Why Pray for the Sick?

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Why-Pray-for-the-Sick.mp3 by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Download Audio Text: Acts 3:1-11   I.         We have talked about the purpose of miracles earlier             A.        Purpose                         1.         To reveal the truth – John 16:13                         2.         To confirm the truth                                     a.         Hebrews 2:3-4 – God shows his agreement with the speaker                                     b.         Mark 16:20 – Confirmed the word spoken                                     c.         Acts 2:22 – Jesus was attested…

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The Providence of God and Miracles

by Osamagbe Lesley Egharevba via Unmasking Sophistry, Vol. 4, No. 2, April-June 2024 It is a common teaching among the Pentecostals that miracles exist today. We often hear various claims among different churches about certain miracles that were performed. Sadly, even among some members of the churches of Christ, there seem to be those who…

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Does God direct our lives?

Question: I have appreciated your website and the answers you share from the truth of God’s word.  I thought maybe you could help me with this: A friend is telling me that God reveals things to us about what to do about jobs, health, etc. In the sense that God directs our path, I suppose…

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Children According to the Promise

by Matthew W. Bassford The wisdom and subtlety of God truly are beyond our comprehension. Sometimes, though, we are privileged to get a glimpse of it in the Scriptures. This is the case with the story of Abraham and his descendants in Genesis, which only makes sense in the light of its New-Testament explanation. For…

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I’m struggling with the ideas of foreknowledge and free will

Question: Thank you for all your articles and answers. They are beneficial. I have recently been struggling very much with the idea of foreknowledge and free will. I have always believed that we have free will and that God can simply use whatever our decisions are to accomplish his will. However, there are a few…

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God Revealed

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/God-Revealed.mp3 by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Revelation 15:1-6   I.         In the beginning, Adam and Eve had fellowship with God             A.        God directly interacted with His creation – Genesis 2:15-22             B.        He walked in the garden – Genesis 3:8             C.        But they had sinned and that sin – separated them from God – Genesis 3:22-24             D.        That has remained true…

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Characteristics of the Spiritually Minded

by Jefferson David Tant Do you know anyone who is spiritually minded? This is someone who is more than being merely religious … more than having been baptized … more than attending services regularly … more than giving liberally. A person may do all of this and still not be spiritually minded, for Paul wrote…

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God’s Providence

by Ken Green J. W. McGarvey, the great Restoration preacher and scholar of the 19th century, published two sermons on providence. One was based on the Genesis account of Joseph. The other was based on the book of Esther. Both narratives are permeated with the amazing and mysterious providence of God. The dictionary defines providence…

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God Provides

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/God-Provides.mp3 by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Luke 12:22-31   I.         Imagine having an illness that left you unable to move on your own             A.        Suffering with this disease for 38 years! – John 5:5-7             B.        And then a stranger comes up and cures your disease – John 5:8-9             C.        No longer weak, no longer dependent!             D.        The Jews accused Jesus…

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Kicking Against the Goads

by Whit Sasser A goad is an animal prod — a stick that is jabbed into the hind section of, say a plowing ox, to stimulate better forward movement. Almost instinctively, the animal may be aggravated by the prodding goad and kick against it. People can be the same way. In a figurative sense, people…

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Four Things God Provides

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/FourThingsGodProvides.mp3 by Raymond Warfel

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The Providence of God

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/2014Fall7TheProvidenceOfGod.mp3 by Mike Waters The Good Life

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The Providence of God

by Thomas Thornhill Anyone who studies the Bible carefully comes face to face with the providence of God. His hand is seen in events that unfold throughout the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. If one really believes the Bible one will also believe in the providence of God. Yet, many who see God’s hand in…

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Is this girl the answer to my prayers?

Question: I met the girl online, and we have been talking online for several months now, We haven’t actually met in person but we plan on meeting up next week. We are both Christian, and we have had a few differences of opinion, and arguments. I literally fell in love with this girl before I’ve…

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Are we limiting God by saying miracles don’t happen today?

Question: I have a friend who believes, like many people, that spiritual gifts still exist. He says to believe that they don’t is limiting the Holy Spirit. I told him that I see that as the opposite being true. To say that some have the gift of healing today and many many others don’t is…

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How much do we do before we let God take over?

Question: I have been wondering about how God works in the world today. I am confused about how much we are to do before we let God take over. I believe that God wants us to do what we can and then He will do his part. Is this correct?  I keep thinking about Abraham…

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Seven Facts about God’s Providence

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/SevenFactsAboutGodsProvidence.mp3 by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Ephesians 6:10-20   I.         There are questions we have regarding how God works in the world today for which we have no answers             A.        We cannot see the spiritual realm             B.        We cannot measure the influence the spiritual realm has on our thoughts             C.        God hasn’t told us everything                         1.         Job 5:8-15 – God…

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How does God influence us?

Question: A while back I was looking through Scripture and discussing with a friend about the influence of the Holy Spirit, God, and Jesus. I don’t remember where the Scriptures are at. I should make a list of subjects and put down Scriptures in the list when I find one that goes along with the…

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From a Fortune Cookie

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton I was at a Chinese restaurant the other day. It had been several years since I had been there, and the food quality had gone downhill in the meantime. But at the end of the meal came the traditional fortune cookie. As I munched on the treat I read the slip…

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Where was God’s protection for those caught in the September 11th tragedy?

Question: I recently read a piece lauding the blessings of the people who were supposed to be at the World Trade Center the morning of September 11, 2002, but in small ways, they were detained by the mishaps of life, faulty alarms, children dallying, traffic, etc. These people were saying how good and protective God…

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