Posts Tagged ‘unforgivable’
Is there a point when it is too late to leave sin and be forgiven?
Question: I grew up in a church of Christ. I was baptized in middle school. I have struggled with sexual immorality beginning from a young age for a long time, along with other sins including taking plan B. I think as a teenager I did not take sin as seriously as I should. I have…
Read MoreI’m too impure and unworthy to come to God
Question: I’m truly scared about this, but I thought I would give it a go. I’m 15 years old and I’ve done stuff most adults haven’t dreamed of doing, such as smoking weed, giving hand jobs, and receiving masturbation. The problem is anytime I try to change and move forward something pulls me back. It’s…
Read MoreHow could the Pharisee be guilty of the unforgivable sin with just a few words?
Question: I’m scared, for I’ve been wondering whether the Pharisees commit the unforgivable sin by just once saying blasphemous things about the Holy Spirit. I know it’s said that the unforgivable sin isn’t any single act from which there’s no more turning back, but how does it seem that only a few words from the…
Read MoreIs my repentance too late? Am I lost forever?
Question: I grew up going to Sunday school every now and then but never learning anything. I said the sinner’s prayer when I was 22 while in AA at the time. I decided to stick with AA. I had a hard time believing in or contacting God. I didn’t pursue church or the Bible until…
Read MoreAre You Unforgivable?
by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Repeatedly I receive frantic inquiries from people fearful that they committed an unforgivable sin. It never seems to register that nowhere in the Bible are sins called “unforgivable.” If a sin was unforgivable, then it means God refuses to offer forgiveness for certain sins. But that contradicts the nature of God.…
Read MoreCould blasphemy of the Holy Spirit be an exception to the rule that God will forgive anyone who repents?
Question: Greetings, I have read some of your articles on the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit on your website and I know you don’t want to repeat the same topic over again, but I do have some questions about it if you don’t mind addressing them. I have held a similar conclusion as you in the past,…
Read MoreI repeated my fornication after getting baptized. Am I unforgivable?
Question: I once was living a very sinful life. I wasn’t going to church. I was committing fornication with my girlfriend as well as many other sexual sins. I was willfully and deliberately sinning. Over the winter break I realized that if I did not change my way of life, I knew where I was…
Read MoreAfter the terrible and unthinkable things I did, is there any hope for me, at all, not to be cast to the lake of fire?
Question: I have a question to ask you: In my youth, I was baptized and gave my life to Jesus, but I did not take it seriously. I fell back into sin and lived in sin. After a couple of years, the Lord drew me, delivered me, and started working in me, changing me. But…
Read MoreAm I forever lost or saved?
Question: I’m 17 years old and I’ve been trying my best to be a faithful worker for the Lord Jesus Christ. I really just wanted to say I love your website; it seems to be well put together and full of helpful articles and lessons. But I have quite a question to ask of you,…
Read MoreYour article on “A Sin Leading to Death” was very insightful
Question: I was reading I John this morning and did not understand “sin that does not lead to death”. Your article, A Sin Leading to Death, was very insightful. I feel that I have not been living by faith and need to repent. Please pray for me. I do believe that Jesus is the son of…
Read MoreI still worry about the unforgivable sin. What do I do?
Question: Again I have been worrying about the possibility of my having committed a sin that I can never be forgiven of. In Matthew 12 besides using the word “blasphemy,” it uses “speaks against” as well. If a person speaks anything bad about God, how can they be forgiven? What if there really is a…
Read MoreMy girlfriend thinks she blasphemed the Holy Spirit and can’t be forgiven
Question: My girlfriend some time ago after reading a Benny Hinn book about the Holy Spirit, whom she heavily disagree with, found herself unable to resist thinking against the Holy Spirit. I’m not sure what she thought, but she assures me that it was terrible. Since then she has had other thoughts while praying and…
Read MoreIsn’t the one and only unpardonable sin the denial of Christ?
Question: Concerning your outline, “A Sin Leading to Death”: Jesus Christ died for our sins. He was God in the flesh; the only person who ever lived that was without sin. So, he died and was resurrected so that we may be free from sin. When we accept him as our Lord and Savior we are forgiven. There…
Read MoreCan you be forgiven after blaspheming?
Question: I was reading another answer that you gave to someone else concerning unforgivable sin and blasphemy. You wrote: “God defined blasphemy in Numbers 15:30-31. “But the person who does anything defiantly, whether he is native or an alien, that one is blaspheming the LORD; and that person shall be cut off from among his…
Read MoreIf you sell yourself to the devil, is this an unforgivable sin?
Question: I had a question after reading some of your site. You say it is possible to sell your soul to the devil. So is that an example of a sin that is unforgivable by God? And even if it is forgivable does the devil now own your soul anyway so you are still going to…
Read MoreThe Point of No Return
by Tom Wacaster A plane, flying across the ocean, will eventually reach the “point of no return.” It is a real and definite point, beyond which it is better, in case of mechanical problems, to proceed than to attempt a return to the origination point. In the mind of the pilot, it is impossible to…
Read MoreIsn’t there at least one sin worse than other sins?
Question: You said that sin is sin in the eyes of God, but Mark 3:22-30 says there is an unforgivable sin. Isn’t that a sin worse than forgivable sins? Answer: “Assuredly, I say to you, all sins will be forgiven the sons of men, and whatever blasphemies they may utter; but he who blasphemes against the…
Read MoreA Sin Leading to Death
by Jeffrey W. Hamilton I. I John 5:16-17 A. Some sins lead to death, but others do not B. We should pray for those who sin which does not lead to death. C. We are not to pray for those whose sin leads to death II. How do we tell which sin leads to death? A. Which kind of death? 1. Physical…
Read MoreA Sin Leading to Death
by Jeffrey W. Hamilton “If anyone sees his brother committing a sin not leading to death, he shall ask and God will for him give life to those who commit sin not leading to death. There is a sin leading to death; I do not say that he should make request for this. All unrighteousness…
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