Are arranged marriages wrong?

Question: Are arranged marriages wrong? Answer: You find a number of ways marriages came about in the Scriptures, including arranged marriages. For example, Isaac’s wife was arranged for him by his father Abraham (Genesis 24:2-9). However, you find other circumstances, such as dating, in the Scriptures as well. See Does the Bible talk about asking…

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What do we do if he can’t afford the dowry (Lobola)?

Question: I have been dating this man for the past three years, and I love him so much. We grew up together in the church but we started dating when I was in my early twenties. He was supposed to pay a dowry (lobola) but he lost his job. This happened again this year, but…

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Should dowries be given today?

Question: Should bride money be practiced today? Answer: Dowries (bride money) has been a long-standing tradition among mankind. The Bible records that it was practiced(Genesis 29:18; I Samuel 18:25; Hosea 3:2), but there is no law stating it had to be done for typical marriages under the Old Law and it is not mentioned in…

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