A Biblical View of Marriage and Homosexuality

by Doy Moyer Christians should be able to define clearly what the Bible teaches are marriage and sexuality, particularly in a cultural climate that increasingly defends homosexuality. This is really about what the Bible teaches, so let’s walk through this a little. Before looking at the biblical case, we need to consider a foundational disjunction.…

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Are the gospels more important than the rest of the New Testament?

Question: I recently heard a preacher from a non-denominational church. He touched on a point I totally disagreed with, but it will take me some time to research as I read through the gospels and mark out verses. But in the meantime, I was wondering about your opinion. He made a statement that what is…

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What do you do when people say it is wrong to speak out against homosexuality?

Question: Here lately the whole country seems to be quite preoccupied with the lifestyle of being a homosexual. It is all over the Internet, TV, everywhere it seems. And amazingly churches everywhere are ‘jumping on the bandwagon,’ so to say. So-called priests and other ‘leaders’ are actually embracing this lifestyle themselves while fighting their own…

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Telling people that homosexuals can change is doing them harm

Question: I’m sorry, but in saying that people can change and pointing them to Exodus International, you’re doing a terrible amount of harm. If you’re going to say homosexuality is some sort of terrible life-altering, life-absorbing sin, it should be comparable to alcoholism, right? That would be good news, since the initial success rate of…

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Dogs Don’t Go to Heaven

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2006/08/DogsDontGoToHeaven.mp3 by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Revelation 22:12-17   I.         When we want to illustrate a point, we often will search through life around us to find something similar. It is especially good if the audience understands the example             A.        Those points make a lasting impression on us because we are familiar with the illustration             B.        Thus Jesus’…

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Why is it OK to take some parts of Leviticus seriously but not all of it?

Question: I actually have a legit question for you, thank you for responding to my previous message by the way. Anyway here goes: What makes it OK to take some of Leviticus seriously but not all of it? I don’t see Christians not eating pork or staying away from women while they menstruate. It would be interesting…

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It’s your fault that people are biased against homosexuality

Question: I find your “explanation” of homosexuality intended for young viewers to be detestable. I am rather sickened at the notion that you would take advantage of the ignorance of children and plant the seeds of hate within them. A person’s sexual orientation is no business of anyone but the one in question, and God. It’s because…

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Is homosexuality a sign of mental illness?

Question: A few days ago I saw my two friends making out and they are both guys. Everyone thinks they are mentally sick. Does being gay mean you have mental problems? I am really worried about them. They also asked for my suggestions. Answer: Having sex with someone of the same gender is not a…

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Your article on homosexuality was a little harsh, but it’s dead-on

Question: I was googling around, and I stumbled upon one of your web pages which I found extremely helpful: Should Churches Accept Homosexuality. I just wanted to say thank you for having it up on the web for all to see.  Homosexuality and “Cafeteria Christians” are important issues in the world today, and I think the…

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The Enormity of It All

by Joel Solliday As a writer, I make mistakes. Once upon a blog, I claimed that a point my opponent was making was a “mute point.”  I soon learned that an inconsequential point is actually a “moot point.”  Oops! I have also misused the word enormity, as if it meant something BIG! Enormity actually refers to an atrocity, or an outrageous,…

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In View of the Bible, Should Churches Accept Homosexuality?

by Abraham Smith Homosexuality has infiltrated more and more churches. Will homosexuality be normalized as an acceptable and legally sanctioned lifestyle? Or, will those who practice it be identified as sinners in need of redemption? Will those who regard homosexuality as a sin and therefore refuse to accept homosexuals as members in good standing be…

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Why do you quote from the Old Law?

Question: I read Why We Don’t Follow the Old Testament and saw your point of view on the matter, but you do quote laws from Leviticus to justify positions. Aren’t all those laws thrown out, along with all other laws from the Old Testament? I’m not debating homosexuality here, but you do quote: Leviticus 18:22…

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Why is it a sin to be gay?

Question: Why is it a sin to be gay? When you see with other countries, this is a natural way of life. I’m confused. I’m nearly 40 years old. I have known I was gay from the age of 14. I have never touched a woman but love to look at women in the nude…

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Mired in Tumult

by Gilbert Alexander Why are Episcopalians and Presbyterians “mired in tumult over gay issues” as reported in a 7/7/06 article in the News Courier? Is the Word of God so vague and complex that people cannot know what is moral and natural, and what is immoral and unnatural? God clearly condemned homosexual behavior in the…

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Why are you cherry-picking laws from Leviticus to condemn homosexuality?

Question: I just read the article on homosexuality and was concerned it excludes all the other 613 commandments of God dealing with slavery, leprosy, woman’s issues, dietary codes, etc. Instead of cherry-picking laws from Leviticus, the guidance of Jesus is far more valuable and would have been of more useful. Jesus said the old is…

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Where does the Bible talk about homosexuality?

Question: I saw your email on a Christian site that talked about homosexuality issues and so I wonder what your thoughts are on same-sex romantic love, if you think this is a sin, and where are we told this in the Bible? Answer: A direct answer can be found in “What kinds of homosexuality does…

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Does religious ethics do more harm than good?

Question: I think that more often than not religious ethics in government do more harm than good, for example: not funding stem cell research, trying to ban abortion, and outlawing gay marriage. Stem cell research could further science and medicine so much, but because of religious ethics, it’s on hiatus right now in America. Abortion…

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Notes on Homosexuality

Genesis 19:4-5, 13 “Now before they lay down, the men of the city, the men of Sodom, both old and young, all the people from every quarter, surrounded the house. And they called to Lot and said to him, “Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us that we…

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What is there to repent for in being homosexual?

Question: I have just read your article entitled What Homosexuals Want and a few questions came up. In the first paragraph, it is referenced that homosexuals, unless they repent, shall not inherit the kingdom of heaven ( I Corinthians 6:9-11). However, in referencing the scriptural quote, it says “homosexual offenders,” meaning those who commit sinful homosexual acts.…

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What Homosexuals Want

by Joe R. Price December 1992 The Bible unequivocally describes homosexuality as a sin. It is a sin against God (Jude 7), the home (Genesis 2:18-25), self (I Timothy 1:10) and society (Romans 1:18-32, esp. vss. 26-27). The reality of this truth to every Bible-believing person is too obvious to belabor. Homosexuals, unless they repent,…

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Does God put more weight on moral law and less on ceremonial law?

Question: Thanks for taking the time to reply.  Sorry about my first email; I know it was a bit full-on and probably not in the best tone.  I grew up in churches of Christ and sometimes find it hard to understand the logic and get frustrated, bitter, etc.  Your position makes sense to me and is…

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People Change

by Donnie V. Rader via Guardian of Truth XL: No. 19, p. 6-7, October 3, 1996 When General Motors came out with the new aerodynamic style Chevy Caprice (1990) I said that I would never have one of those “ugly” things. When cellular phones started getting popular, I thought it was dumb to carry your phone with…

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I believe some people are born with homosexual tendencies

Question: I am almost 69 years old.  I married a man when I was twenty, and he was twenty. He never liked me sexually.  I was married to him for seven years, and we had sex five times.  Under the influence of sodium pentathol, he admitted he liked men sexually. After this, he became involved…

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A Right to Privacy?

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Ephesians 5:8-17   I.         In our society the concept of a right to privacy has taken on a significant role             A.        A few years back, two men arrested for committing homosexual acts won their case by arguing that what was done in the privacy of their home could not be used against…

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Does the definition of marriage change?

Question: If you have another look at the Bible you would see there is no condemnation actually against same-sex marriage. Thankfully a lot of Christians are seeing this now and same-sex unions are at last being made legal. Here, on December 5th, in the United Kingdom, same-sex couples will be able to marry. Also, marriage…

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Is same-gender love wrong?

Question: I need to ask a question about love. I have asked before about boy-boy or girl-girl relationships. Is there such a case that you can say it is proper if you’re a guy to be infatuated (or have a crush) on another guy, or for a girl (this is more common, I think) to…

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How do I get someone to believe the truth about homosexuality?

Question: I know a guy who says he’s bi-sexual but is faithful to his wife. He agrees that the Bible is the word of God, but where the Bible condemns homosexuality, he insists that it is mistranslated. What do I say to that? How do I get him to believe the truth? Answer: Your complaint…

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Didn’t Jesus say some are born homosexual?

Question: Didn’t Jesus agree that some were born homosexual? You can see his thoughts on the matter if you read Matthew 19:10-12. If you know the history of the words saris or eunouchos, you would know this. Answer: After explaining to his audience that marriage was a lifetime commitment between a man and a woman (Matthew 19:4-6) and that it…

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If homosexuality isn’t genetic, then is heterosexuality genetic?

Question: Please explain that if homosexuals are not born that way, then there is no evidence heterosexuals are born that way either. So when did you choose to be a heterosexual? Can heterosexuals also be converted into homosexuals? Can a heterosexual fall in love with someone of the same sex? Can a heterosexual be made…

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Is homosexuality condemned in the Scriptures?

Question: This was received in response to the answer “What kinds of homosexuality does the Bible mention?” Malokos just meant soft as in weak in faith and arsen is male or man and homosexual means male and female gay people, so arsenokotie only meant a gay male temple prostitute. Levitical law is now dead so I don’t think it matters…

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Where does the Bible say homosexuality is a sin?

Question: I saw your email in a Christian site which was also on homosexuality, I decided to write. I wondered if you believe it is a sin as I can’t find any passages on gay love to show that it’s a sin anywhere. Answer: A previous question, “What kinds of homosexuality does the Bible mention?”…

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Are same-sex relationships wrong if they are non-sexual?

Question: Does it make any difference at all if the girl – girl or boy -boy relationships are not sexual? What I am trying to ask is would being infatuated or “falling in love” with someone of the same sex be a sin? Answer: Oh, the mess our over-sexualized world has made of relationships between…

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Are girl-girl relationships condemned?

Question: What can you say about girl/girl relationships? Is it a sin and an abomination to the Lord? Did the Bible say anything about it? Answer: God’s teaching clearly condemns girl-girl (lesbian) sexual relationships along with boy-boy (homosexual) relationships. “For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the…

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Why isn’t more time spent on spreading the golden rule?

Question: Yes, I did generalize your views when I inferred that the church goes after sins of the “flesh” and homophobic is one of the words I used to describe your stance. After reading your response it turned out that I was right in your case. It seems that the church (I know that’s a…

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