Posts Tagged ‘Jeremiah’
Jeremiah’s Ending Doesn’t Fit
by Perry Hall If you read the ending of Jeremiah, it doesn’t fit. The actual ending should be Jeremiah 52:30, which fittingly records how many Jews were taken into captivity. That verse completes a beginning where Jeremiah is called to prophesy the coming doom and closes a section describing Nebuchadezzar’s conquering, destruction, exportation, and vicarious…
Read MoreBroken Jars, Broken Lives
by Zeke Flores Jeremiah had been to the potter’s house. In Jeremiah 18, he saw the craftsmanship the potter exercised in creating and then reshaping his work. I’m sure he saw the pleasure in the artisan’s face as the vessel took the shape he intended. In chapter 19, the persecuted prophet is told to buy…
Read MoreWhat is your understanding of Jeremiah 4:10?
Question: I just wanted to get your understanding of Jeremiah 4:10. Answer: “Then I said, ‘Ah, Lord GOD! Surely You have utterly deceived this people and Jerusalem, saying, “You will have peace”; whereas a sword touches the throat'” (Jeremiah 4:10). Imagine a robber has grabbed you, and he has a knife against your throat. He…
Read MoreWhen Jeremiah Wanted to Quit Preaching
by Terry Wane Benton It wasn’t just mental fatigue and having to deal with obnoxious attitudes, but having to constantly deal with brethren undermining him and working against him, some even looking for ways to get rid of him for good! It got to where he dreaded preaching the needed message of repentance. It was…
Read MoreWhy does Matthew quote Zechariah but attributes it to Jeremiah?
Question: Hello brother, I have a question about Matthew 27:9. A brother from church pointed out this verse where it says that it references Jeremiah, but I can’t find that reference anywhere. Instead, I found it in Zachariah. Do you know why this is? Answer: “Then that which was spoken through Jeremiah the prophet was…
Read MoreWhen Jeremiah Said “New” – (Hebrews 8:7-13)
by Terry Wane Benton The moment Jeremiah used the word “new” in speaking of a coming “new covenant,” there was the immediate implication that the Sinai covenant, then in place, was becoming obsolete and ready to vanish away. The idea of “vanishing away” (Hebrews 8:13) is not that you would be unable to read that…
Read MoreWhat does Jeremiah 31:36 mean?
Question: Good evening. I want to know what ordinances are being referred to in Jeremiah 31:36. And what does it mean by Israel will cease from being a nation? Jeremiah 31:36 (NKJV) “If those ordinances depart From before Me, says the LORD, [Then] the seed of Israel shall also cease From being a nation before…
Read MorePropaganda Wars – Truth Can’t Be Cut Off
by Terry Wane Benton We have the book of Jeremiah only because truth wins in the end. But think of the propaganda that seemed to prevail when Jeremiah was trying to preach to the corrupt establishment. God had an important mission for Jeremiah, “to root out and to pull down, to destroy and to throw…
Read MoreWhy Do They Not Repent? by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Jeremiah 8:4-22 I. Israel was in deep trouble because of her sins. Despite repeated warnings, she did not change. A. Punishment would come so severely that people would prefer to die – Jeremiah 8:3 B. But what God asks is: Why don’t the fallen get back up? – Jeremiah 8:4 1. After…
Read MoreWhy is Jeremiah referred to as the weeping prophet?
Question: Why is Jeremiah referred to as the weeping prophet? Answer: “Oh, that my head were waters, and my eyes a fountain of tears, that I might weep day and night for the slain of the daughter of my people! … I will take up a weeping and wailing for the mountains, and for the…
Read MoreJeremiah’s Belt by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Jeremiah 13:1-7 I. The Bible is filled with interesting small stories A. One time God told Jeremiah to buy a linen belt to wear. B. Later he was told to put the linen belt in a rocky crevice near the Euphrates river C. Still later he was told to retrieve the belt, but…
Read MoreYour translation of Jeremiah is way off
Question: Shalom, I wish more Christians studied scripture in its original language. I googled some information as to why Christians do not keep the laws of the five books of Moses. I came upon your website which quoted a few verses from Jeremiah. I am an orthodox Jew who lived in Israel. I speak, read,…
Read MoreIsn’t Jeremiah a poor source to argue about the inappropriateness of speedos?
Question: I came across Preaching Like Jeremiah while researching Jeremiah. There’s a lot of good stuff here, thanks. However, I was amused that you invoked Jeremiah to defend your apparent stance against speedos; considering the dirty underwear incident at the beginning Jeremiah 13. I’m now wondering if there’s a page on your site that invokes David to…
Read MorePreaching Like Jeremiah
by Jerry Fite via Guardian of Truth XXXVI: 3, pp. 70-71, February 6, 1992 Jeremiah began his prophetic work in the thirteenth year of Josiah’s reign. As a youthful Josiah wielded kingly force to tear down idols, young Jeremiah applied moral persuasion to eliminate the idolatrous heart. Despite forty years of exposure to Jeremiah’s preaching, Judah’s…
Read MoreThe Preaching of Jeremiah by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Hebrews 11:32-40 I. As the southern nation of Judah rapidly slid into degradation, there was one bright moment before the end that came in the reign of Josiah. A. It was during his reign that God’s covenant was rediscovered – II Kings 22:8-11 B. Josiah understood what had happened and where…
Read MoreWho was the only man in the Bible forbidden to marry?
Question: Who was the only man in the Bible forbidden to marry? Answer: “The word of the LORD also came to me, saying, “You shall not take a wife, nor shall you have sons or daughters in this place.”” (Jeremiah 16:1-2). The reason for this is that Judah was going to face gruesome death and…
Read MoreBabylon Clay Tablet Confirms Jeremiah
by Ben M. Shropshire via Lifeline, 7/15/00 The recent discovery of a cuneiform clay tablet by an Austrian scholar at the site of ancient Babylon confirms the historical accuracy of the book of Jeremiah. The recently deciphered tablet, which dates from 595 BC, refers to an official in the court of Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon,…
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