Do we need to confess our sinfulness every day?


I grew up Catholic but have turned away from it and am finally learning how to/what it means to 'walk with the Lord". Is it correct to confess our sinfulness every day or necessary to do so before prayer?

Do we confess to Jesus or Father God?

How do we confess? This confuses me because the only way I ever knew was to go to a priest and recite certain prayers before and after the confession.

I feel depressed sometimes because it occurs to me that all I'm capable of is sin. Sometimes I really get that I need complete dependence on God to live true. I need Father God to simply exist, His Son Jesus to return to heaven, and His Holy Spirit to even have the desire to know Him and live right. It's exhausting. This world is so heavy and there are so many pitfalls - like walking across a minefield.


Everyone, except for Jesus Christ, has been guilty of sin at times in their lives (Romans 3:23). To claim that you have not been guilty of sin is a lie (which, ironically, is a sin) (I John 1:8-10). Yes, we all have the capability to sin, but what the Bible doesn't say is that we are innately sinful or that we sin every day (though many do sin frequently).

When you have sinned, you admit your fault to God. "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness" (I John 1:9). In the New Testament, there is no priestly class, nor is there a requirement to confess your sins to church leaders in order to be forgiven or ritualistic prayers. See:

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