The Fall of Zedekiah by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Jeremiah 52:1-11   I.         The fall of Jerusalem and the end of the kingdom of Judah was a sad time period.             A.        Josiah was the last good king of Israel, but the kings that ruled after him did evil in the sight of God.             B.        King Jehoiachin began his reign at the…

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Will we reach heaven if some commands are broken?

Question: Good day,I have a rather important question that’s been bothering me. In James 2:10, it is stated that all sins are equal. Breaking one means breaking all. It is trying to get the idea across that we shouldn’t excuse sins because that might lead us to accept some sins into our lives and not…

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A Line in the Sand

by Zeke Flores “This came about because the sons of Israel had sinned against Yahweh their God” (II Kings 17:7). “The line in the sand.” by Bernard Spragg, NZ, via Flickr A line in the sand has a universal meaning: Don’t cross it. II Kings 17 tells of the end of the northern kingdom of…

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The Impenitent by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Jeremiah 26:1-15   I.         Jeremiah was told to warn the people of the doom that was approaching them             A.        God thought there might be chance that the people would change – Jeremiah 26:2-3             B.        Did they respond? Yes, but not in the right way – Jeremiah 26:8-9             C.        Jeremiah again reminded them that…

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How God Is Disobeyed by Raymond Warfel

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Solomon: Failure of the World’s Wisest Man

by Max Dawson In my mind, it is one of the most difficult things to reconcile. How did it happen? How could it possibly happen? I am talking about King Solomon. How did the wisest man in the world mess up so badly? How did a man with such a great beginning have such a…

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Obedience Is Necessary by Jeffrey W. Hamilton

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What happens to people who die without being baptized?

Question: Hello, I have been reading about the church of Christ and the issue of baptism. If baptism is required for salvation, what happens to people who die without being baptized? Thank you. Answer: What happens to a person who disobeys God? “Do not marvel at this; for an hour is coming, in which all…

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Disobedience and Unbelief

by Matthew W. Bassford The epistle to the Hebrews might be the most tightly reasoned book in the whole Bible. Sentence by sentence, clause by clause, the Hebrews writer constructs intricate arguments that establish the superiority of Christ over Moses and the folly of Christians returning to Judaism. The more closely we read Hebrews, the…

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King Saul – An “I” Problem by Ross Ward Text: I Samuel 9-15 Looks to himself – at Gilgal I Samuel 13:5-14 – Saul offers sacrifice Samuel delayed Philistines prepared to attack Saul’s soldiers ran scared King Saul’s ‘I’ problem I saw, I said to myself, I have not, I forced myself I Samuel 12:24-25 – Samuel’s instructions for Israel…

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I’m rebellious but I want to follow God and I don’t know what to do

Question: I have been dealing with a medical condition and going through a lot since the year 2006; even prior to the year 2006.  First and foremost I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son Of God; that’s what I want to believe.  I was baptized several years ago.  Currently, I no longer attend church. …

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Why is it so bad to disobey God?

Question: Hi, I have a question. I know sin means to disobey God or to break His law, but I was wondering, why is it so bad to disobey Him? And why was it so bad that Adam and Eve decided to disobey God? Couldn’t God have let it go and let them do what…

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What happens if you disobey the Bible?

Question: What do Christians believe will happen, if they disobey or go against the teachings of the Bible? Answer: “Since it is a righteous thing with God to repay affliction to those who afflict you, and to give relief to you who are afflicted with us, when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with…

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