Posts Tagged ‘Numbers’
Why were the Levites numbered from 30 to 50 in Numbers 4 and 25 to 50 in Numbers 8?
Question: Could anyone help me with this question? In Numbers 8:24-25, the age limit of the Levites that “wait upon the service” was 25-50; then why in Numbers 4, only those between age 30 to 50 were numbered?” Answer: “Take a census of the sons of Kohath from among the children of Levi, by their…
Read MoreWhat is the significance of Aaron’s rod that budded?
Question: What is the significance of Aaron’s rod that budded? Answer: To understand the significance, you first need to know that neither Moses nor Aaron had an easy time being accepted by the Israelites as their leaders. People had the mistaken notion that they made themselves leaders. After Korah failed to execute a rebellion against…
Read MoreHow long would it have taken Israel to reach Canaan if they had not wandered for 40 years?
Question: How many days would it had taken the Israelites to travel from Egypt to Canaan, instead of 40 years? Answer: If you don’t consider the two years at Mount Sinai, it took Israel about two and a half months to reach the southern edge of Canaan. See: How long did the exodus from Egypt take?
Read MoreWhy was God angry with those who ate the quail?
Question: Hi there! Could you please explain to me why God in Numbers 11:31-34 became angry with those who ate the quail? The Lord said He would provide meat for all to eat. Was quail a forbidden food or not considered meat? Answer: Right after leaving Mount Sinai (Numbers 10:11-13), where God gave them the…
Read MoreWas God speaking through Balaam’s donkey’s mouth?
Question: In Numbers 22-24 (I think) the one guy’s donkey starts talking because God opened the donkey’s mouth, but does that mean that God is talking through the donkey, or did God just show the donkey how to talk? Answer: “Then the LORD opened the mouth of the donkey, and she said to Balaam, “What…
Read MoreWhy are the counts of the Levites off in Numbers 3?
Question: Okay, so I know this is probably going to sound like a pointless question, since it’s just about numbers of people in Numbers, and population censuses are usually rounded off anyway, but why do the rules change throughout the taking of the census? What I mean is, when Moses tallies up all the men…
Read MoreHow did Israel get across land they were forbidden to travel if they came from the Sinai Peninsula?
Question: I have read in several places in the Bible where the southern border of the Promised Land is from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean Sea (Exodus 23:31) If you look at a map you will see the Promised Land seals the Northern Sinai Peninsula from end to end. So, during the Exodus, how…
Read MoreWhy did Moses strike the rock twice and what was Aaron’s participation?
Question: Why did Moses strike the rock twice and what was Aaron’s participation? Answer: “So Moses and Aaron went from the presence of the assembly to the door of the tabernacle of meeting, and they fell on their faces. And the glory of the LORD appeared to them. Then the LORD spoke to Moses, saying,…
Read MoreWere the offerings in Numbers 28 and 29 individual or national offerings?
Question: During our Bible study of the book of Numbers, one of our members asked if “each” individual had to make all those offerings? My answer to the question was to notice the recurring phrase, “besides the regular burnt offering…” (Numbers 28:10, 15, 24, 31; 29:6, 11, 16, 19, 22, etc.). Therefore it is my…
Read MoreWhat saved Joshua and Caleb?
Question: While teaching then the book of Numbers last evening all went pretty well until we arrived at chapter 14. The question was asked: “Apparently, what saved Joshua and Caleb?” I said that it was Moses because he was their mediator and interceded for the people. Several in the class disagreed and said it was…
Read MoreCan you help me with some questions on Numbers 13 and 14?
Question: I’m stuck with trying to answer the following questions I have been given to answer for a class I’m teaching this evening on Numbers 13 and 14. Can you help me out with the following? Twelve spies were selected, one from each tribe. Each of the men was a “leader” (vs.2). They were “heads…
Read MoreWhat new law was given concerning the Passover in Numbers 9?
Question: Maybe you can help straighten me out. I have been asked to teach the book of Numbers so I decided to use David Padfield’s lesson on it, had pamphlets of it made up for each member in the class before studying it thoroughly as I should have and find myself really struggling to find…
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