A Manifesto for Myself on Social Media

by Doy Moyer Please note that these are thoughts I’m mulling over for my own growth and attitude as I think about culture. If you disagree with anything here, that’s fine. I ask for respect and consideration, but you are also perfectly free to ignore this. This is in first person because they really are…

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Does Foot Washing Indicate Acceptance?

by Doy Moyer Much has been made over the recent “He gets us” ads depicting various scenes of different kinds of people washing their feet and having their feet washed. The debate is over what this means. Is it a good illustration of what Jesus would do? Does it accurately convey who Jesus is or…

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How do you be around someone who has done evil?

Question: Hi, I’ve been reading through your website and have found your work interesting. I was wondering if you have some advice for me in a situation relating to my boyfriend and his family. Recently my boyfriend’s stepmother filed for divorce against his father. Scripturally, both parties are in the wrong in different aspects. His…

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Larimore and Tant

by F. Yater Tant Gospel Guardian, September 22, 1955 In the 1890s the beloved T. B. Larimore held a six-month meeting at Sherman, Texas, and baptized something like 250 people. His prestige there and his influence were almost comparable to Paul’s in Galatia at the time the Galatians “would have plucked out their eyes” and…

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What Is Tolerated Today Becomes Accepted Tomorrow

by Dick Millwee Many years ago I read a quote that I found to be true. This was the quote: “What is tolerated today becomes accepted tomorrow.” Whoever said that said a mouthful and hit the nail on the head. Let me give a couple of examples. In 1939 a movie was made that had…

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Coddling Sinners

by Ron Daly To “coddle” is to treat indulgently. Coddling sinners not only can be but is disastrous to an individual or congregation. God does not give us any authority to provide an “escape hatch” for sinners, that is, people who sin and do not repent. Obviously, if a person repents of his sins and…

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A City Full of Idols

by Matthew W. Bassford As all of us are doubtless aware, we are currently in the middle of Pride Month, a celebration of a number of different lifestyles the Bible condemns as sinful. In case we have forgotten, anytime we shop at a chain store, displays and decorations all remind us. I would not be…

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The “Come as You Are” Method of Church Growth

by Mike Johnson Churches want to grow in number, but, sadly, many improper methods are used by churches today to increase their membership. One of these is the “Come as You Are” method. This method of growth is prevalent today in denominationalism. Slogans such as “God loves you no matter what” or “We don’t judge…

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by Ken Weliever via The Preacher’s Word Thomas Donelan, a Florida minister, offered this description of tolerance. To tolerate means I can disagree with you while still respecting you. One person is a Republican, another Democrat. We put aside our differences and get along. One person is a (Florida) Gator, another a (Florida Seminole University)…

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Merciless Progressivism

by Matthew W. Bassford The other day, I read a fascinating op-ed, “The Cruelty of Call-Out Culture” by David Brooks. It tells the story of a member of a punk-rock band who called out the band’s lead singer for sending an unwelcome, explicit photograph to a woman, leading to his banishment from the punk-rock scene.…

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The Rationale of the Tolerant

by Warren Berkley via Truth Magazine – May 16, 1974 The idea of sinking all our differences into a sea of “love” and sweet tolerance and uniting in division seems to be rapidly reaching every part of the religious world. Denominational bodies who have formerly harbored revenge are now skillfully defending latitudinarianism and independence of…

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Desensitized to Sin

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/DesensitizedToSin.mp3 by Raymond Warfel

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I was greatly blessed by your article “Jesus Offends People”

Question: Good day. I read your article titled “Jesus Offends People,” and I am greatly blessed. God has inspired me to study His word more lately. Please, keep on sharing the good news with us. Answer: I’m glad you found the lesson from the study of the Gospel Accounts was useful in your studies.

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Intolerance of Contrary Views

Source: The Tribune Washington Bureau, “Pastor drops out of inauguration,” Omaha World-Herald, 11 January 2013. The President invited a man to give a benediction at his inauguration, but when it was discovered that the man had stated in lessons back in the 1990s that homosexuality was contrary to the teachings of Christianity, which is true…

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Does God allow differing beliefs, such as regarding evolution?

Question: Hello, I really like your site. I believe you’re the real deal. It’s clear you love God. Something has bothered me and been hurting my faith. I wondered why so many people have different views on the Bible. For instance, you said the world was 6,000 years old. I was taught that the world…

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Islamists Stone a Couple Engaged in Fornication

Source: “Islamists in Mali stone young couple to death,” The New York Times, 31 July 2012 “Islamists stoned a young couple to death after accusing them of having children outside of marriage, said a local official who was one of several hundred witnesses. … They were forced into holes about 4 feet deep, with their heads…

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The Other Side of Truth

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/OtherSideOfTruth.mp3 by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: II Thessalonians 1:3-10   I.         People tend to focus one aspect, one characteristic when they deal with another person             A.        We have a tendency to categorize people, to pick out a dominate trait             B.        When people talk about God or Jesus, they will focus on the love of God.                         1.         God is love,…

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The Intolerance and Lies of Open-Mindedness

by Doy Moyer We’ve all heard it: we don’t accept a particular viewpoint so, therefore, we are closed-minded bigots trapped inside some blind faith and hope fostered by an ancient, cultish superstition. Those who make such charges are, of course, open-minded, loving, tolerant, compassionate people who are willing to accept others for who they are…

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The Faith of Toleration

by Todd Chandler via Biblical Insights, Vol. 8, No. 7, July 2008. Right and Wrong … Fewer People Like to Think in Those Terms or Listen to Those Who Do. The business of drawing lines is risky and a quick way to get labeled judgmental, self-righteous, or hateful. So, a more peaceful option becomes popular. The…

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Eli and Being Soft on Sin

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton I.         There are many things to admire about the man Eli             A.        He judged Israel for 40 years; during which time he was God’s spokesman.             B.        We find no record of any outward evil or sin in his life.             C.        When Eli learns that Samuel will take his place, Eli does not rebel, grow bitter,…

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We may disagree, but it doesn’t matter, so long as we get to heaven

Question: I disagree with some of your answers, but it doesn’t matter. You have your own beliefs. Some people believe music and dancing is a sin. Who am I to argue with them? Whatever gets them to heaven. Answer: Your statement indicates that you don’t believe there is a right or wrong, except as each…

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Can fellowship be denied?

Question: Where is the Bible passage that authorizes you to deny me fellowship as a member of the church when I acknowledge Christ and have been baptized? is there an ugly little secret that only those whose baptismal outlook is baptismal regenerationist are recognized? Apparently, my belief that my sins had been cleansed is not…

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