What is your understanding of Jeremiah 4:10?


I just wanted to get your understanding of Jeremiah 4:10.


"Then I said, 'Ah, Lord GOD! Surely You have utterly deceived this people and Jerusalem, saying, "You will have peace"; whereas a sword touches the throat'" (Jeremiah 4:10).

Imagine a robber has grabbed you, and he has a knife against your throat. He whispers in deep, threatening tones, "You will have peace." Is it a bit confusing? That is how Jeremiah felt.

God has had Jeremiah announce in no uncertain terms that Judah was going to be destroyed, and its people would be sent off into captivity because of their sins. But God's most recent words tell Judah that they will have blessings if they return to God (Jeremiah 3:15-19; 22-23; 4:1-2). Yet, interwoven with this message are threats of destruction (Jeremiah 3:20-25; 4:5-9). The contrast is confusing Jeremiah. How can God speak of peace when He announces destruction? Jeremiah wonders if God is trying to raise false hopes.

God answers that He will destroy Judah (Jeremiah 4:11-13), but if they repent, they might survive the destruction. "Wash your heart from evil, O Jerusalem, that you may be saved" (Jeremiah  4:14).

We must remember that our sins bring consequences. Turning from our sins might ease some of the consequences, but it doesn't generally prevent all the bad consequences from occurring.


Thank you for the explanation.

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