Posts Tagged ‘perfection’
Sinless Perfectionism
by Floyd Chappalear via Sentry Magazine, Vol. 13, No. 4, December 31, 1987 Some brethren are saying today that they believe the “walk” of the faithful saint is negated if he commits even a single sin inadvertently (or against his will). This, of course, would include the sin of teaching a point of error. I…
Read MoreI don’t think I’ll ever be perfect
Question: I struggle to keep my heart and thoughts on God through the day. I’ll be doing good for a while, then doubts creep in, saying you won’t ever amount up to God by trying to be perfect, even though Jesus said to be perfect like the Father. I feel as though He’s grown tired…
Read MoreIt seems impossible to abstain from all evil
Question: I think about the verse ‘Abstain from all evil.’ I feel it’s impossible, and I can’t even try to be perfect. Does it sound like I don’t have enough faith? Answer: What frequently happens is that people hear a verse but subtly change it in their memory. I Thessalonians 5:21-22 says, “But examine everything…
Read MoreIdeal Versus the Real
by Jeff Wolverton Sentry Magazine, December 1999 As Christians, we are instructed to add the Christian graces to our life (II Peter 1:5-8). We are also told that if we love Christ we will keep His commandments (John 14:15). James tells us that if we stumble at one point we have become guilty of all…
Read MorePerfection or Perseverance?
by Ken Green “Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity. Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to exhortation, to teaching. Do not neglect the gift you have, which was given you by prophecy…
Read MoreMake Me Know My End Text: Psalms 39 I. Psalms 38-40 cover related themes regarding the problems caused by sin A. God has punished David because of his sin – Psalms 38:1-2 B. Between God’s punishment and the burden of the sin itself, David feels overwhelmed – Psalms 38:3-8 C. Even close friends and family avoid you when you are suffering because…
Read MoreCan we become perfect?
Question: What is perfection? Can we, as Christians, obtain perfection? If so, how do we obtain it? Answer: The Greek word translated as “perfect” is the word teleion. It means something that is complete, perfect, whole, full-grown, ripe, mature, or adult. Thus, becoming perfect is just another way of saying you have matured. In “Yet we…
Read MoreIs it possible to have sinned so much that I won’t be saved?
Question: I am a baptized believer. I try my best to be obedient. I try to pick up my cross and follow Christ daily. I fail a lot! Is it possible to have sinned so much that I won’t be saved? Thanks. Answer: God isn’t looking for perfect people because there are none. He is…
Read MoreWhen I have days where I don’t read or pray as much as I usually do, does that mean I won’t reach heaven?
Question: Hey Mr. Jeffrey, I have resolved to walk in all of God’s ways, and I’ve been faithfully doing as best as I can. I’ve been behaving, but when I see places where Jesus says to strive to enter into narrow gate because many seek to enter, but will not be able to. Also, He…
Read MoreFaithfulness, Not Perfection
by Matthew W. Bassford Over the past few weeks, Shawn and I have spent Sunday mornings explaining how it is that we can know that we are heaven-bound for certain. We’ve seen that we can put our confidence in the powerful sacrifice of Jesus and in the perfect forgiveness of God. However, that doesn’t quiet the…
Read MoreWhy did the perfect God give an imperfect law?
Question: Why did God give men an imperfect law as stated in Hebrews, that is, the Old Law, when God is all perfect? Answer: The Law given to Moses was a good law. “So then, the Law is holy, and the commandment is holy and righteous and good” (Romans 7:12). But there was a flaw…
Read MoreI keep finding sins in my life. Do I need to get baptized again?
Question: Brother Hamilton, This has been bothering me for a while, so I am going to explain my situation. I was baptized as an infant and grew up knowing all about Jesus and what is expected of a Christian. However, as a young adult, after studying the Bible, I realized my baptism was done wrong.…
Read MoreIs sinless perfection not expected of Christians?
Question: I read a few posts on the website where you talked about how Christians are not to expect sinless perfection in themselves. This was very encouraging to me! I have been raised in the Nazarene church. Nazarenes have a lot of really great strengths, but sometimes it can be tough, as they believe that…
Read MoreDo I have to be perfect to go to heaven?
Question: So in order to go to heaven, I must not commit sin or else have repented of all sins I have committed. But doesn’t this require perfect behavior and a perfect understanding of the Scriptures? Where is freedom and liberty in this? Where is there room for growth in this? How is this not…
Read MoreWill I make heaven if I don’t keep God’s laws perfectly?
Question: I read “I have OCD-Religion and obsess over bad thoughts. Is there anything you can do to help me?” today that, in a way, describes my feelings. Although most of it does not concern me, some do and I am wondering if I too have OCD. My problem basically concerns overthinking things. This started…
Read MoreI’m having a hard time studying because if I can’t be perfect, then what is the use?
Question: Now I know it sounds a bit strange but my worst problem is perfectionism. It’s only now that I have started realizing this and how it is the root cause of all my stress and anxiety. I set such tall, lofty standards for myself and feel that any less than that will fail and…
Read MoreAnything Worth Doing Is Worth Doing Badly
by Gary Henry via Gebhard Fugel Moses vor dem brennenden Dornbusch c1920 When God wanted Moses to go deliver Israel, Moses demurred with objections that may have been intended to sound humble: “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh?” (Exodus 3:11), “I am slow of speech and slow of tongue” (Exodus 4:10), etc.…
Read MoreIf I do all the commandments, when will I do enough?
Question: If I do all the commandments, when will I do enough? Answer: In asking this question, you have started off in the wrong direction. Essentially you have asked what is the minimum that I can do to be pleasing to God. Yet God doesn’t want our minimum effort. When a lawyer asked Jesus what…
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