My new job interferes with going to Bible study. What do I do?

Question: I just started a new job at school where I work the second shift Monday through Friday. The local assembly where I worship meets for Bible study on Wednesday evenings. My question is: according to Hebrews 10:25 is it considered forsaking or neglecting if I miss Wednesday Bible study? Answer: The reason for attending…

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Do you need to be baptized in order to go to heaven?

Question: Hello, I have a couple of questions, but I hope I am not bothering you in any way. Do you need to be baptized in order to go to heaven? If so, what other things must you do? Do you need to be baptized to be a Christian? Can you be a Christian if…

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How can I stay spiritually stable?

Question: Sir, Please, can you give me some advice on how to stay spiritually stable? Because I am never stable in my spiritual walk with God. Today I am strong in the Spirit, tomorrow I am weak. This has bothered me a lot because I gave my life to Jesus two years ago, but I…

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Is staying home because of an illness “forsaking the assemblies?”

Question: Hello, I read a section of your website that had to do with “not forsaking the assembling.” Could you give me your thoughts considering the following: Because I have been very low physically (adrenal fatigue State II and related diagnosis of hypoglycemia and extreme hormone imbalance) I have not attended church these last two…

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Does God care about all the surgeries I’m going through?

Question: I was an evangelical Christian over five years ago. I am still a believer. I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I don’t do drugs or anything like that. I don’t have a girlfriend. I stopped going to church about two years ago. It was because I had surgery (Palatal Expansion). I was born with…

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How do I repent for getting drunk?

Question: This is with deep regret that I am asking this. This past Saturday my neighbors threw a going-away party for my wife and me. I ended up getting drunk in front of all of my peers and I feel terrible. I have worked so hard to be the best Christian possible. My question is…

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Do You Want to Be Here by PJ Anderson

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What do you say to people who left the church when you run into them?

Question: Over the last couple of years, members (particularly young adults) have fallen away from the church. It concerns me, as I have heard that they are going their own way and some now have relationships (boyfriend or girlfriends). I am not sure how to deal with the situation as these people have been an…

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What if you feel that a particular church is not suitable for you?

Question: What are the suggestions if one cannot afford monetarily to attend church, or feels that a particular church is not suitable for him? If he does private bible study, is this enough? Does he have to go through the baptism ceremony? If a Christian continues to study other religions and philosophies, is this against…

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Should I attend services elsewhere while traveling?

Question: I am a member of the Lord’s church in one state and will be traveling to another. While away is it acceptable to attend worship service at another meeting house? And for my offering, should this be given to them or held until my return to our home congregation? Answer: The requirement to attend…

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Can I be a Christian and not go to church?

Question: Is it wrong to feel like as long as you keep God in your head, and you do right, and all you listen to is Christian music, and you talk to Him on a regular basis, to not go to church? It’s just that church is a place I don’t feel like I fit…

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Social Compatibility or Scriptural Compatibility

by Warren E. Berkley Many who read this article will immediately know what I’m going to describe. You are members of a small congregation somewhere in the United States. Due to the economics and mobility of urban life and suburban careers, your membership has dwindled and the budget is strained. Yet, you still do everything…

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Should services be missed because you have a cold?

Question: I have a random question:  What do you think about the arguments people make that if you are sick you shouldn’t assemble to worship to God?  For example, I recently saw this on the blog of a close friend: Please be kind and loving (both of which are Christian virtues) and don’t come bringing…

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Why should we go to church every Sunday?

Question: Recently a friend asked me why we should go to church every Sunday. I told him to learn the Word of God, but he said we can learn that any time. So why should we go to church? Answer: Ask your friend what he learned from the Bible last week on his own. Most…

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Is membership in a local congregation necessary for salvation?

Question: First of all, I want to say that I do like your site and the good information it provides. However, while reading “Christians Without Churches?” I came across the following statement: “Is it possible for a Christian to be part of the “universal” church without being identified with a local church? The Scriptures give…

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I’m going to be going on a tour. What do I do about missing services?

Question: First, I want to thank you for this web site.  I’ve visited it quite frequently over the past several years, and it has helped me to understand more about what the Word says.  I found myself amazed that questions I had been asking myself had already been asked by previous viewers.  It’s helped me…

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Why don’t you meet daily?

Question: I have another question, at the end of chapter 2 in the book of Acts, it is written that the church met daily.  Where you worship does the body meet daily?  If not, can you explain why not? Answer: “So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to…

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Devaluing the Local Church

by Glen Young via Gospel Power, Vol. 15, No. 25, June 22, 2008. The local church occupies an important position in God’s scheme of things. It is through the local church that Christians execute certain works. These are works that God commands that can only be accomplished as a group in the context of a local…

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Is poor attendance actually a sin?

Question: Brother, I was edified by what I read in this article: Telling Members They are Sinning in Deliberately Missing Church. Bob does a good job listing some of the excuses some brethren use to justify missing church assemblies. He shows that those who rely on these excuses reveal carnality and not spirituality. However, as the…

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Christians Without Churches?

by Ethan R. Longhenry Over the past few years, a trend has increased among people, especially Americans: the idea that people can be good Christians without being part of a church. Many people will recognize that Jesus is the Messiah and Lord, but yet want nothing to do with any church. This attitude fits with…

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Do you think it’s a sin not to go to church?

Question: Hi! I am 15 years old. I want to thank you for saving my soul! I accepted Jesus into my heart about two years ago and have been talking to him as a friend, a brother, a Savior and my Lord ever since. However, I have found myself struggling with lust, greed and other things.…

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You don’t know the true reasons why I don’t attend!

Question: Well, I got the opportunity to read your article online about missing church. Seemed so self-righteous. God knows one’s heart and no man can judge another without true facts. You don’t walk in any one’s shoes to know in ord to judge one correctly, that’s first and foremost. Secondly, I miss church once in a…

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Do you have to join a church?

Question: I would like to know do you believe in having to join to be a member of the “Church of Christ”? Answer: This question only becomes difficult to answer in that I don’t know if you understand the way the New Testament uses the concept of “church.” “Church” is used in two senses. One…

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Telling Members They Are Sinning in Deliberately Missing Church

By Bob W. Lovelace Question: If you gathered together a list of excuses as to why members of a local church will “neglect” their collective duty to attend and participate in both the worship and works of the local church what would it include? From all over members who strive to fulfill their duty are…

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