Posts Tagged ‘examples’
Does God Give Us a Pattern to Follow?
by Terry Wane Benton The total evidence of scripture is that God is a God of order and expects us to follow the pattern of sound words in everything we do (II Timothy 1:13; Colossians 3:17; ICorinthians 14:33ff). God’s Patterns Noah had a pattern to follow in building the ark (Genesis 6:22). He had to…
Read MoreHow to Establish Biblical Authority
by Heath Rogers God is the proper source of authority in religious matters. Our authority must come from heaven and not from men (Matthew 21:25). God has given authority to His Son, Who gave the Holy Spirit to the apostles. These and other inspired men have written the New Testament. Consider, then, the proper way…
Read MoreThe Problem of People
by Doy Moyer While many turn away from God due to some perceived problem with God (e.g., allowing evil to exist), I have found that just as prominent is a problem that they have with those who call themselves Christians. Because Christians have been hypocritical, unloving, divisive, and abusive, some have walked away thinking that…
Read MoreHow far do we help with the wedding of a young man who got a girl pregnant?
Question: Hello brother, how are you? I have a question for you, but first, let me give you some context. I am a Spanish-speaking minister who works with an English-speaking church that meets in the same building. There is a sister in the church who has always come to church. She has a son that used…
Read MoreThe Lunch Lady
by Matthew W. Bassford One of the best-attended funerals I’ve ever preached was for a school lunch lady. Her name was Marlene Norris. She was a faithful member of the church in Joliet, with which I was working at the time, along with her husband and three of her children. As is the custom in…
Read MoreThe Moon as a Witness
by Jefferson David Tant There is an interesting statement in the 89th Psalm that has a lesson for us some 3,000 years later. The theme of the psalm deals with God’s faithfulness to keep the promises he made to David. Notice the first two verses: “I will sing of the lovingkindness of the LORD forever;…
Read MoreBe an Example
by Jefferson David Tant Paul’s letters to young Timothy, his son in the gospel, and Titus, are filled with good thoughts concerning their work as those who spread and proclaim the gospel. Among Paul’s exhortation are two passages we want to consider in today’s article. “Let no one look down on your youthfulness, but rather…
Read MoreAre Examples Authoritative?
by Jefferson David Tant There is a school of thought among us that Biblical examples are good and instructive, but that an example is not authoritative, i.e., that we cannot bind examples today. I have seen that argument made concerning the Lord’s Supper. While one writer, a young preacher I have known for many years…
Read MoreApproved Examples
by Mike Johnson What should be our attitude toward the concept of “example” as an acceptable form of Bible authority? There are three possible attitudes one might have. First, a person might say that all examples are binding. However, this attitude is unlikely, and, as we will see later, this would be a ridiculous position.…
Read MoreWhat Will Your Children Remember?
by Lowell Blasingame The Psalmist said that a man’s children are “a heritage of the Lord,” (Psalms 127:4). Most admit that there is something badly wrong with parents who do not love and value their children as such. Parental love motivates us to be concerned about our children’s welfare and seek what is best for…
Read MoreA Good Example by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Jeremiah 35:1-19 I. People learn in a variety ways. Some ways make a bigger impression on a person than others. A. People don’t learn how to be a Christian just from reading or listening to the Bible, though that is a major method. B. Preachers must understand that people also learn…
Read MoreThe original Lord’s Supper was observed at night and it wasn’t on Sunday
Question: The original Lord’s Supper was observed at nighttime (Matthew 26:31), and it was not observed on the first day of the week (Sunday), The practice of breaking bread was done on a daily basis from house to house, not on a weekly basis as in the churches of Christ. You find this information in Acts 2:46. And you’ll also…
Read MoreIf God Gave Your Eulogy by Raymond Warfel
Read MoreWhat Have They Seen in Your House? by Raymond Warfel
Read MoreBe Imitators of Me by Raymond Warfel
Read MoreWhen Are Biblical Examples Binding? by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: II Thessalonians 3:1-18 I. At first glance, the question seems to be trivial A. But then do people think of Judas hanging himself? 1. Well, obviously examples of sin is not to be followed B. How about meeting in someone’s home as the disciples did? 1. There are people who believe that a church…
Read MoreIs Our Faith Known?
by Dennis Stackhouse As the apostle Paul was beginning his letter to the Christians at Colossae, he made this statement in Colossians 1:3-4: “We give thanks to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying always for you, since we heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and the love which you have for all…
Read MoreFishers of Men: Sharing Your Story
by Domenick Basolo There are many people in this world who, unfortunately, don’t have God in their lives; however, God waits patiently for them to hear His message and share in His love. People have many pretenses as to why they don’t accept God in their lives, such as their negative image of Christians. Sometimes Christians…
Read MoreLet the Beauty of Jesus Be Seen by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I Timothy 4:6-12 I. I had someone ask if a person should be baptized if it was known that he was living with his girlfriend, but not sleeping with her A. If we accept that this was the actual situation, the problem remains that neighbors and friends in the world…
Read MoreA Good Testimony by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: III John I. The book of III John is not very long, but it teaches us many things concerning our example. A. There is the bad example of Diotrephes, but there is the excellent example of Demetrius – III John 11-12 B. People spoke well of him, but John mentions that…
Read MoreI teach students about sexual purity, but I fell to sexual sin. What do I do?
Question: I’m glad I came across your website. I am a born-again believer who God has used to become a blessing to many students in the area of sexual purity. I am in a situation that I would require your advice. Last year, I met a female friend while working in a certain organization. After…
Read MoreShady Lane, the Preacher, and the Boy
by Ken McDaniel via Echo of Truth, Vol. 3, No. 29, July 16, 1995 During a recent gospel meeting that I preached, the local evangelist and I went calling on a few individuals in hopes of motivating some to faithfulness and setting up Bible studies with others who have not yet been saved. As is often…
Read MoreHow do we know that the Lord’s Supper wasn’t taken once a year in Troas?
Question: I was doing some searching on the Internet and discovered an argument against Acts:20:7 that I’ve never encountered. Since Acts 20:7 is the only reference we use (that I know of) to decide how often we take the Lord’s Supper this is pretty important. Acts 20:6 says they sailed from Philippi after the days…
Read MoreThe Sunday Supper
by Gary Eubanks It is a question of critical importance whether the Scriptures require members of a local church to assemble to partake of the Lord’s Supper on the first day of the week, or Sunday. If they do not, the frequency of church assemblies then becomes a discretionary matter and churches may arbitrarily choose…
Read MoreOur Own Yard
by Shane Williams via The Lilbourn Light, Vol. 10, No. 1, May 2009. What would you think of a business establishment if you passed by every day and saw the same thing: grass needing to be mowed, weeds taking over, the color is not a uniform green, and maybe there were dead spots scattered about?…
Read MoreIf Priscilla can be used as an example of head covering, why not of women serving communion?
Question: I was reviewing your article on “Head Coverings” from your web site. I thought the article was very well presented! I was wondering though why the article used a picture from the Catacomb of Priscilla in Rome (under Early Christian Worship), the same catacomb that elsewhere shows Priscilla serving communion, and yet does not…
Read MoreSince they met at night in Acts 20:7ff, does that mean Christians today should only meet at night?
Question: In your article, “When Are Biblical Examples Binding?” you mentioned that there is no specific command as to when to partake of the Lord’s Supper, but that Acts 20:7 becomes a binding example because it is the only example. If this is true which I feel it is true, and verse 8 says there…
Read MoreFollowing Bible Examples
by Earle H. West via The Preceptor, Vol. 1, No. 9, July 1952. Much of what we know today of the New Testament order comes by way of examples pictured for us in the Bible. Whenever people have earnestly sought to duplicate New Testament Christianity in the current age, they have strongly and rightly emphasized the…
Read MoreHow do you justify using Acts 20:7 as binding the day but not the place?
Question: I just read your article, “When are examples binding?” and I must say the very idea that an example somehow becomes a command is a, well, stretch if you ask me. You used Acts 20:7 as your “example” for when we should meet together but you don’t use Acts 2:46 which tells us that…
Read MoreSince I Corinthians 16:1-2 was only about one need, then isn’t this just an example of how a collection might be taken and not a command for us today?
Question: I have been reading your web page and find it interesting. I came to the one on contribution and have some problems with it. Maybe you can correct my understanding. “Lay by in store so that there is no gathering when I come.” This is a command or request by Paul for the churches…
Read MoreAren’t there more examples of Paul preaching on the Sabbath than on the first day of the week?
Question: You seem to be saying that Acts 20:7 shows that the disciples kept the first day of the week but I would like you to explain why in Acts 13:42-44; Acts 17:1-4; and Acts 18:1-4 that the Apostle Paul, along with the Jews and Gentiles, observed the Sabbath day more often than the first…
Read MoreWhen are examples binding?
Question: “The only other ordinance taught by Christ was for them to celebrate the Lord’s Supper each first day of the week, generally in the evening twilight.” [The Story of the Churches of Christ in Central Europe]. There have been disagreements over practices through the years based on which apostolic examples are binding. How can…
Read MoreThe Power of an Example
by Gilbert Alexander When God planned marriage, He planned a helper for man, a woman, a wife (Genesis 2:18-24). Hers is a role of subjection to her husband (Ephesians 5:22), a role of obedience to her husband (Titus 2:1-6). She is taught to be wise and careful in judgment (discreet), to be pure (chaste, not…
Read MoreFoot Washing
by Dudley Ross Spears Question: “What is your understanding of feet washing as it was practiced in the Bible? Some people still practice it in church. What do you think?” Answer: This question deals with foot washing, not merely for sanitary purposes, but as a religious act allegedly done in worship of God. Please read…
Read MoreThree Examples
by Sam Stinson “Brothers, join in imitating me, and keep your eyes on those who walk according to the example you have in us” (Philippians 3:17, ESV). Experience is not authority. Because Jesus is our authority, his word is authority. However, how do we, those of us who deliver God’s message of salvation in Jesus,…
Read MoreShowing Submission
by Jeffrey W. Hamilton I. We have spent a good deal of time showing the fact that Christians are to be in submission to various authorities. A. Some of these relationships are voluntary, some are involuntary, but in all cases submission must be shown. B. However, how is submission shown? How do place yourself in submission? II. Submission is…
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