Did my mother die in sin?

Question: I want to make clear why this is so important for me. It would be either way when it comes to a mother, but given how much I owe her, it is especially concerning for me. I apologize if it’s a bit long. I was born in Texas (raised there too). My mom raised…

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Hate the Sin, But Not the Sinner?

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/HateTheSin.mp3 Text: II Peter 3   I.         It is common to face criticism when a strong stand is taken             A.        I noticed in the papers many years ago , that the Methodists and Episcopals were in a quandary.                         1.         The majority wanted strong stands against homosexuality, but a large element objected                         2.         The objection was that if you take…

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Blaming the Wrong Thing

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/BlamingTheWrongThing.mp3 by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Proverbs 3:1-8   I.         Years ago, an incident happened that makes a good illustration. An older woman bought a cup of coffee at a McDonalds, but not having a convenient place to set it, put it between her legs. As she drove off, the coffee sloshed and she ended up…

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Is sinless perfection not expected of Christians?

Question: I read a few posts on the website where you talked about how Christians are not to expect sinless perfection in themselves. This was very encouraging to me! I have been raised in the Nazarene church. Nazarenes have a lot of really great strengths, but sometimes it can be tough, as they believe that…

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Man’s Sinful Nature

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/MansSinfulNature.mp3 by Jeffrey W. Hamilton I.          I’ve been hearing a lot about man’s sinful nature              A.         A large number of people in denominations take it for granted that mankind is born sinful.                           1.          In other words, people can’t help but to sin because it is a part of our nature.                           2.          The Philadelphia Confession of Faith (p. 7-8) states…

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God and the Problem of Sin

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/GodAndTheProblemOfSin.mp3 by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Titus 2:11-15   I.         God’s Nature             A.        God is Holy – Isaiah 6:3                         1.         There is not even a hint of sin in God – I John 1:5                         2.         Evil is not a part of His nature, nor does He accept evil in others – Psalms 5:4                         3.         If we are to have fellowship…

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My husband is changing, but it seems he is getting away with his sins

Question: I have a complicated question. My husband is a preacher. I cannot possibly tell you our life stories, but suffice it to say that we did not have normal upbringings and both became Christians when we were young adults. The first several years of our marriage were filled with much anger, resentment, abuse, and…

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I have a hard time believing in God, but it might be because of my sins

Question: I find it difficult to believe in and trust God, I have heard all of the arguments for His existence, such as the kalam cosmological argument, and others like it, so I believe that there is a real possibility that God exists. Also, I am quite versed in Christian theology and believe that if…

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What sends you to hell?

Question: My question is: What sends you to hell? I know that’s a dumb question, but I’ve heard so many different things. I believe in Jesus and that he can save me, but I always have this doubt. I feel Satan has put it there because I’ve never doubted the Lord before. I can’t get…

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Would that Bother You?

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/WouldThatBotherYou.mp3 by Raymond Warfel

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Are willful sins irremissible?

Question: Hello, I repented wholeheartedly and believed that I would never (willfully) sin again.  I was determined to not sin.  I was overjoyed to be baptized for the forgiveness of my sins because I knew what Jesus went through to make it possible, and I thought that surely I would never turn my back and…

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If God knew we would sin, why did God create us?

Question: God bless you. My heart has been troubled lately with a question that I can’t seem to answer I’ve been praying about it but no answer yet. Why did God create us? If he knew that Satan would rebel against him and that Adam and Eve would fall into sin why did he create…

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Imagined Sins

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/ImaginedSins.mp3 by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Proverbs 30:5-6   I.         Certain ideas get repeated in the religious world, often enough that people accept them as truth without stopping to ask if this is really in the Bible or not             A.        “You are saved by faith alone” – despite James 2:24             B.        “Baptism is an outward sign of an…

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Creeping Toward Sodom

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/CreepingTowardSodom.mp3 by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Genesis 13:1-13   I.         Lot’s problems began when his herdsmen could no longer get along with the herdsmen of Abram – Genesis 13:5-7             A.        This is often the first sign of problems among brethren – they are no longer able to be of one mind                         1.         I Corinthians 1:10-13 – There were…

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Saint or Sinner?

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/SaintOrSinner.mp3 by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Psalms 1   I.         Would you describe yourself as a saint or a sinner? Or perhaps you see yourself as both.             A.        John Calvin, and his followers, believe that God selects those who are saved. Once selected, that person cannot be removed from God’s saving hand.             B.        We realize that this cannot…

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How do I become more consistent?

Question: I’ve been disobedient and I want to be closer to God. I want him to bless me. The thing is, I’m a very inconsistent person. Most times, deep down, I don’t feel like reading the Bible, which is horrible. Before when I felt like this I forced myself to read it hoping that the…

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I Met Him at the Cross

by Forest D. Moyer via Mind Your Faith In the heart of every person, there is a longing for a Supreme Being. Men who do not know Jehovah have manufactured various gods and rendered their service to the gods of human minds. Those who have diligently sought truth have come to realize that the Bible is…

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Can a Christian’s worship be hindered if he is in sin?

Question: Good morning, Can a Christian’s worship be hindered if they are in sin? Does God expect Christians to be completely holy when we worship Him? Answer: “Husbands, likewise, dwell with them with understanding, giving honor to the wife, as to the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that…

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What is the difference between sin, iniquity, and abomination?

Question: Is there any difference between sin and iniquity, and is there any difference between sin and abomination? Answer: “Sin” generally translates the Greek word harmartia. It means to err, to miss the mark or the goal. Harmartia and its related forms are the most general word describing that which is sin. In Hebrew, the word is chatta’ah, which…

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This has not been a good year for me. I need to regain my faith

Question: Please pray with me. This year has not been good for me. I’ve had a terrible fight with my manager. I put her in an awkward place at work. I’ve bad-mouthed her and now at work, I’ve misused the money. I might lose the job. I have a two-year-old baby girl. I’ve started using…

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How can I change my life around?

Question: How can I change my life around? It’s like everything is falling apart for me. I pray repeatedly, but I find myself doing the same sin over again – drinking, smoking cigarettes, looking at porn, lusting, cheating, and everything else that’s worldly. I don’t want to do any of these things anymore. I just…

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How can sins keep you from getting to heaven if you are saved?

Question: Hi, I’m confused with the passage I Corinthians 6:9-10. Because if these things send a person to hell, then wouldn’t that go against what the churches teach today when they say you just have to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior and you are going to Heaven? Answer: “Do you not know that…

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When a Christian sins, does he stop being a Christian?

Question: When a Christian sins, are they automatically rejected by God? Does this mean they are no longer a Christian until they repent? Answer: Men put up a barrier between themselves and God with their sins. “Behold, the LORD’S hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; nor His ear heavy, that it cannot hear. But your…

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Doesn’t the Bible say that sins should not be hidden but exposed?

Question: Sir, This is in regards to Am I not able to get pregnant because I didn’t tell my husband about my adultery years ago? My writing to you is that there is nowhere in Scripture that God encourages secrecy when it comes to sin. In fact, Scripture does the opposite, in which it shows…

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Who is Amenable to God’s Laws?

by Glenn Young The fact that I am a preacher of the gospel has involved me in many discussions about various biblical issues. While working with a particular congregation, I conducted a radio program designed to allow callers to ask Bible questions. On one occasion, a caller questioned us about a marriage situation involving divorce…

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I just can’t seem to keep away from sin

Question: Hi, I am 18 years old and I’m really struggling to be a good Christian. I want to change so much, but I just can’t. I read the Bible and pray every night, but I never put the verses into practice. I pray and ask God to help me change, for the Holy Spirit…

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If everything comes from God, doesn’t evil come from God?

Question: You said in a writing, that all good things come from God. I can understand this and agree with it. But what I don’t understand is if by that same logic don’t all things come from God directly or by proxy, including all the bad and evil in the world? I don’t understand this…

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Did my sins cause my pain? If I stop, will my disease go away?

Question: Dear preacher, I am 25 years old. For the past six years, I have been walking with severe heel pain in both legs. I have consulted many doctors, and I have taken many pain killers, steroids, and anti-inflammatory medications but I am unable to walk properly. I was once a district volleyball player, but…

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The Willful Sin

by Foy E. Wallace, Jr. via Number One Gospel Sermons, pages 133-134. From a sermon, “The Meaning of Faith,” preached for the Nashville Road church, February 1967, brother Wallace was giving a synopsis of the book of Hebrews when he said… [Billy Moore] The following chapters of eight, nine, and ten are new covenant chapters. The…

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When God Forsook Jesus

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/WhenGodForsookJesus.mp3 by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Matthew 27:33-54   I.         Assumptions can lead to wrong conclusions             A.        As Jesus was dying on the cross, he cried out – Matthew 27:46             B.        Some claim that God abandoned Jesus because Jesus took on the world’s sins:                         1.          “My answer is that it was Jesus, the Man who became sin for…

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