May Women Serve as Priests?

by Floyd Chappalear via Sentry Magazine, Vol. 13, No. 4, December 31, 1987 The priesthood of the Mosaical dispensation was a special priesthood limited by the Law to certain males of the tribe of Levi. These ordained representatives of God had the exclusive right to offer sacrifices on behalf of the people. Today, no such…

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Jesus, the Great High Priest

by Doy Moyer When God brought Israel out of Egypt and established a covenant, He also established a priesthood through the levitical family of Aaron. Aaron and his sons were anointed and consecrated through sacrifice, with Aaron as the first High Priest. The tent of meeting was made so that God would meet with the…

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Why did God forbid priests who had defects from serving?

Question: In Leviticus 21:18, those people were not responsible for being that way. How can I explain this to others, especially that of a flat-nosed person? Answer: Many of the laws regarding worship under the Old Testament existed because they symbolically represented something under the New Testament. Thus, sacrifices had to be without defect (e.g.…

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Was Mary’s mother a Levite?

Question: Regarding necessary inferences in the New Testament: Fact: Mary and Elisabeth are cousins. Fact: Elisabeth had to be a full-blooded Levite in order to marry a priest. (Zacharias) Fact: Mary’s father was of the tribe of Judah. What would be wrong with making a “necessary inference” and infer that Elisabeth’s mother and Mary’s mother…

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Corruption in Church Organization by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Download Audio Text: Acts 20:17-35   I.         Equality of members (first century)             A.        The early church was marked by the equality of its members – Galatians 3:28; Colossians 3:11             B.        As Jesus prayed, the desire was for all Christians to be one – John 17:20-21             C.        There were different duties, but the people were…

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Why do people choose the priesthood when they want to follow Jesus?

Question: I was wondering if many people who accepted Jesus and decided to follow him joined the priesthood. My question is: Is becoming a priest the only way to follow Jesus and go to Heaven? Why do people choose the priesthood when they want to follow Jesus? And what is the difference between becoming a…

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Was the standard for priests to have short hair and trimmed beards?

Question: I was wondering about Ezekiel 44:20, “They shall neither shave their heads nor let their hair grow long, but they shall keep their hair well-trimmed.” I was wondering: Was this a standard for the priests before this time or was this instituted later? I can’t seem to find it for the priests beforehand. But…

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All Christians Are Priests

by David J. Riggs from Catholic Teaching Examined A study of the New Testament reveals that all Christians are priests. Peter said, “You too are living stones, built as an edifice of spirit, into a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ” (I Peter 2:5; The New Catholic Translation). Thus, all Christians…

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Why can’t women be priests?

Question: Hello, I’ve got a question: Why can’t women be priests? I’ve already asked my dad and he says it’s just because of tradition. I’ve been wanting to know more about God and I’m a lot more curious about why things are. A thing I do believe is that there are certain things that women…

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Did the Levitical priesthood replace the priesthood of Melchizedek?

Question: “For the priesthood being changed, there is made of necessity a change also of the law” (Hebrews 7:12). Did the Levitical priesthood replace the priesthood of Melchizedek? Answer: Under the Old Law of Moses, priests came from the tribe of Levi and, starting with David, kings came from the tribe of Judah. Melchizedek was…

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Was there a ritual that a Levite had to go through before becoming a high priest?

Question: Was there a ritual (cleansing, education, ceremony, etc.) that a Levite must go through before he became the high priest? Answer: Among the Levites, only descendants of Aaron could become priests or high priests. Other Levites served the Lord but in different functions. The consecration of a Levite before his service is covered in…

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What was the significance of anointing Aaron as high priest?

Question: What was the significance of anointing Aaron as high priest? Answer: Anointing was a representation of setting something or someone apart for a special purpose. Thus, the altar was anointed before offerings were placed on them to God. “And you shall offer a bull every day as a sin offering for atonement. You shall…

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Doesn’t John 20:23 say that priests can forgive sins?

Question: You commented on priests not being able to forgive sins. What about John 20:21-23? Answer: After Jesus’ resurrection, he appeared to the apostles. “Then, the same day at evening, being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled, for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and…

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Where does the Bible say the priesthood is given to all men?

Question: I have seen the Scripture in the Old or New Testament which states that the priesthood is to be given to all men.  However, I don’t remember where I found it. Would you please help us to locate it? Answer: “Therefore, if perfection were through the Levitical priesthood (for under it the people received…

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Were only priests allowed to offer sacrifices?

Question: Were priests from the tribe of Levi the only ones who could lawfully offer sacrifices?  If so, why did the Judges do them?  Noticed that none of the Judges were from the tribe of Levi (using the information I have anyway).  I am wondering about this in conjunction with Saul offering the sacrifice and…

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What were the priest and the Levite’s duties?

Question: What were the priest’s duties and the Levite’s duties? Answer: Under the Mosaical Law, the tribe of Levi was dedicated to the service of God. “At that time the LORD separated the tribe of Levi to bear the ark of the covenant of the LORD, to stand before the LORD to minister to Him…

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Were all Levitical Priests left-handed?

Question: Is it true that all Levite Priest were left-handed? If so, why? Answer: In Israel, left-handedness was rare enough that it received mention at times. Ehud was left-handed (Judges 3:15). This allowed Ehud to smuggle in a sword to assassinate King Eglon by strapping the sword to his right thigh (the guards only thought…

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How long were the priests’ breeches?

Question: In one of your articles, you mentioned that Exodus 28:42 means from the waist to and including the thighs. What is your source for this interpretation? Answer: “And you shall make for them linen trousers to cover their nakedness; they shall reach from the waist to the thighs” (Exodus 28:42). This verse was discussed in the…

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What is the difference between a priest and a Levite?

Question: What is the difference between the priests and the Levites in the Old Testament? Answer: Initially, God offered to make the entire nation of Israel a nation of priests. “Now therefore, if you will indeed obey My voice and keep My covenant, then you shall be a special treasure to Me above all people;…

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What is wrong with Catholicism?

Question: What is the difference between Catholicism and Christianity? What is wrong with the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church? Answer: This is a large subject on which many books have been written. I will not be able to address this question in detail, but perhaps giving an overview will help. Catholicism has its roots…

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