by Ethan R. Longhenry
- Introduction
- Sorcery!
- When the word is spoken, images of witches and wizards come to mind
- Harry Potter and his adventures have put sorcery back in the news today
- Nevertheless, sorcery reckoned as sin in the Bible
- Galatians 5:19-20
- Revelation 9:21, 18:23
- So what is sorcery?
- Why is it sinful?
- What would it have to do with me?
- Let us consider the matter from the Scriptures
- What Is Sorcery?
- Sorcery is not a word that we hear every day!
- Sorcery: Magic; enchantment; witchcraft; divination by the assistance of evil spirits or the power of commanding evil spirits (Webster's)
- Sorcery, therefore, is the reliance on black arts or other forms of supernatural insight or ability, and not a reliance on God
- Magic tricks, which generally involve illusion but not substance, are not really under discussion here (although it is a form of deception)
- What is under consideration is anything involving other forces
- Voodoo, magic spells, witchcraft in any form
- Tarot card reading, psychic readings, séances also represent sorcery
- Astrological readings also, including horoscopes, also involve reliance on forces other than God
- What is the big deal?
- Some people might find such things to be incredulous
- What's the harm, after all, in a "little fun", with horoscopes and psychic readings?
- These are valid questions; let us consider them
- Why is Sorcery Wrong?
- From the beginning, God has sought to be the spiritual power to whom people should turn
- Exodus 20:3-5
- Exodus 34:14
- Colossians 2:6-7, 9-10
- Many believe that since there is only one God (Ephesians 4:5-6), that there can only be one power in the universe
- Many believe that there is no power in any form of sorcery and that it is a mere delusion
- If that were the case, we would expect God to make that clear!
- Yet we read that there is a conflict with "spiritual forces of darkness" (Ephesians 6:12)!
- If Satan can appear "as an angel of light" (II Corinthians 11:14) and is the "god of this world" (II Corinthians 4:4), should we believe that he is entirely without spiritual power (cf. Acts 26:18)?
- This does not correlate with the reality concerning which we read in the Scriptures!
- The Bible does indicate that "spiritual forces of darkness" have power
- Exodus 7:11-12, Exodus 7:22, Exodus 8:7: the sorcerers in Pharaoh's palace were able to turn their staffs into snakes, turn the Nile to blood, and brought forth a plague of frogs by their "secret arts"
- Granted, they were not able to create a plague of gnats and declared such to be the "finger of God" (Exodus 8:16-19)
- Their ability to replicate some of God's plagues, however, does indicate that there was power in their sorcery
- 1 Samuel 28:7-20: the witch of Endor conjures up the soul of Samuel for Saul
- Acts 19:18-19: burning of books of magic arts as repentance
- Black arts do represent a concern and a threat, and should not be taken as lightly as they often are!
- The Bible makes it clear that our trust and confidence is to be in God alone
- Hebrews 11:6, Romans 1:17
- Acts 26:18
- I Thessalonians 1:9-10
- If our trust and confidence is in God, we have no reason to turn to forces of darkness!
- Consider Ephesians 6:10-13
- Why would we turn to that which is against what is good and holy?
- Why seek psychics when we can pray to God?
- Why look to the stars for guidance in horoscopes when we can commune with their Creator (Genesis 1)?
- Why tinker with magic and witchcraft when we could do good and obtain eternal life?
- How can we fight on the Lord's side while using powers of darkness?
- Sorcery, therefore, is no light matter, and is to be thoroughly avoided!
- From the beginning, God has sought to be the spiritual power to whom people should turn
- Another Dimension to Sorcery
- The English concept of "sorcery" involves the matters we have described, and as we have seen, they are sinful
- The Greek word provides an additional concept we should consider
- Galatians 5:20: Greek pharmakeia (pharmacy)
- "the use or the administering of drugs; poisoning; sorcery, magical arts" (Thayer's)
- How do drugs fit into sorcery?
- We must consider the medical profession in the ancient world
- While we today would separate the scientific study of medicine from the black arts practices of "witch doctors", that distinction was not kept in the ancient world
- The same doctor who would perform surgeries or give out medicine would also make incantations to various gods or use magic or other black arts to effect a cure!
- Does this mean, then, that the entire medical establishment is sinful?
- Are we sinning by taking Tylenol or antibiotics or some other such thing?
- The Scriptures do not indicate as much
- I Timothy 5:23: when Timothy has some stomach problems, Paul tells him to use some wine-- a medical prescription of sorts
- Luke is called the "beloved physician" in Colossians 4:14, without any hint of condemnation of his occupation
- The medical profession, therefore, is not condemned entirely under the idea of pharmakeia
- Nevertheless, there is much that is condemned under that heading
- As is well known, many drugs are consumed not for medical benefit but for recreational purposes
- Most uses of marijuana, cocaine, heroin, PCP, methamphetamines, crystal methadone, LSD, ecstasy, opium, and abuse of prescription medications fit this concept
- The drugs are enjoyed for "highs" and the ability to escape from the problems of life
- Such is indeed sorcery-- it is a trust or enjoyment in powers and forces other than God!
- Such drugs do not lead to sobriety and self-control (1 Peter 4:7)
- Many such drugs are illegal, and such is sufficient to condemn them (Romans 13:1-7)
- Most such drugs become your master, and end up being your idol, for it is the drug whom you now serve (cf. Galatians 5:19-20, Matthew 6:21-24)
- As Christians, therefore, we must think soberly about drugs and their use
- Are we using them to get well or are we abusing them, thus committing sorcery?
- Do we always remember to put our confidence in God and only secondarily trust in medicine and other such things?
- Who is in control, us or the medication?
- Let us avoid committing sorcery by drug use or abuse!
- Conclusion
- While the word sorcery is not often used, what it represents is quite devastating to society
- We should never participate with the forces of darkness, and thus reliance on astrology, alchemy, black arts, psychics, and other such things ought not to be named among us!
- Likewise, we should avoid recreational drug use and keep medicine in its proper place!
- In all things let us put our trust in God and in Him alone (Matthew 6:33)
- The powers of darkness cannot save us; drugs cannot really help us escape!
- Let us instead lean on the Creator of all things, He who can heal us and see us through (I Peter 2:24)!
- Invitation/songbook