
by Doy Moyer There are only a handful of times in biblical Israel’s history in which there were reforms to bring the people back to the Lord. Among the kings of the north (Israel), there were no true revivals. Among the kings of the south (Judah), there were a few, but most notable were the…

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I suffer from mental illness. Was my baptism legitimate?

Question: Much love to the Brethren at La Vista and to you brother. You heard from me a few years ago. My situation is much better than before, but I still have struggles and questions. I suffer from Autism, SchizoAffective, and BiPolar Type 2. Recently, I was rebaptized as I felt like it was needed…

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Coffee Bean Religion

by Jefferson David Tant My grandfather, J. D. Tant, liked strong coffee. In his time (1861-1941), many ground their own beans. One day while eating with a family, he asked the housewife “Sister, do you have any coffee beans?” “Why, yes brother Tant.” “Well,” he replied, “If you’ll bring me a coffee bean, I’ll lay…

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Is having a baby dedicated wrong?

Question: I have found on your site when searching that several have asked this question, but I can’t find an answer to this question. A friend, who is a Nazarene, is having their baby dedicated. Is this wrong? Thanks. Answer: In the Nazarene Church, a dedication ritual a vow that parents take that they will…

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Why Do Some Depart? by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Matthew 13:18-23   I.         When teaching someone about the gospel, it is hard not to invest a bit of yourself into the one you are trying to reach.             A.        You know the importance of being a Christian, and you care about the one you are teaching. If not, why spend the…

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