True Riches

by Terry Wane Benton In Luke 16:11, Jesus speaks of “true riches” as opposed to the world’s material riches. True riches are the real riches. We’ve known many of those millionaires who were poor and miserable on the inside. They don’t have “true riches.” True riches are things inside that make you content, thankful, happy,…

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Finding Real Happiness

by Richard Thetford Everyone wants a life filled with joy and happiness, but very few find it. One major reason man fails to find the happiness he seeks is that he is trying to obtain it through the wrong means. Millionaires who have houses, yachts, and condominiums often complain in counseling sessions that they’re so…

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Christlike Clothing

by Matthew W. Bassford One of the longest modesty texts in the Bible never mentions the word once. It appears in Colossians 3:12-17, a passage about the virtues in which Christians should clothe themselves. They are the things that others should see when they look at us. To many Christians today, this application might seem…

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Why did Jesus cite only six of the Ten Commandments to the young ruler?

Question: I visit your site often to look up topics and articles. There is very good information cited in them. I have a question, you might be able to answer. In Matthew 19:18-19, why did Jesus only cite six of the ten commandments to the rich young ruler and not all? Thanks. Answer: The account of…

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The Better Way by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I Peter 4:1-6   I.         What is accepted and praised in the world isn’t always what is best for people             A.        Jesus’s sermon on the mount began with startling facts – Matthew 5:3-12                         1.         When you take the opposites of what Jesus states brings true happiness, you find a list of things…

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A Steward of God by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Matthew 25:14-30   I.         Consider Psalm 24:1-2             A.        What does it mean that everything belongs to God?                         1.         God made it, so therefore He has the right of ownership – Deuteronomy 10:14                         2.         Even we belong to God – Ezekiel 18:4                         3.         God doesn’t owe anyone because He pre-existed all things – Job 41:11…

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Enjoy What God Has Given You by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Psalms 50   I.         Have you given a gift that wasn’t appreciated?             A.        “That’s nice, but it wasn’t what I hoped to receive.”             B.        “Thanks, but it would have been better if you also included …”             C.        Or worse, it just sits there, not being used             D.        It’s frustrating to the giver.             E.        But consider…

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Is it a sin to own a luxury handbag?

Question: Hi, I’ve been reading your articles about modesty, and recently I got myself into some heated arguments with a few sisters about owning luxury handbags. Some felt that these are considered as things of the world, and we shouldn’t pursue it, while some felt that owning them will likely invite jealousy. However, the irony…

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The Poor in Spirit by Jeffrey Hamilton Text: Isaiah 61:1-3   I.         The good news is a message to the afflicted – Isaiah 61:1             A.        This is the passage Jesus chose to read in his hometown – Luke 4:16-21             B.        When John began to doubt Jesus, Jesus again referred to this passage – Luke 7:22-23             C.        Jesus declared that the kingdom, the…

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James on Trials by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: James 1:1-27   I.         The book of James is written to Jewish Christians who were scattered by persecution – Acts 8:1-4             A.        This is one indication that James is one of the first books written             B.        It is that persecution that sets up the theme for the first part of the book…

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Mistakes of a Rich Man by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Luke 12:13-21   I.         Someone approached Jesus, asking him to settle a dispute over an inheritance.             A.        Jesus declined, stating that it wasn’t his occupation             B.        But he pointed out the root problem between the brothers – greed                         1.         We know this without even knowing the facts in the case.                         2.         Whether it was…

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Do you sell everything you have? Why do you have an air-conditioned building?

Question: “Quite simply, we are a church that follows after the pattern of the New Testament.” —from the church website. “All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they shared everything they had. With great power the apostles continued to testify to the…

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What is mammon?

Question: What is ‘mammon’? In Luke 16, it is talking about the steward who wasted his master’s goods. I don’t fully understand this chapter. Please help. Also, I would like to say that I truly appreciate your website. I am a person who fell away from the church a very long time ago, and now…

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The Silver Thermometer

by Homer Hailey via The Preceptor, Vol. 1, No. 2, Dec. 1951. It is easier to describe and evaluate the tangible than to describe or evaluate the intangible. Because this is so, the Lord’s churches are often led to place undue emphasis on numbers added to their membership and to the size of their weekly…

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