Posts Tagged ‘elders’
I appreciate your consistent quality of answers to questions
Question: Brothers, I appreciate your consistent quality of answers to questions. Saturday, I searched Google for “Is Teknon in Titus 1:6 singular or plural?” The top result was La Vista Church of Christ. My brothers with simple, easy-to-understand answers at the top of Google’s list. It brings me joy (and a bit of envy –…
Read MoreIf I disagree with a brother or a leader, am I being rebellious?
Question: If a brother gives me a challenge do I have to take that challenge? If I choose not to, am I being rebellious? Or what if I disagree with a leader? Answer: It probably depends on what the brother is challenging you to do, but the general answer is “no.” We help each other…
Read MoreCould Titus 1:5-6 be a “plural of class” case?
Question: Hello, I have been diligently studying the qualifications for Elders. I recently stumbled upon a discussion regarding the use of tekna. In one of your articles, you stated the exception of “plural of class” using widows in I Timothy 5. You stated that I Timothy 3 and Titus 1 show no indication of the plural of class…
Read MoreDoes I Timothy 3:11 refer to both elders and deacons’ wives?
Question: In I Timothy 3:11, where it says “Likewise their wives,” do you think the word “their” means both elder and deacons wives? Or is this word a specific reference to deacons’ wives? I ask this because in context this verse falls under the qualification of a deacon. Answer: Actually, in Greek, it just says…
Read MoreMust an elder’s wife be a Christian?
Question: I need some advice, sir. Can a man, who meets all qualifications to be an elder, serve as an elder if his wife isn’t a Christian? If you don’t care, please explain your thoughts and the biblical standpoint. Any advice would be appreciated. Answer: In looking for qualified men to be elders, we put…
Read MoreWere elders only needed for a limited time and in limited places?
Question: First, greetings in Christ, and may His peace be with you. I’m a brother and find your site very useful! I do have an issue on this page: Can a church be scriptural without elders? At the beginning of the commentary, there’s a sentence that goes: “Obviously there can be congregations without elders, else Timothy…
Read MoreThose Who Will Give an Account
by Jeffrey W. Hamilton “Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they keep watch over your souls as those who will give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with grief, for this would be unprofitable for you” (Hebrews 13:17). Most recognize the quote from Hebrews 13:17 as referring to the…
Read MoreWhat Are Elders Responsible For? Text: Ezekiel 34:1-10 I. Oversee the Church – I Peter 5:2 A. Shepherding the flock – This is where the term “pastor” comes from 1. They see to it that the church is taught, so all can grow – Ephesians 4:11-16 2. But sheep have a tendency to stray – I Peter 2:25 a. Because people forget to…
Read MoreWhat Difference Do Elders Make?
by Matthew Bassford via His Excellent Word Yesterday, a friend of mine Facebook-messaged me, asking precisely the question in the title. Apparently, they’d been having a conversation with a friend, and the subject arose. It has the sound of a rhetorical question, which says something interesting about the experiences of members of churches of Christ in…
Read MoreCorruption in Church Organization by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Download Audio Text: Acts 20:17-35 I. Equality of members (first century) A. The early church was marked by the equality of its members – Galatians 3:28; Colossians 3:11 B. As Jesus prayed, the desire was for all Christians to be one – John 17:20-21 C. There were different duties, but the people were…
Read MoreThe Organization of the Church Text: Hebrews 8:1-5 I. We give God glory when we teach His doctrine and execute it accordingly – I Peter 4:11 A. Thus we are to follow the pattern set for us – Philippians 3:17 B. Warnings abound not to change the message – Galatians 1:6-10 C. Any change would give glory to man and no longer…
Read MoreWhat Is a Pastor?
by Jefferson David Tant The term “pastor” is a familiar term to people in most denominations. It is usually applied to the men or women who stand before the congregation and deliver a message from the Word of God as the preacher. And in many situations, the pastor is the one who has the position…
Read MoreMy husband has become an addict. My father-in-law, who is an elder, says I have to make him stop. How can I?
Question: I have a big problem that I do not know how to sort out. My husband and I were engaged for three years and now have been married for two years. I was a new convert to the church when I married him. He had several qualities that I deeply respected and admired. He…
Read MoreWhat should we do since we learned the elders are misspending the Lord’s money?
Question: Hi! I have read and searched through your question and answer section to make sure this question hasn’t been asked before, so I hope it has not. My husband is a preacher for the church for many years. Recently, he has learned certain information in regard to how our elders are spending the Lord’s…
Read MoreElders and Church Decline
by Matthew W. Bassford Recently, there’s been a lot of chatter on my Facebook feed about a survey of churches of Christ conducted by an organization called 21st Century Christian. According to this survey, attendance in such churches has declined by about 10 percent since 1990. I have no idea how valid their data…
Read MorePassing the Torch
by Ethan R. Longhenry Almost two thousand years ago the Gospel of Jesus Christ began to be proclaimed: God became Incarnate as Jesus of Nazareth, went about doing good, was crucified and buried, but God raised Him from the dead; He ascended to the Father, received all authority and everlasting dominion, and will return one…
Read MoreShould we only teach people who will join the local congregation?
Question: Hello, I am writing for some advice. I live in a city and worship just outside the city in a small town. I have a passion for sharing the Gospel with the lost. While at a congregation in the city, I was blessed to share with people who often ended up being members of…
Read MoreVacant Chairs
Vacant Chairs – Part 1Vacant Chairs – Part 2Vacant Chairs – Part 3Vacant Chairs – Part 4 by Jeffrey W. Hamilton I. There is a office that is vacant; chairs that need filling A. Perhaps there are some here today that can fill the need 1. Not everyone can fill it. No everyone will want to. 2. I Corinthians…
Read MoreElders in the Old Testament by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Job 29 I. While we don’t live under the laws of the Old Testament, there are things to be learned from its pages – Romans 15:4 A. Sometimes we forget that elders have been used long before the church B. It would be useful to learn some of the history of…
Read MoreElders Who Rule Well
Elders Who Rule Well – Part 1Elders Who Rule Well – Part 2 Text: I Timothy 5:17-21 I. Consider an imaginary congregation A. At the beginning, there was much work to be done. The challenges of the demands required many sacrifices. B. The members joined in planning and the work. As each was aware of what went…
Read MoreThe Rule of Elders
The Rule of Elders – Part 1The Rule of Elders – Part 2 Reading: Matthew 20:20-28 I. Consider an imaginary congregation A. It is a fair-sized group with an abundance of men, but few are actively involved in the work of the church. B. There are two active and very visible elders. 1. They exclusively teach the adult…
Read MoreThe Work of Elders Is the “Critical” Matter
by Randy Blackaby Virtually any study or discussion of church “elders” immediately focuses on the qualifications for this office. Does the person have “believing children,” what does that entail, and must all his children be faithful? Is the person “apt or able to teach” and is he a good leader in the home? But when…
Read MoreIs it wrong to bow to elders or at the graves of those who had died?
Question: Hello, I have a few questions, I hope you don’t mind. In East Asian countries, it is customary to bow to elders and those older than you. Is this not allowed? Also, it is customary to bow to ancestors who’ve passed away at their graves. Is this not allowed as well? Thanks! Answer: In…
Read MoreIs an elder an elder for life?
Question: A brother in our area is claiming to be “an elder for life” even though he has moved from one congregation to another and has not been a serving elder in either. He was an elder for a congregation, but that eldership was dissolved because of his domineering attitude and holding this and other false…
Read MoreI was asked to watch a woman whom the elders suspect is committing fornication. Should I spy on someone because the elders ask?
Question: Good afternoon! I have been a member of the Lord’s church for about three years, after being brought to the church by my college roommate. I have been a dedicated reader of your site since I discovered it and appreciate all of the information provided. I have not seen anything on your website quite…
Read MoreShould I leave a congregation with no elders for one that has elders?
Question: I worship at a church of Christ that has no elders. There are qualified men who do not desire the office. There is a sound church of Christ nearby that has elders. Am I putting my salvation in jeopardy? Should I move my membership? My desire is to be pleasing to God. Answer: By…
Read MoreIs it right for a pastor to collect the tithes and spend the money on things he personally uses?
Question: Dear Minister, We have been attending a church for the last 10 years. My entire family’s tithe or offering is given to the pastor. The pastor never reveals any facts to church leaders about how much tithe was given by members and how much was used for which purpose. We learned recently that he…
Read MoreRuling with Love
by Irven Lee via Truth Magazine, January 1, 1981 An elder is to be “one that ruleth well his own family, having his children in subjection with all gravity; for if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?” (I Timothy 3:4-5). The elder…
Read MoreWhat do you do when the elders are not listening to the congregation?
Question: Hello, I’m a member of the church of Christ. I just read the article “Majority vs Elder Rule”. Our congregation is currently going through something that. I, myself, personally have never experienced it. We have elders who are not really being the leaders they should be, and in this case, with the majority of…
Read MoreIs a church without elders not following the Scriptures?
Question: There are three churches of Christ in my town. I have attended all three. There is one, smaller than the other churches, that has had no elders or deacons for about 15 years. My wife likes to go there. However, when I ask about the need for elders and deacons, I hear from some…
Read MoreIs your definition of tekna consistent?
Question: In light of the position you take with regard to Elders and the number of children they should have, I would like to know your thoughts with regard to the following scriptures. We are in the process of studying deacons and elders at the congregation I attend, and I am trying to further prepare for…
Read MoreYou seem to have two articles giving two different positions on whether an elder’s unfaithful child makes him disqualified. Which is it?
Question: I’ve been restudying the issue of elder’s children who fall away. The La Vista website has an article “The Elder and His Children” by Brett Hogland that concludes that an elder whose children leave the Lord would still be qualified to serve, and another article, “Does an elder need to step down if one…
Read MoreWould a preacher or elder be allowed who had children involved in sexual sins?
Question: Hello, I have been reading some of your web-based information, and I have a few questions; If a youth pastor in the church of Christ (don’t worry, not yours) that has serious secrets in their family such as a gay son who is now out of the house, and a daughter who has had…
Read MoreShould a man who committed the same sin many times and is still fighting against it be in a leadership position?
Question: Should a man who committed the same sin many times and is still fighting against it be in a leadership position? Answer: Preachers are involved in helping people out of their sins. Elders are involved in keeping people faithful to the gospel. Given that Jesus said, “And why do you look at the speck…
Read MoreIf a congregation retains an elder who is a widower, should we leave?
Question: We’re conducting a class in which we’re going over the basics of Christianity and just last night, we started discussing the qualifications of elders and deacons. I almost fell out of my seat when our minister stated it’s OK for an elder to keep on serving after his wife dies or passes on. Both…
Read MoreAll the Members Do Not Have the Same Function
by Bryan Matthew Dockens King David was told by the Almighty, “Whereas it was in your heart to build a temple for My name, you did well that it was in your heart. Nevertheless you shall not build the temple, but your son who will come from your body, he shall build the temple for…
Read MoreShould a woman be on the committee to select elders?
Question: Hi, I attend the church of Christ in a small town. We are looking at appointing elders in our congregation. There is what I feel a potential problem, since we are so small, most of the men who have been elected as potential elders leave very little left to be on a selection committee. …
Read MoreCould you explain Hebrews 13:17?
Question: Hebrews 13:17 states “Obey those who rule over you, and be submissive, for they watch out for your souls, as those who must give account. Let them do so with joy and not with grief, for that would be unprofitable for you.” There are two schools of thought that I’ve heard regarding this verse. …
Read MoreThe Elder-Businessman Model
by Jefferson David Tant via Biblical Insights, Vol. 11, No. 6, June 2011 We know the Bible is clear about appointing elders to shepherd the flock (Acts 14:23). We know Paul left Titus in Crete with the charge to “appoint elders in every city” (Titus 1:7). This is a clear indication of God’s plan for the…
Read MoreWere Elders Limited to the Age of Miracles? by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Acts 20:17-35 I. Some times I wonder where ideas about the Scriptures come from. A. The passages are clear, but it seems that some want a certain outcome, so they seek whatever means they can find to arrive at that result. B. I was asked if elders were only for the…
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