It seems impossible to abstain from all evil


I think about the verse ‘Abstain from all evil.’ I feel it’s impossible, and I can’t even try to be perfect. Does it sound like I don’t have enough faith?


What frequently happens is that people hear a verse but subtly change it in their memory. I Thessalonians 5:21-22 says, "But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good; abstain from every form of evil." It is saying that we should look at all the things that we do. It is far too easy to assume that whatever we do must be acceptable to God (Psalms 19:12-13). The things that are good we should hold onto with a solid grip. But we should avoid or hate the various forms of evil.

In other words, we can't drift through life. We have to take a stand with God for righteous living. Nothing in this verse says a Christian must be perfect. We strive to live as righteously as we can, but we know that every one of us makes mistakes despite our best intentions (I John 1:5-2:1). God is wanting us to try, and when we goof up to admit our mistakes.