Notes on the Law of Liberty

What is the Law of Liberty? The law of liberty is something that a person can look intently at, to listen to, and to put into practice – James 1:22-25 The law of liberty is something that we are judged by and can be transgressed. It includes laws such as not showing partiality, loving your…

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What Is the Law?

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Psalm 19:7-11   I.         Frequently, when people try to force an odd interpretation on the Scriptures or desire to ignore a portion of the Writings, they declare “Oh, that is part of the law, but I’m not under law. I’m under grace.”             A.        Seventh-Day Adventist divide the Old Testament into civil and…

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Grace and Law

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: John 1:14-17   I.         False ideas don’t always die. They end up getting recycled at a later time when the present generation has forgotten the teachings of the past which showed the ideas to be false.             A.        I remember from childhood a big debate over the role of grace                         1.         The core was…

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The Nature of Law

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton In our fantasies, it is sometimes appealing to wonder what it would be like to live in a place without any laws, where a person is free to do whatever he pleases. Laws can be irritating at times; do this, don’t do that, and, of course, we never get them right.…

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Were only the sacrificial ordinances abolished from the Law?

Question: It is my understanding that the law remains, and only the sacrificial ordinances were abolished because Christ shed his blood for us once and for all. Answer: The difficulty in declaring that only a portion of the Mosaical Law was ended by Christ is in determining where to draw the line. One of the…

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Is the covenant different from the Law?

Question: I have just read your article on the Old Testament versus the New Testament. I find two major difficulties in your argument: You confuse a covenant with the Law. This is a major mistake. The Law is God’s legislation for all of creation. It was given to the children of Israel for their instruction.…

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Why We Don’t Follow the Old Testament

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Our Bibles are composed of two major parts, an Old Testament and a New Testament. Why were these names selected? A testament is a will or a covenant. We still use the word today when we speak of a person’s “last will and testament.” These names indicate that the Bible is…

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Why We Don’t Follow The Old Testament

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Romans 7:1-6   I.         Our Bibles are composed of two major parts: an Old Testament and a New Testament             A.        Why are they called “testaments”?                         1.         A testament is a legal document declaring a person’s wishes.                         2.         Thus, calling the Bible a testament is to say these are the commands (the legal requirements) that…

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We Don’t Do Religion

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton I.          A young lady called, asking if I would consider conducting her wedding.              A.         I tell them that I’m willing, but I have certain restrictions. If either had been divorced, it had to be because of sexual immorality (that eliminates most of the calls right there). I also require that they take a…

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