The Rise of Denominationalism

by Andy Sochor via Unmasking Sophistry, Vol. 4, No. 3, July-September 2024 In the previous article, we discussed the Reformation Movement, which came when the Roman Catholic Church was a religiously and politically dominating force. Over the centuries, it became increasingly corrupt until Martin Luther challenged some of the errors and abuses of the prevailing system.…

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What Is “A Different Gospel?”

by Jefferson David Tant In the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Galatian churches, in the beginning, he deals with a serious problem in the churches concerning which he has knowledge, and that is “a different gospel.” “I am amazed that you are so quickly deserting Him who called you by the grace of Christ, for…

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Jericho and our Salvation

by Jefferson David Tant After reading the title, some might wonder what the battle of Jericho has to do with our salvation today. The battle when Israel conquered Jericho was about 1410 B.C., over 3,400 years ago. Thus the question might be, “What in the world would some event over three thousand years ago have…

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What is Arminianism?

Question: Good morning Jeffrey, I’m having an issue understand something. A lot of the denominational world is under the assumption that if a person is not a Calvinist, then they are an Arminian. What is an Arminian? I’ve thoroughly studied Calvinism and its faults, but I can’t seem to find much info on Arminianism. I…

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Why I Left the Methodist Church

by Raymond A. Howard Like many, or I might say most, I played church for a number of years. I only went because my friends did or it was the right thing to do. After I married, my wife is probably the reason I went, to begin with (I realized the man is the head…

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If Christ Built Only One, Where Did They All Come From?

by Jefferson David Tant At the beginning of the gospel age, there was but one church, and now, 2000 years later, according to some reports, there are over 1,200. How did this happen? People wonder where they all came from. Is this division and confusion what Christ intended? Let’s examine this situation to see just…

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The Holiness Movement by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Download Audio Text: I Thessalonians 5:16-28   I.         Pietism took off during the 1600’s with Philipp Jakob Spener (1635-1705)             A.        Eventually a denomination form that was referred to as the Moravian church             B.        From here we skip ahead to the early 1700’s II.        John Wesley (1703-1791)             A.        He was raised in the Church of England…

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The Unchanging Word

by Jefferson David Tant In one of the conversations our Lord was having with his disciples, he stated: “Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away” (Matthew 24:35). And the apostle Peter wrote: “For, All flesh is as grass, And all the glory thereof as the flower of grass. The…

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Can you help me understand more about the Free Methodist Church?

Question: Can you help me understand more about the Free Methodist Church? Is it a charismatic church? I know of a church that has been praised for all the good it does in the community and the world. Does it teach faith only? Does it teach that baptism is a command? I’m not planning to…

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Do Methodists understand we are not under the Old Law?

Question: I am about to begin a study of why Christians no longer keep the Old Testament Laws with a very special lady, soon to be my wife, who is a lifetime Methodist. My mention that the Law is no longer kept piqued her interest.  She expressed she would like to see that in Scripture. …

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