The Providence of God and Miracles

by Osamagbe Lesley Egharevba via Unmasking Sophistry, Vol. 4, No. 2, April-June 2024 It is a common teaching among the Pentecostals that miracles exist today. We often hear various claims among different churches about certain miracles that were performed. Sadly, even among some members of the churches of Christ, there seem to be those who…

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When Miracles Ceased

by Jefferson David Tant Miraculous events were commonplace in the Old and New Testaments, beginning with Creation, when God “spoke” and the heavens and the earth came into existence. A true miracle is basically the suspension of or overriding the laws of nature. The word is used rather loosely today, as people refer to the…

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Miracle or Miracle Worker?

by Perry Hall Every physical miracle points to a spiritual reality. Every sign and wonder is inferior to the spiritual reality it points to. What would people rather experience? Jesus condemned those demanding signs and wonders (John 6). Miracles visibly benefited people. Therefore, they are preferred. Why are we so willing to accept the inferior…

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Did any woman perform a miracle in the Old Testament?

Question: Are there any Bible references to women performing miracles in the Old Testament? Answer: If you include the gift of prophecy, then several women are mentioned in the Old Testament as being prophetesses: Miriam (Exodus 15:20), Deborah (Judges 4:4), Huldah (II Kings 22:14; II Chronicles 34:22), and Isaiah’s wife (Isaiah 8:3). If you are…

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What is wrong if a person claims to drive out demons?

Question: Good day, If someone is famous for driving out demons and restoring people by scaring them in such a way that his mere presence and antics might result in this person changing for the better, then what is wrong with doing this? Thanks. Answer: It appears that you accept that the person doesn’t really…

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Church Snake Handlers

by Terry Wane Benton I am sorry that a preacher died due to his misunderstanding of the promise of Jesus in Mark 16:15-20. But, the promise was to the apostles who had just been rebuked for “their” unbelief. The miracles that would “follow” those apostles who believed included the promise of protection from taking up…

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God Is in the Small Stuff

by Rhonda Smart I am always delighted when I come across stories in the Bible that at first glance may seem insignificant but upon a deeper dive, I realize they serve as one more way for God to show just how much he loves us. Even though He has a universe to run, God is…

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Was the angel at the pool of Bethesda from God or the Devil?

Question: Dear Sir, There appears to be a lot of confusion regarding whether the angel at the pool of Bethesda was from God or not. Can you give me your insight into where this “angel” came from? Some even go so far as to believe the angel was of the devil which confuses me further. Try…

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How do I convince a Pentecostal of the truth about miracles?

Question: When you get time would you look over these responses I saw from a Oneness Pentecostal in a discussion with a brother over miracles? I completely agree that miracles ceased, and that which is perfect is referring to the word of God, but the Pentecostal Oneness member brings up some stuff I have never…

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Careful with the Word “Miracle”

by Gardner Hall I see increasing numbers of references among disciples of Christ referring to events in their lives as miraculous, or even asking for a miracle. Perhaps it’s time for a reminder that we don’t live in the miraculous age. That fact almost used to be taken for granted in congregations I know and…

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Did the magicians know in advance what Moses planned to do?

Question: Dear sir, I read the article above. I wanted to know why the Egyptian magicians added to the problem of frogs rather than removed them. You said they could not remove them, but have given no logical explanation why they could not. In regard to the snakes you said and I quote “ All it would take…

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Can you break a covenant with Satan and turn back to God?

Question: Hello sir, I have quite a few questions if that’s alright. Is it possible to make a covenant with Satan and break a covenant with God? Can you break the covenant with Satan and turn back to God? Does God ever lose hope in someone and cut them off completely? Does God love all…

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Tell Me What To Do, Lord

(But Do Not Expect Me To Do It) by Carey Scott “Who say, Let Him make speed, let Him hasten His work, that we may see it; and let the purpose of the Holy One of Israel draw near and come to pass, that we may know it!” (Isaiah 5:19). There are several observations that…

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Could any believer cast out demons?

Question: Could believers who had been baptized cast out demons as well or just the apostles? Answer: “These signs will accompany those who have believed: in My name they will cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues; they will pick up serpents, and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt…

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Biblical Infallibility: Arguments Against the Bible Text: I Peter 1:22-25   I.         The arguments have not changed much over the years. Same given today as hundreds of years ago. II.        All or Nothing             A.        Do we have to insist on total infallibility of the Scriptures?             B.        Some fear that one error would overthrow all of Christianity.             C.        However, if the writers of the Bible were…

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The Natural and the Supernatural

by Doy Moyer The ancients typically would not have thought in terms of our modern categories that we call natural and supernatural. Everything was from God and nothing happened apart from him. Even pagans would have attributed pretty much everything to their deities. They did not think that because something happened in nature, that meant…

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Differences in Bible Miracles and Modern Miracles

by Hiram Hutto While Jesus was on earth he made some very startling claims. He claimed to be divine, and the Jews so understood him (John 5:18; 10:33). He claimed to be the Son of God (John 10:35-37). He claimed to be the Messiah (John 4:25-26) and the Savior of the world (John 14:6). But…

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Does prophecy continue because Revelation was written after I Corinthians?

Question: Hi Jeff, I hope you have been doing well. Recently I’ve been particularly confused about visions or prophetic dreams. I’ve been hearing a lot about people claiming to have had ‘visions’ or dreams of the Rapture or coming day of Judgement, and many of them, in particular, have been recent. The most notable one…

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Were the Egyptian magicians able to do real miracles?

Question: I want to know if the Egyptian magicians did real miracles or did they appear to do so by the means of a tonic to immobilize the snakes? Also did the witch at Endor really summon Samuel or was it an illusion? Answer: It might seem that the Egyptian magicians were able to do…

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Demanding a Sign

by Matthew W. Bassford Matthew 16:1-4 is one of the more off-putting passages in the gospels. Some Pharisees and Sadducees come to Jesus asking for a sign. A reasonable request, right? Don’t you have the right to ask a self-proclaimed prophet to show that he’s really from God before you believe in Him? However, Jesus…

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Can false teachers do miracles?

Question: Greeting, Recently I read about this topic from “Summarizing the Book of Acts – Miracles Confirm God’s Word” by Roy H. Lanier, Jr and want to ask your opinion about the material. “Many “Spirit-filled” claimers today contradict plain Bible teachings. Some of their doctrines violate the clear teachings of the Lord. God would not…

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To Whom Shall We Go? by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: John 6:48-69   I.         When Jesus feed the 5,000, his popularity was at an all time high             A.        Some of the people decided it was time to make Jesus their king – John 6:14-15             B.        Jesus left because the people’s motivation was wrong. They were only thinking of the free food Jesus…

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How did the church in Corinth receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit?

Question: How did the Corinthian church receive the Holy Spirit in a miraculous way? Was it by the laying on hands by the apostles or what? Or does the Bible not say? Answer: The church in Corinth was started by the Apostle Paul (Acts 18). He initially taught there for 18 months (Acts 18:11) and…

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Your reasoning is flawed. Spiritual gifts have not ceased

Question: Hello, I have read articles on your site and they are pretty informative. However, your take on Corinthians 13:8-13, stating that spiritual gifts have ceased, is flawed. Verse 8: “Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish…

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Miracles, Signs, and Wonders

by Jefferson David Tant Jesus’ last words to his disciples are known as “The Great Commission,” which is recorded in Matthew 28:18-20 and Mark 16:15-18. Verses 17-20 in Mark’s record have been used by some denominations as proof that these miraculous manifestations are still in operation today. It is the purpose of this study to…

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What Is the Bible?

Question: Hi, I would like some answers to my doubts. I know you can help me with this because of everything I have read on your site. I’m happy that your teachings are exactly the same as our non-denominational church. I find them right too. Praise the Lord! My questions: What exactly is the Bible?…

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Why are miracles not happening in the church?

Question: Hi! I am a member of the church. One thing I never understood is this: There are movies, such as Breakthrough, a true story about a boy falling through ice, then being pronounced dead, and then his mother prays over him and suddenly he starts breathing again, and then he is perfectly fine with…

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Miraculous Spiritual Gifts

by Matthew Bassford Many of you may well have had, as I have had, the experience of talking Bible with somebody who believes that the miraculous spiritual gifts of the first century continue today. Let me be honest with you, brethren. It is difficult to find success in studies with such people. Though it’s not obvious,…

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Do we experience God in a present way or only in the past tense?

Question: Good day, Is the church not to experience God in a “present way,” or does it only need to be in a past tense manner through the Bible? Thanks. Answer: I had difficulty with your question because it was worded vaguely. The meaning changes depending on how you define the terms. God is ever…

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Now Concerning Spiritual Gifts

by Ron Drumm It would be wonderful to have a spiritual gift like the ability to do miracles or the ability to speak in tongues. There are nine gifts of the Spirit listed in the New Testament. They are the word of wisdom, word of knowledge, faith, healings, working of miracles, prophecy, discerning of spirits,…

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Miracles Then Versus Now

by Terry W. Benton When Jesus worked miracles, nobody could deny it. Unbelievers tried to explain them away, but they could not deny a miracle happened. Jesus raised the dead, healed the lame, opened blind eyes, turned water to wine, walked on water, healed the dying at great distances, and all of it instantaneously. There…

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Did Mary lead prayers? Did people receive all the gifts of the Spirit?

Question: Thank you for taking my questions. We were discussing the upper room Wednesday night. Acts 1:13-17 mentions that Mary, Jesus’ mother, and other women were present. We were trying to determine if Mary herself was praying while all the people were there. I know some women prophesied back then. My option is she was…

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Coming Out of Pentecostalism

by Bill Davis One of the greatest challenges for any Pentecostal to overcome is to accept the fact that God no longer works miracles today as he did in times past. Three years ago I wrote a series of three articles in Seek the Old Paths on Why I Left the Pentecostal Church (June, July, August 2013). In those…

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The Gift of the Holy Spirit by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Acts 2:29-39   I.         Our text – Acts 2:38-39             A.        When a person repents and is baptized, two things are promised: forgiveness of sin and receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit.                         1.         This promise is for all Christians – “As many as the Lord shall call.”                         2.         It is also not limited…

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You May be Surprised to Learn …

by Doy Moyer Have you ever taken for granted certain things and believed them, just because that is what you have been told? Perhaps you find yourself in that situation now, believing and doing things because that is what you were told. Religious people sometimes believe and practice something because a preacher said it, or…

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How can I get closer to God and be filled with the Spirit?

Question: Hi, I was looking for a particular topic online when I came across your page where you gave advice about fornication and other matters. I’m 21 years old. I was baptized when I was 11 years old. Since then, I changed churches, and I’ve been at my present church for over five years. I’ve…

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Great Things from Acts 2 by Raymond Warfel

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