Why Christ Is Worthy of Praise

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Why-Christ-Is-Worthy-of-Praise.mp3 by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Hebrews 1:1-14   I.         Christ has been appointed heir of all things             A.        Everything belonging to the Father are Christ’s – John 16:15             B.        The nations were given to him as an inheritance – Psalms 2:8             C.        All things are gathered together under his rule – Ephesians 1:10             D.        All Christians are his inheritance…

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Fruitful Christians

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Fruitful-Christians.mp3 by Jeffery W. Hamilton Text John 15:1-8   I.         We know that Jesus’ words in John 15 concerning the vine and branches are dealing with individual Christians and not denominations.             A.        Jesus is the vine, each one of us are branches off that vine, and God is the vinedresser.             B.        But don’t get so caught up in…

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Lessons from the Old Testament

by Leland R. Ping Sentry Magazine, June 2002 Paul wrote to the church at Rome in Romans 15:4 that “whatever things were written before were written for our learning.” In a simple statement like this, the persecutor-turned-apostle explained the reason for the Old Testament. In light of a statement like this, it is prudent to…

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What is the difference between praise and worship?

Question: I need a lesson from you about the difference between praise and worship. What is it that we mean when we say “let’s praise the Lord” and when we say “let’s worship the Lord”? Please help me in that area. Answer: Praise “And she conceived again and bore a son and said, “This time…

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Praise the Lord!

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/PraiseTheLord.mp3 by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Psalms 113   I.         What, exactly, is meant when someone says, “Praise the Lord!”?             A.        Do you go around saying “Praise the Lord!” once in a while?             B.        When something nice happens to a friend, do you respond with “Praise the Lord!”?             C.        Often words and phrases are used with little thought as…

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How do we praise God?

Question: Mr. Hamilton, I hear a lot of people talking about what they do to praise God, so my question is: How do we praise the Father according to His word? Thank you. Answer: In the Old Testament, one common word that is translated as “praise” is tehillah, which literally means “to cause to shine.”…

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How can I glorify God in everything I do but still have fun in the process?

Question: I’m a 14-year-old guy. Most guys like to play sports, games, computers, etc. Well when I’m taking part in these activities, I’m thinking to myself, “stop idolizing this stuff, you could be reading the Bible instead.” In other words, whenever I am doing something fun, it feels like I should be reading the Word…

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If something is used to praise God, then it can’t be wrong, can it?

Question: In God’s worship, should everyone be in one accord, like everybody doing the same thing? I ask because I know there shouldn’t be musical instruments in the church. I play the piano and people have told me that I was wrong because I didn’t play in a church — something about me not using…

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What is the purpose of praise and worship?

Question: What is the purpose of praise and worship? Answer: The word “worship” means to honor and give respect to a divine being or supernatural power. God claims worship as His exclusive right. “For it is written, ‘You shall worship the LORD your God, and Him only you shall serve.’ ” (Matthew 4:10). And yet through…

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