Posts Tagged ‘gift of the Holy Spirit’
Miraculous Gifts Download Audio by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Acts 3:1-11 I. For decades many of the traditional denominations have been in decline. A. The more liberal the beliefs, the larger the decline. Those espousing conservative views show some growth. But the ones showing strong growth are the charismatic groups B. Name the largest groups in a region,…
Read MoreHow do I know I received the Holy Spirit?
Question: Good morning, Thank you for all the helpful resources available through this website. I have found this site to be very helpful. I have read many of the articles you have regarding re-baptism, and I would like to gain further insight into this topic. I was baptized at the age of 14. However, I…
Read MoreWhat is the Gift of the Holy Spirit?
by Bill Boyd My preacher friends do not agree on the meaning of “the gift of the Holy Spirit.” This is frustrating because this expression is at the end of the oft-quoted Acts 2:38. The passage is clear that baptism is “for the remission of sins,” but what does the baptized person receive? Whatever it…
Read MoreIs the guarantee of the Holy Spirit miraculous?
Question: What is the seal and guarantee or earnest of the Holy Spirit in Ephesians 1:13-14? One view of the seal is that it is the miraculous gifts of that time. The ones who hold this view will use Acts 19 where Paul laid hands on the disciples in Ephesus and he was reminding them…
Read MoreFor what purpose is God calling in Acts 2:39?
Question: I have a question on Acts 2:39. Quite a few brethren say that verse 39 speaks of two generations: To you (those there that day) and to your children (next generation) and contemporary with them, those who are afar off (Gentiles).” Some in the faith say the promise is Joel’s promise just mentioned, the…
Read MoreThe Gift of the Holy Spirit
by Matthew W. Bassford If there is any verse in the Bible that is of particular significance to brethren, it is Acts 2:38. It says in so many words that the purpose of baptism is for the forgiveness of sins, a truth clearly taught in Scripture but rejected by much of the wider religious world.…
Read MoreWhy do you need to receive the gift of the Spirit again?
Question: Hi, In Ephesians 1, Paul says we are marked with a seal, the Holy Spirit, on believing the gospel. “In Him, you also, after listening to the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation– having also believed, you were sealed in Him with the Holy Spirit of promise, who is given as a…
Read MoreActs 2 and 3 and the Gift of the Holy Spirit
by Doy Moyer When you layout Acts 2 and 3, there are some great comparisons. Both begin in the same basic way (Men of Judea, Men of Israel) and contain at least these similarities: They start by clearing up misunderstandings and reference a direct act of God’s power (Acts 2:15-20; 3:16-18). They show how the…
Read MoreThe Gift of the Holy Spirit
by Matthew W. Bassford A couple of weeks ago, I found myself chatting with a friend online about a very familiar subject to me, the meaning of the phrase “the gift of the Holy Spirit” in Acts 2:38 and 10:45. I literally spent decades arguing the point with my father, as part of our ongoing…
Read MoreWhen Was Cornelius Saved?
When Was Cornelius Saved? — His PastWhen Was Cornelius Saved? — A Man of PrayerWhen Was Cornelius Saved? — Cornelius Experienced MiraclesWhen Was Cornelius Saved? — Cornelius Received the Holy SpiritWhen Was Cornelius Saved — We are Saved in the Same Manner by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Acts 11:5-18 I. Sometimes is it useful to…
Read MoreDoes the Holy Spirit come to us at our baptism?
Question: Jeffrey, Thank you for your wonderful work in teaching the Bible and for your web site. I have become much stronger in the faith as a result of your help. I have come upon a statement that I am not sure is correct: “At baptism God sends His Spirit to dwell in us. He…
Read MoreCan one receive the Holy Spirit without baptism?
Question: Can one receive the Holy Spirit without baptism? Answer: The clear answer to this is “yes.” Baptism is a command found in the New Testament, yet people had received the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament. In addition: “While Peter was still speaking these words, the Holy Spirit fell upon all those who heard…
Read MoreWhen does the gift of the Holy Spirit come, after repentance or baptism?
Question: Does the gift of the Holy Spirit come to dwell within us after we repent of our sins, or does it take up home within us after the act of baptism? Answer: “Then Peter said to them, “Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the…
Read MoreIs the Spirit only given to the obedient?
Question: In your study on Cornelius, you indicated that receiving the Holy Spirit did not necessarily indicate that a person believed or was saved. You cited the examples of Saul and Balaam as proof, but doesn’t Acts 5:32 contradicts this? Answer: The study being referred to is “Cornelius Received the Holy Spirit.” Acts 5:32 states, “And we…
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