Posts Tagged ‘persistence’
Steadfast Persistence
by Zeke Flores Luke 11 includes an event in which Jesus’ disciples ask Him to teach them to pray. He instructs them in what we commonly call the Lord’s prayer (although technically, it’s the disciples’ prayer since Jesus taught it to them) and follows it up with the famous saying about asking, seeking, and knocking.…
Read MoreGive Him No Rest
by David Gibson In a not-so-familiar passage, God urges Israel, “You who remind the LORD, take no rest for yourselves; and give Him no rest …” (Isaiah 62:6-7 NASB). In other words, keep petitioning God in your prayers for the good of His people. He will hear and respond! Persistence pays! Jesus strongly emphasizes the…
Read MoreBurnout by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I Corinthians 9:24-27 I. You pour your energies into a project until there is no more to give; yet, more is needed to finish. It is impossible! So you give up. A. It is called burn out. 1. I see it happen often on long hikes. The young run ahead with…
Read MoreOur Persistence
Our Persistence – Part 1Our Persistence – Part 2 by Garry Floyd
Read MoreI’m All Petered Out
by Jefferson David Tant The sun was sinking, and the day’s work was done. The farmer shut off his tractor, walked to the house, and into the kitchen where his wife had his coffee waiting for him. As he sat, he wiped the sweat off his brow and said, “I’m all petered out.” Niels Frederik…
Read MorePerfection or Perseverance?
by Ken Green “Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity. Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to exhortation, to teaching. Do not neglect the gift you have, which was given you by prophecy…
Read MoreReading Matthew 25 as a Unit
by Matthew W. Bassford The wise and the foolish virgin by Jan Adam Kruseman, 1848 Through the years, God has managed to hammer a few insights about the Bible into my thick head. One of them is that in the gospels, the order of stories matters. It’s common for the Evangelist to arrange material so…
Read MorePray BIG! by Wilson Adams Faith Over Fear
Read MoreLittle by Little by Wayne Fancher Exodus 23:30 Little by little I will drive them out from before you, until you have increased, and you inherit the land. Proverbs 13:11 Dishonest money dwindles away, but he who gathers money little by little makes it grow. I. Spiritual Growth Little By Little Ephesians 4:13 till we all come…
Read MoreDoes the Nice Guy Always Finish Last? by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text Psalm 37 I. I’m sure you have heard the statement before, it is well ingrained in our society’s thinking: “Nice guys finish last.” A. Its more modern than you might realize. A baseball player and manager, Leo Durocher, is the one who said it. 1. He also said, “Winning requires toughness,…
Read MoreNever Give Up
by Jeffrey W. Hamilton He first contacted me because he was struggling with sexual sins. Conversations were not the greatest because English was his second language and I could not speak his. There was also a cultural gap because he only knew the Orthodox church and its teachings. It was also frustrating because he would…
Read MoreDo I stop praying for my husband to come home?
Question: My husband is not spiritually grounded and never really has been. I am a Christian, and I love him very much. We are separated and I’ve been praying for my marriage to be restored. My question is should I stop praying? I don’t want to seem obnoxious, pushy, or impatient toward the Lord, but I…
Read MoreWhy did Jesus ignore the Canaanite woman?
Question: In reference to Matthew 15:22-28, this passage talks about a woman who approaches Jesus asking for help for her daughter. It appears from what she says that she was quite aware of who He was by referring to Him as the Son of David. My question – Why did Jesus not initially answer her,…
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