judaism (such as Ruth, and the 120,000 of Nineveh that repented), were they commanded to follow all the laws and commandments the same way as all Jews were? Did they then worship in the same way, offer sacrifices, etc.? Answer: There were provisions…

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Can a visiting Christian lead a congregation in song?

Question: I have been attending a local church for several months. During that time I began to stand up, come forward, and lead a song at the invitation of the congregation. Every first Wednesday of the month all men are invited to lead one song during services. I began the song and immediately the congregation…

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What should be done when everyone doesn’t follow the song leader?

Question: I’ve been reading several of your comments with interest and ran across one that I myself have seen. I am a member of the church of Christ and have been baptized for 22 years. I have been leading songs for around that same time. I have a background in reading music and participating in…

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Isn’t the word “day” added to Acts 20:7?

Question: In Acts 20:7, in the original Greek, the word “day” is not there. It was later added by men.  Adding to!  I worship (adore, give praise. honor) each and every day, 24/7. I can’t believe you limit worship to a day.  One of Satan’s greatest accomplishments has been to get and keep people arguing…

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Is Sunday the only day of worship or can we worship God any day?

Question: Is Sunday the only day of worship or can we worship God any day? I have read in the second chapter of the book of Acts, verse 46, that the Christians worshiped daily in the temple. Answer: “So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they…

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Conducting Worship in Song

I.         As people come in, have them sit up front in as few pews as possible             A.        Have them divide by parts: Alto, Tenor, Melody, Bass             B.        Start with a prayer II.        An important aspect of worship is our coming together to offer a united worship             A.        Colossians 3:14-17 – We were called in one body, we should worship as…

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Worshiping in Song

Text: Colossians 3:16-17   I.         In many congregations, singing is not consider a very important aspect of worship.             A.        Think about it; when the Lord’s Supper is being served or a prayer is being given, few people would think about leaving the assembly to visit the restrooms, but it commonly happens during the singing.             B.        If a prayer…

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Is All of Life Worship?

by Kevin Kay via Biblical Insights, July 2006 That’s what some are saying. In his book, Unbroken Bread, Mike Root says: “Worship is a life given in obedience to God. It’s not a when or where proposition, but a what. It’s what we are. You can’t go to it or leave it, dress for it or from…

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Can a seventeen-year-old conduct worship?

Question: My father is a pastor. Since we have two branch churches, my father will come to the main church only for giving a message after finishing the services in our branch church. So, he has appointed some youths to conduct songs, praise, and worship. But these people do not have any knowledge of music.…

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Do children attend your worship services?

Question: Hello. We are going to be visiting Omaha next weekend and we are looking for a church to attend on Sunday morning. I have a couple of questions. Do you allow children ( 2 years old to 6 years old) to be a part of your worship service or do they have their own…

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What is meant by the worship of angels?

Question: When Paul talks about the worship of angels right after saying do not judge anyone about Sabbaths, new moon, etc. what is meant by the worship of angels? I noticed in Hebrews 2:2 and in James speech in Acts he also mentions angels giving doctrine to man (I think in reference to the Old…

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Does the command for a woman not to teach only apply to the assembly?

Question: I have some questions regarding I Timothy 2:11-12. Are these verses concerning a woman learning and teaching general commands or are they specific to the assembly? What, in the context, determines this? Further, I am no Greek scholar. Those who are familiar with the Greek, what is the proper understanding of verse 12? Specifically,…

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Does I Timothy 2:11-12 only apply to the assembly?

Question: What is your opinion regarding Paul’s instruction to Timothy regarding women in I Timothy 2? Is this instruction specific to the assembly or is it more general in nature? For example, some teach that a woman cannot hold a place of authority over a man in any situation, i.e. a Christian woman should not…

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If I am just not able to get out, can I worship at home?

Question: I have a very serious question. In some of your answers to others, you have pointed out that to have a worship service alone on Sunday at home is not really what is acceptable, except for when we choose to worship God by ourselves at other times during the week. This is according to…

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Should people dress up for church?

Question: Is it appropriate for children or adults to dress up to go to church? Does this mean that they are closer to God than someone in jeans? Answer: People dress up when they head off to some special event. Their selection of clothing tells everyone whether they think the event is important to them…

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Shouldn’t Saturday be the Lord’s Day?

Question: Why do most Christians call Sunday the Lord’s day?  I was reading through a Bible and was surprised to find in Matthew 12:8 that Jesus Himself  says…”For the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath.”  If Jesus says He is Lord of the Sabbath wouldn’t that make Sabbath — which was Saturday as…

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Is a head covering needed for all prayers or only during worship?

Question: Is a head covering needed any time a prayer is said (i.e. before dinner, around the house, baseball game, Bible class, etc.) or just during a worship service? Answer: “But every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head, for that is one and the same as if her head…

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Foot Washing

by Dudley Ross Spears Question: “What is your understanding of feet washing as it was practiced in the Bible? Some people still practice it in church. What do you think?” Answer: This question deals with foot washing, not merely for sanitary purposes, but as a religious act allegedly done in worship of God. Please read…

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Is the use of a “praise team” scriptural?

Question: Have you heard of this idea of having a “praise team” in the song service of some churches?  This is confusing to me because it would seem that it would place women in a leadership role if they were part of the “team” leading the congregation.  What are your thoughts on this? Answer: A…

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The Amazing History of Instrumental Music in Christian Worship

by Allen Webster “I will sing with the spirit, and I will sing with the understanding also” (I Corinthians 14:15). In the average person’s mind, gospel singing and organ music go together like “rock” and “roll” or “blues” and “rhythm” or “hip” and “hop.” It is assumed, expected, even celebrated. Most would be genuinely surprised…

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How did Sabbath day worship get turned into Sunday worship?

Question: How did the Sabbath day (Saturday) when we worship together turn into Sunday?  Can you tell me where it is in the catechism’s doctrine?  I know a little about the Council of Trent but cannot find where this issue is addressed. Answer: The change in the day of worship came with the changes in…

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When should an invitation be offered?

Question: We meet in a rented hall so we don’t have a bell or buzzer to use to alert everyone when services begin. During our business meeting last evening one brother (whose wife teaches the children’s class) made a request. He stated that our normal procedure during our mid-week services has been that we make…

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Further objections to the idea that Catholics worship Mary

Question: Your answers are generally very straightforward, and I assume that you appreciate straightforward responses, so I’ll get directly to the point: you’re not telling the truth about the Catholic Church and its teachings about Mary.  As someone who seems devoted to the Truth (though somewhat misled on several important points), I figured you’d like…

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An objection to the claim that Catholics worship Mary

Question: I was reading over your web site about Catholicism. I have had doubts about the Catholic Church before, and the one thing I knew to do was to pray. So I prayed and the next day God led me to a website. Since I read your web site, I ask that you may read…

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Worship the King (Song)

Midi Tune: https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Worship-The-King-Music.mid Sheet Music: Loading… Taking too long? Reload document | Open in new tab Download [1.08 MB]

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Despising the Blood of Christ

Text: Hebrews 10:23-31   I.         The Hebrew writer warned that just as Moses’ law required obedience, rejecting Christ’s law would bring a greater punishment.             A.        He calls is trampling the Son of God underfoot                         1.         Counting the blood of Christ as a common thing                         2.         And insulting the Spirit             B.        I suspect that if you ask most people, they would…

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How do you know that Ephesians 5:19 is speaking about worship?

Question: I understand which verses talk about singing, but the main verse used by the churches of Christ to back up their singing is found in Ephesians. However, the verses prior to and after do not imply anything about worship. The prior verse speaks of not being drunk from wine wherein is excess. Did the…

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Is it wrong to clap or raise hands during singing?

Question: I love the Lord our God with all that I am. Daily I give my all to show Christ through my actions. Of course, I am a sinner and I know that this is a daily growing experience, but what a journey it is! I am a married young female and understand, accept, and…

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