Denominationalism Is Unnecessary

by Larry Ray Hafley Religious denominationalism in general and Catholicism and Protestantism, in particular, are unnecessary institutions. First, if they were essential, they would be found in the Bible. Christ would have spoken of them and told us how to sustain and support them. That he did none of those things shows they are not required…

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Religion According to Man

Text: Galatians 1:6-10   I.         What happens when man decides to worship God in his own way?             A.        We see among denominations thousands of varying beliefs, yet all claim to be worshiping God and using the Bible as their guide             B.        Some even abandon the Bible and use other books, such as the book of Mormon             C.        Could God…

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How can so many studious people end up teaching different doctrines?

Question: If you have the time and the resources, I think it would be profitable to your visitors if you’ll add a workbook on the Christian doctrine. I surely need one. One that discusses the Christian system. A bit of indoctrination as to what you believe to be the truth of God’s word starting from…

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Have you heard of the Theophostic Prayer Ministry?

Question: I am very concerned about something and would like to ask you about this.  The small church of Christ where we attend recently hired a minister. We have no elders, just a group of several men who chose this preacher.  He and his wife are very nice and people oriented.  His sermons so far…

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I’m scared that God has made me believe a lie. How can I know His way?

Question: A sister in Christ shared this note with me and decided to try and address this young man’s concerns. You showed us that Scripture in II Thessalonians 2:11, “And for this cause, God shall send them strong delusion that they should believe a lie.” That’s made me scared of God ever since. How, if…

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A Brief History of Mormonism by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Jude 3-21   I.         It is not politically correct to speak against another person’s religion.             A.        As a result many people don’t know much about the religion of another person – Hosea 4:6             B.        But how do we deal with the idea that one church is as good as another if we…

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The Ultimate Deception

by Tom Wacaster On a hot August day in 1950, a con man visited a small Oklahoma town, telling the people that he was an advance man for a circus that would soon arrive in three days. He put up handbills and sold tickets to a circus that did not exist. It was a “scam,”…

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What is wrong with the Baptists, Methodists, etc.?

Question: I think my main concern is: “Is the Church of Christ the only way?” What is wrong with the Baptists, Methodists, etc…? Am I going in the right direction to get to Heaven? I know I have a lot of doubts and questions. Answer: The question, “Is the Church of Christ the only way?”…

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What do you think about reading books by denominational authors?

Question: What do you believe about reading books on Christian topics by authors that have a Calvinistic background? What does the Bible say? Can we take their word for their particular subjects that they discuss? For example, Josh McDowell has a book on Christian apologetics, yet he works with Campus Crusade for Christ and I…

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Religious Bargain Hunting

Text: II Peter 2:1-3   I.         There are few of us who don’t like a good bargain when we can get one.             A.        There are some here who will look high-and-low for the best deal, whether it be groceries or a used car.             B.        Of course, some people don’t seem to have a clue as to what truly…

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Why would the Sadducees bother claiming to be religious?

Question: In Matthew 22:23-31, it says that the Sadducees said there was no resurrection. Also, Acts 23: 8 says the Sadducees didn’t believe in angels or spirits. If they didn’t believe in angels or spirits, then why believe in the words of the Old Testament? If the Sadducees didn’t believe in the resurrection, then why did…

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Are there warnings about believing you are the only denomination going to heaven?

Question: Some church denominations say, “We are right and all other churches are wrong” (concerning Bible interpretations). Or they say, “We are going to Heaven. All other denominations are not.” Do the Scriptures give any warnings or guidelines about this “attitude” held by certain groups? Thank you! Answer: Behind this question is the assumption that…

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What type of Christian are you?

Question: Hi! I’m also Christian (Pentecostal). I’m just wondering what type of Christian are you? If you don’t mind me asking, because I’m aware of all of the different Christianity out there, like Methodist, Liberal, Baptist, etc. By the way, I like your website. Answer: The Bible only speaks of one church, the one founded…

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What is the Redeemed Christian Church of God?

Question: I am a member of the Church of Christ and I study with many that are outside of the body of Christ. I have been doing Bible studies with a couple of different people in different states who say they attend worship at a Redeemed Christian Church of God.  I am not familiar with this…

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Do you think a Protestant and Catholic can marry?

Question: Suppose there are a Protestant man and a Catholic woman. They like each other, enjoy exchanging ideas, and have long-established a good relationship. Do you see any problem if they fall in love? What is the biblical concern over the matter? Traditionally there is opposition to the engagement, but is there a biblical reason…

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Are you a part of the “Church of Christ” denomination?

Question: I just found your site on the web. Very interesting information you have compiled. I am curious, are you, in fact, affiliated with what we know as the denomination Church of Christ? Or is it that you just align yourself with the Christ? Answer: As far as I know, there is no denomination using…

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Why are so many churches of Christ so small?

Question: Why are so many churches of Christ so small? Why do so many of them seem to have so few young people? Why do so many of them have so many problems? Why are there so many churches? (denominations) Answer: What immediately strikes me is the focus of these questions. They are all internal:…

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Does your church have a statement of faith?

Question: Does your church have a ‘statement of faith’? Answer: You probably have a copy of our statement of faith in your home; it is usually titled “The Holy Bible.” No, I am not joking with you. Christians are made Christians by following the teachings of Christ. All denominations must add something to it, such…

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Which Christian denomination is the right one?

Question: Which Christian denomination is the right one? How can you tell? Answer: Jesus told Peter he would build his church (Matthew 16:18). The word “church” is singular; Jesus built only one church. Unfortunately, even in the early days of the church, men could not leave the perfection created by God alone. They started making…

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Who Are We?

by Jefferson David Tant From to time, in talking with people about churches of Christ, people ask “Who are you?” “What are your beliefs?” We are “one” in Christ. One of our nation’s mottos is “E Pluribus Unum”—”Out of many, one.” In one way, that well describes us. As to what we believe, the simple…

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We Are Simply Christians Without Being Members of Any Denomination. You Can Be Too!

by Dale Smelser We read with interest the reports on every hand of the growing disenchantment with present religious forms which originated in the middle ages and have become meaningless. We hear of displeasure with denominational structures and their pronouncements which reflect only the preferences of an influential elite, ignoring the convictions of the rank…

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When a church splits, who is right?

Question: I am a Catholic. I understand that my religion is kind of looked down on by the church of Christ. I am wondering how many churches of Christ are doing what is being asked for in the Bible? Recently a church in my town split up over an issue and I can’t help but…

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Why are there different denominations?

Question: Why are there different denominations between Christians? Answer: A denomination is a division and, yes, among those calling themselves “Christian” there are a great many divisions. Even among a particular denomination, there are divisions as evidenced by the Episcopals’ arguments over their homosexual bishop, the United Methodists’ arguments on where to allow homosexual unions,…

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Is Evangelism Dying?

by Lloyd Gale In a recent column of the Christian Science Monitor, Michael Spencer wrote; “We Evangelicals have failed to pass on to our young people an orthodox form of faith that can take root and survive the secular onslaught. Ironically, the billion dollars we have spent on our youth ministers, Christian music, publishing, and…

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Should Christians Support the Salvation Army?

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: II John 5-11   I.         Would you consider it right to drop money in a Catholic church’s collection box? Would you send monthly tithes to a Methodist church?             A.        For Christians following the New Testament, the answer is a strong “No.”             B.        We don’t agree with the teachings of these denominations, so why…

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Should Denominations Be Refuted?

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Psalm 119:97-104   I.         Some brethren are, well, squeamish when denominations are publicly refuted             A.        There is a fear that visitors, their friends and relatives, will be offended by such plain language             B.        In the end, there is more allowance for sin to continue unchecked.             C.        Is it possible that we do not mind…

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Isn’t it divisive to claim all denominations are wrong?

Question: I just read the article about why you left the Nazarene denomination. On the latter point of baptism, I will not comment now, but I think your first listed reason is a rational mistake. You said, “yet the Nazarene Church exists, as does any denomination, because man disregards the prayerful wishes of Christ.” This…

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