Posts Tagged ‘witchcraft’
What does the Bible say about having a fetish?
Question: I have a spanking fetish I’m a 24-year-old male that has a spanking fetish. How do I stop myself? What do the Scriptures say about them? Is it normal to have a spanking fetish? Answer: It is interesting that you used the word fetish. The proper definition of a fetish is: “An inanimate object…
Read MoreYour explanation of pharmakeia is poor
Question: Your explanation of the Greek word pharmakeia shows poor scholarship. I first heard of the “pharmakeia=drug use= sorcery” argument back in the early 1980s when I was involved with a Christian group. It never seemed right. The following is part of a word study I’ve done. According to “Divry’s English-Greek and Greek-English Dictionary” there are at…
Read MoreWhat about ghosts and speaking with the dead?
Question: I heard that communication with spirits is forbidden. Is this true? How about those who claim that they can communicate with spirits? Is it a gift from God that they can do that? I learned that there is a verse in Revelation that goes something like this: “…the dead in Christ shall rise first…
Read MoreCan one person put a curse on another?
Question: A friend asked me about someone putting curses on others and what does the Bible have to say about it? Could you share some thoughts in this regard? He feels like he is cursed by what his great-grandfather did years ago. Answer: Your question doesn’t deal with a matter of one person cursing at…
Read MoreWould it be proper for a Christian to do Qigong?
Question: I enjoyed your response from a previous email, recently I’ve come across a form of exercise or martial art or a movement called QiGong which is very similar to a relatively popular one called Tai Chi. I’ve tried one style of QiGong after much reading about it and hearing good things of its increase…
Read MoreIf a psychic helps the police, does this make it good?
Question: I have a new friend who asks me if a person is able to help the police with an investigation by some kind of knowledge that will help save a person’s life, can that be evil? She argues that it saves people’s lives. She says it is dreams or some kind of ESP she…
Read MoreCan we talk with those who have died?
Question: I have a question: when a loved one who was pure and good dies, is it possible for that person to come back to the living? How can one learn ways to communicate with a loved one? Answer: The Bible teaches that those who die are not able to return. Job asked the rhetorical…
Read MoreWhat do I do about a person involved in witchcraft?
Question: I’m having extreme difficulty protecting myself and family from a pagan ‘elder’ who has admitted to trying to destroy me. He was instrumental in the premature death of a family member by removing life support illegally for over 33 hours! My daughter is in counseling for the abuse she received from him. He practices…
Read MoreShould a Christian use medicinal drugs that may affect the mind?
Question: Should a Christian use medicinal drugs that may affect the mind? Answer: The Bible teaches Christians to be sound of mind. “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour” (I Peter 5:8). The Greek word translated as “sober” is nepho, which literally means…
Read MoreAre psychics real?
Question: Are psychics real? How about those claiming to have telekinesis and everything related to it? I know that psychic mediums are real, but it is an abomination to the Lord, so we are not allowed to be involved in such things. But what about those psychics? Is it also a sin or did God…
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