Six Questions About Baptism

by Matthew W. Bassford This lesson was prompted by a series of questions passed to me by one of the young people in the congregation.  They are all very thoughtful, and they are all on the subject of baptism. I think publicly exploring the topic is important.  Others may be grappling with the same questions,…

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Can I be forgiven if I sin after I was baptized?

Question: I was baptized a few months ago, and I turned myself into the name of the Lord. Everything has been going well. I feel alive and well again. I’ve been talking to a very special girl (she is baptized as well). The other day I met up with her, and we ended up kissing,…

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Since only males were circumcised, how did females enter the Old Covenant?

Question: Brother, This question came up in a recent Bible study. We were covering the book of Romans, the last few verses of chapter 2. Circumcision came up. After a little discussion, a sister in Christ asked how women made a covenant with God under Mosaic Law, since circumcision was the sign of the covenant.…

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Bible Truth About Baptism

by Matthew W. Bassford via His Excellent Word, November 14, 2016 I’d gotten some feedback about my recent preaching on evangelism that I felt merited sermons of its own.  One of them was last week’s sermon.  This week’s sermon is another.  Basically, some of the ladies were asking the age-old question, “But what do I say?” …

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Your article contained the answers I was looking for

Question: Hello, I am going through some trouble right now. I have been dating my girlfriend for a year now and have been trying to ease her into the church. She has not been grounded in any denominational doctrine, but she still has some trouble accepting the truth. Recently, she had asked me to visit…

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Can I get baptized even though I’m still living with my boyfriend?

Question: I have been with my partner for 19 years, but we are not married.  I started going to church three years ago, but my partner isn’t a believer.  Some in the church say that in the eyes of God we are married and, therefore, I should be baptized. However, others say I should be…

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Is Knowing that Baptism Is Essential to Salvation Essential to Salvation?

by Gary Eubanks This question may seem a bit obscure and requires a moment’s reflection to digest, but it actually addresses a very common and familiar situation.  Anyone who knows much about Evangelicalism knows that at its heart lies the concept of salvation by faith alone.  For Evangelicals, salvation comes at the point of belief…

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What is the proper thing to say as you are baptizing someone?

Question: Hi Jeff, I read an article that asks what does someone says before they baptize someone else. It almost answered my question but not completely. I have always been taught that it is not a proper baptism unless the proper things were said. After taking their confession and then preparing them for baptism, it…

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Baptism started out in water, but it has changed

Question: This message is in regards to water baptisms. In the early stages, John the baptist and Jesus’ disciples were performing water baptisms. Some preachers are teaching the brethren, “except you be baptized in water you cannot be saved.” The elders of Jerusalem settled the issue of salvation when they wrote an epistle to the…

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Is it right to refuse baptism for a person who has multiple wives?

Question: Please preacher, is it biblically right to ask a person if he is customarily married or not, or whether he has two or more wives before such a person is baptized? If he fails any of the questions above, can you refuse to baptize such a person? Answer: In many African nations, there are…

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What Does Baptism Have to Do with Salvation? by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: II Kings 5:1-14   I.         Leprosy is a terrible disease.             A.        It is a bacterial infection that causes skin lesions and nerve damage             B.        It has only been curable since the early 1980’s.             C.        So it is no wonder that a commander in Syria’s army would go great lengths to be cured.             D.        Yet…

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If we have sex one more time before our baptisms, will God forgive us?

Question: Hi, I recently converted to Christianity and so did my girlfriend. We both have been in a very sexual relationship before we found God. We have been trying hard not to do anything sexual, but we messed up once, felt horrible, and asked for forgiveness. We’re getting baptized soon, and we’re both excited. We…

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Can I get forgiveness of my sins before I am baptized?

Question: I have accepted Jesus as my Savior but there is this little detail: I am not baptized. My family is not Catholic, so I wasn’t baptized, but I truly believe in God and have been praying a lot lately for His forgivenesses. Is it okay if I’m not baptized? Will I still be forgiven?…

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I keep finding sins in my life. Do I need to get baptized again?

Question: Brother Hamilton, This has been bothering me for a while, so I am going to explain my situation. I was baptized as an infant and grew up knowing all about Jesus and what is expected of a Christian. However, as a young adult, after studying the Bible, I realized my baptism was done wrong.…

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Should I wait until after I get married to be baptized?

Question: Hi, I am in the process of getting baptized and being confirmed as a Catholic. At the same time, I am engaged and my fiance and I live together. We will be getting married next year. Should I wait to be baptized after we are married? Answer: To be clear upfront, I’m not a…

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Would you baptize someone you think is living in sin?

Question: Hey Brother, Would you baptize an individual who you think is still living in sin or is setting a bad example? For instance, if the individual is living with a girlfriend but claims that they do not have sex and sleep in different rooms. Answer: “Let no one despise your youth, but be an example to…

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I just realized I never was properly baptized

Question: Hello, A couple of members of the church of Christ in my neighborhood suggested to me two Sundays ago that I should be re-baptized. After subsequent research (especially through your website), I was forced to admit that I was never properly baptized. I was baptized at only 10 weeks of age! Even before I…

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The Action of Baptism

by Steve Wolfgang via Truth Magazine XIX: 27, pp. 421-422, May 15, 1975 The subject of the “action” of baptism quite evidently concerns itself with the nature of the act. It raises the question, “Exactly what is ‘baptism’?” This is a question that should be of obvious importance to every professed believer of the Bible. To those…

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Three questions about Church of Christ teachings on baptism

Question: Sir, I have three questions that are about the teachings of the Church of Christ. Why does the COC dismiss the case of the thief on the cross by saying that it happened “under the Old Testament” when in fact the thief was saved after the blood of the New Testament was shed and…

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When is the right time to get baptized?

Question: It’s a long story with a question in it. But to answer the question, I think you should understand my journey from being a Muslim. I am a Muslim and I was in a relationship with a Christian girl for nearly seven years. In that seven years I know I have been cheating her…

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Can someone be baptized who is still struggling with pornography?

Question: My friend keeps watching pornography, he says he is trying to stop, but he keeps failing. He wants to be baptized, but when I baptize him and he keeps on doing so, will God keep on forgiving him, or will his Christianity just fade away to God? Answer: There is a difference between wanting…

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Was Cornelius Saved Before Water Baptism?

by Fred B. Walker in The Preceptor, Vol. 1, No. 11, September 1952. One of the strongest arguments that can be made on the theory that one is saved before and without water baptism is based upon the conversion of Cornelius in Acts 10 in the light of what Jesus taught in Jno. 14:17. This…

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I was baptized by a female priest. Was it legitimate?

Question: Hi, I was baptized a year ago. Since then I’ve been a bit worried about something. My question might sound a bit silly, but the Bible tells us that women must keep silent in church. I was baptized by a female priest. Have I been ‘officially’ baptized? Am I going to hell? Do I…

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If I didn’t say “Jesus is Lord,” do I need to be baptized again?

Question: Hello there, Thank you for the articles and answers on your website.  I believe they stand on good biblical ground and are a blessing to Christians and the world. I have a question about Romans 10:9.  Many years ago, I was immersed in water for the remission of my sins.  Before this baptism, I…

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Does Luke 7:48-50 prove that baptism is unnecessary?

Question: I need help with the following question: Does Luke 7:48-50 prove that we do not need to be baptized to be saved? Can you help me with an answer that shows that these verses are not inconsistent with the teaching that baptism is essential for salvation? It is being argued that since the woman’s…

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If Jesus is without sin, why did he get baptized?

Question: Hey Jeff, We get baptized to wash away sins. If Jesus is without sin, why did he get baptized? Answer: “Then Jesus came from Galilee to John at the Jordan to be baptized by him. And John tried to prevent Him, saying, “I need to be baptized by You, and are You coming to…

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Do belief and confession mean that baptism is unnecessary?

Question: Hi, Thanks for your web site. It has been a God-send to folks like me who are relatively new in our walk with God through the Lord Jesus Christ. I have been trying to find a Bible-believing church to attend, but there are so many false teachings and divisions in the body of Christ today that…

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I’ve been baptized three times, but I’m not certain I’m saved

Question: Hi, I am a male in my thirties. For about fifteen years I have been struggling with thoughts about my baptism.  Thoughts go through my head practically every day.  I have questions constantly running through my mind that cause me to feel anxious and fearful of God’s judgment, all because I keep questioning if my…

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Can a person be scripturally baptized in a denomination?

Question: I am a member of the church of Christ and lately, an issue has arisen. A few of our members were baptized in denominations but have been allowed to join our congregation on the basis that their baptisms were valid or scriptural based on an investigation. According to these members, as soon as they…

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What was the history of baptism prior to John?

Question: Hello! I don’t know where to look for the history of the baptism of John. I have the understanding that baptism was done since the Babylonian captivity for the conversion to the Jewish faith (a proselyte, but I don’t know where to find any documentation to confirm or deny it. I just don’t know…

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I’m not sure I want to get baptized. Do I have to be baptized?

Question: I’m 14 years old, and I was born in a Christian family. I got truly saved last year. I know that I’m saved by Jesus’s blood and I want to live for God, but it’s hard for me to want to get baptized. I want to get baptized, but also part of me doesn’t.…

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What happens if I die before I am baptized?

Question: I recently turned my life to God. I’m on your website all the time learning what things to do and not do. I’m also reading the Bible. I don’t know everything in the Bible, so I’m currently educating myself. I’ve come to be a bit confused since I have a hard time understanding many…

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