Posts Tagged ‘false teaching’
That’s Not a Problem Here
by Heath Rogers Several years ago, I was reprimanded for preaching a rather straightforward sermon on the sin of homosexuality. The language of the sermon had upset a couple in the church, as they did not want their young children exposed to this subject. When I discussed this matter with two older men of the…
Read MoreDoes the CIA Gateway Process interfere with Christianity?
Question: Does the CIA Gateway process interfere with Christianity? Answer: I had no idea what this was, so I glanced through a few sources. In 1983, Wayne M. McDonnell, a Lieutenant Cornel in the U.S. Army, gave the CIA a paper claiming to have a procedure “to help people access the intuitive knowledge of the…
Read MoreThe Gospel Perverted
by Terry Wane Benton It wasn’t that the Judaizing teachers did not believe in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. They did. So, how were they “perverting the gospel” (Galatians1:6-10)? They were adding to what the apostles preached. They demanded that circumcision and old law typology be brought in with what the apostles preached…
Read MoreTraditions, Traditions! by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: II Thessalonians 2:13-15 I. When two people have a disagreement, there is a strong desire to label the position of the other person. A. Often this makes the discussion easier. A word or short phrase is easier to repeat than a long detailed description of the exact belief. B. The problem…
Read MoreIs One as Good as Another? by Raymond Warfel
Read MoreWould God Deny a Person Heaven? by Raymond Warfel
Read MoreDo You Swallow Anything? by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Jeremiah 14:10-16 I. Sharks are notorious for swallowing just about anything. A. People have found books, bottles, tablecloths, and nails inside sharks B. Clearly sharks have large appetites and indiscriminate tastes C. There is a small fish known as the Sea Hedgehog or Urchin Fish. 1. This small fish has spikes all around…
Read MoreI think Adam and Eve sinned simultaneously
Question: Dear Minister: Adam and Eve Sinned Simultaneously. In “How Long Is A Day?” you said, “If Eve was not the first to sin, then what do we do with Paul’s proof in I Timothy 2:14?” First, consider the source (Saul|Paul, aka 18 verses in Acts 22:24-29; 22:30; 23:1-5; 23:6-11). Paul’s argument started from the wrong…
Read MoreBearing a Different Gospel Beautifully
by Matthew W. Bassford The apostle Paul was fond of sarcasm, not because he didn’t love people, but because he did. When Christians he had converted turned aside from Christ, it drove him to distraction, and that distraction often found its expression in heartfelt exasperation. One such expression appears in II Corinthians 11:4. In contrast…
Read MoreConsider the Source
by Jason Hardin In God’s Image Ezekiel 13 documents a fundamental problem that plagued people thousands of years ago and continues to be a dangerous pitfall. “Son of man, prophesy against the prophets of Israel, who are prophesying, and say to those who prophesy from their own hearts: ‘Hear the word of the LORD!’” (Ezekiel…
Read MoreA Review of Edward Fudge’s Book “The Fire that Consumes”
A Review Of Edward Fudge’s Book “The Fire That Consumes” Part 1A Review Of Edward Fudge’s Book ‘The Fire That Consumes’ Part 2 by Carrol R. Sutton
Read MoreQuestions Text: II Timothy 2:14-18 I. Many years ago, a set of false teaching was being promoted in the congregation. When the false teacher was asked by the congregation to explain himself, he gave a list of questions to one of the younger members, who passed it on the older members. A. I found it necessary…
Read MoreHow to Misunderstand the Bible
I. Yet another book appears on the bookshelves claiming to help the casual reader to better understand the teachings found in the Bible. A. “The Good Book: Reading the Bible with Mind and Heart” by Peter J. Gomes. B. The author claims that contents of the best selling book in the world is mostly unknown and misunderstood. C. In…
Read MoreCan you please explain why Mark and Luke don’t contradict Matthew about remarriage?
Question: Can you please explain why Mark and Luke don’t contradict Matthew about remarriage? Matthew records the porneia exception, but Mark and Luke reject all exceptions. Answer: You are making an assumption that because something is not mentioned that it is a rejection. That is not true. All you can know is that it wasn’t…
Read MoreThe Sadducees
by Terry W. Benton The Sadducees did not believe in angels or in the resurrection after death. So, they tried to stump Jesus on the issue of the resurrection (Mark 12:18-23). Jesus pointed out that they didn’t know the Scriptures nor the power of God (Mark 12:24). If they knew the Scriptures and the power…
Read MoreReaction to Heresy
by Irven Lee via Truth Magazine, December 3, 1970 “Heresy must needs come” (I Corinthians 11: 19). Paul said, “I know this,” when he warned the elders that wolves would enter the flock (Acts 20:29-32). Peter said, “There shall be false teachers among you” (II Peter 2:1-3). John said, “Many false prophets are gone out…
Read MoreWhy Are There Denominations? by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I Corinthians 1:10-15 I. I was asked by a gentleman in Nigeria why there were so many denominations A. A denomination simply means a division. B. Among those who call themselves Christians, there are a great number of divisions 1. Even within various divisions, there are divisions 2. The Episcopals are dividing over…
Read MoreDoes fornication not include sex before marriage?
Question: I would like to address a post on your site: Does God forgive Christians who commit fornication and sexual immorality? Your reply to this woman is typical of every misguided Christian when it comes to the question of “fornication.” You brought down the hammer on this girl quoting from I Corinthians 6:9 in one translation. I looked…
Read MoreThe History Behind “Freedom’s Ring”
by Jeffrey W. Hamilton “While they promise them liberty, they themselves are slaves of corruption; for by whom a person is overcome, by him also he is brought into bondage” (II Peter 2:19). My first encounter with the doctrine promoted by Freedom’s Ring was when the congregation where my wife and I met got pulled into apostasy…
Read MoreHealing in His Wings by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Jeremiah 8:4-22 I. I was reading a letter years ago from someone who tried to introduce false doctrine into the church and then left after they failed. A. The author discussed how pleased she was that these members had left. 1. She said their leaving was a sign of courage 2. That…
Read MoreFalse Teaching 101
by Steven Harper In the religious realm, there are some men who would have us believe they are speaking the truths of God’s Word but would be more properly identified as the “false teachers” they are. I know that is a ‘label’ that some individuals do not like to hear, but it is a Scriptural one…
Read MoreHave you heard of Cecil Hook and his book Free in Christ?
Question: Asked a question of previous Williams Road Church of Christ why they removed the “church of Christ” and now just refer to themselves as the Williams Road Church. The short answer referred me to Cecil Hook and his book Free in Christ. What would the explanation be without me reading and how far off…
Read MorePantheism and Deism by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Ephesians 5:8-21 I. It is amazing the many, subtle ways Satan introduces false religions into the thinking of many well intentioned Christians A. Movies are a popular vehicle for false ideas. We often look for the big errors. 1. Example: Pocahontas was criticized for its slaughter of history and scantily dressed main…
Read MoreWhat do we do about our new minister who is teaching strange doctrine?
Question: I love my church family. I really do. About a year and a half ago, we employed a new minister. He is more a teacher than a preacher, but he has several degrees and has taught theology. My problem is, I am not comfortable with what he says. Most of his sermons dwell on…
Read MoreGod told me that if two people love each other, then sex before marriage is not a sin
Question: God has told me if two people love each other then sex before marriage is not a sin. I’m a healer and I asked God to take away my gift if he was not happy with me having sex with my boyfriend and guess what? I can still heal. You need to get on…
Read MoreWhy do you say the blood moon prophecies are false when they are coming true?
Question: I’ve just read a column on your website about the four blood moon and I was confused. How can it be a false prophecy when it had occurred on the exact date that pastor John Hagee had prophesied years ago? I am a member of a church of Christ and in church, they taught us that…
Read MoreIs repeating a false doctrine blasphemy?
Question: Dear Minister, When I was in college I took a Jewish mysticism course and the professor explained a theory about God to the class. The theory was basically that God had a very small portion of evil in Him and He despised that evil so He created humans and hell to purge the evil…
Read MoreThe Origin of the Sinner’s Prayer
by Ryan Hasty No method of conversion has gained such popularity amongst mainstream denominations in the last century than that of the “Sinner’s Prayer.” It has been said that thousands of people utter this prayer daily in response to altar calls and one-on-one conversations between friends, relatives, co-workers, and schoolmates. To find the origin of…
Read MoreWe have a new preacher teaching unity in a diversity of beliefs
Question: Our congregation recently has a new preacher. He is related to half the church members and is well-known in the community. But he is very liberal and has admitted to me that he wants to change things at our congregation. He told me, “he is about a relationship with Christ, and I am about…
Read MoreRecycled “Open Fellowship” Concerns
by Aubrey Belue Solomon truly said, “The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun. Is there any thing whereof it may be said, See, this is new? it hath been already of…
Read MoreWhat are endless myths and genealogies?
Question: Regarding I Timothy 1:4-6: In verse 4 what are the myths and endless genealogies being talked about? And in verse 6 and verse 3 who are the “some men” or the “certain men” who are teaching false doctrine? Thanks. Answer: “As I urged you when I went into Macedonia — remain in Ephesus that…
Read MoreThe Benefits of False Teaching by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Romans 8:18-39 I. It is said there is a silver lining in every cloud A. Paul tells us that God can turn even wicked events to the advantage of the righteous (Romans 8:18-39) B. But it is hard to imagine any good coming from the work of those who teach against our…
Read MoreBeliefs Not Found in the Bible
Author Unknown via The Jackson Drive Reporter, Oct. 4, 2009 Men say: “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me.” The Bible says: “And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity. The tongue is so set among our members that it defiles the whole body, and sets on fire…
Read MoreHave you heard of “self-anointing?”
Question: I would like to know the Church Of Christ views on “Anointing yourself Daily.” I had not heard of this practice. You are called to die, just like Jesus. You may not be called to die for your faith physically, but you are called to die to yourself so that you can live once…
Read MoreCan a church be wrong in doctrinal teaching?
Question: Can a church be wrong in terms of doctrinal teaching? If they are in those areas that are less fundamental, will it do them any eternal damage? Answer: The answer should be obviously “yes.” In the letters to the seven churches in Asia in Revelation 2-3, only one didn’t have anything said negative about…
Read MoreHow do you handle being invited to a Bible class that you know isn’t going to teach the truth?
Question: How do I handle getting offers to attend studies and other programs from my friends who attend denominational churches? The conflict is them saying “no” when I invite them and me saying “no” when they invite me. I know it’s not worship. Would I be able to attend those Bible studies to get them…
Read MoreWhat is “idle talk” and “idle babblings?”
Question: I read this answer a question: “What does “vain thoughts” mean in Psalm 119:113?” Could you expand more on the subject for me? I like to have an imagination and to read fiction. I want to be more sure that it is not a sin. Also what about exactly is idle talk? Could telling a…
Read MoreWho Are the Gnostics?
by Ethan R. Longhenry In recent years a strong interest has arisen in “alternative” religions, and Gnosticism has received interest as an “alternative” to “orthodox Christianity”. The recent success of Dan Brown’s novel The Da Vinci Code has popularized this trend. The book speaks regarding “over eighty gospels” that were not chosen to be a part of…
Read MoreDo you know of the baptism of fire?
Question: Do you know of the baptism of fire? Answer: See: Please explain the “baptism of fire.” Question: [unedited] So do you want to know how it is done? It has to do with following in the footsteps of Christ and the commitments you make along the way… for me I chose to take Jesus place…
Read MoreBelief in the book of Enoch and Constantine’s church
Question: I was scanning through web sites and ran into your comments on gen 6;5 and Enoch book Jesus said as in the days of Noah so it will be in the end ,did we miss that Satin was thrown out of Heaven ,that he saw God clone Adam and perverted that activity first ,…
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