Names for God’s People Download Audio by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Isaiah 62:1-5   I.             Names hold a particular significance in the Bible                 A.           When a child is born in this country, parents agonize on picking out just the right name.                                  1.             Often the name is selected because it has a nice “ring” to it                                  2.             Because a favorite relative has the…

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The Flesh of Man Text: I Corinthians 15:35–44   I.         In attempting to train our puppy, we often found ourselves scolding the dog for chewing on everything in reach – clothing, ankles, fingers.             A.        Why does a dog behave as it does? Certainly mama dog did not teach him to chew on everything in sight.             B.        Animals do what comes natural…

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Metaphors of the Church

by Dennis C. Abernathy via Truth Magazine – January 3, 1980 In our age when the church is thought of as some unimportant, outdated, or take-it-or-leave-it institution, it becomes very important for us to investigate what the Scriptures have to say pertaining to it. It is so important that we stress the beauty of, the wisdom behind,…

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