Spiritual Israel
by Jeffrey W. Hamilton
Text: Galatians 6:12-18
I. I ran across someone claiming that there is no spiritual Israel, that all references to Israel are to the physical nation.
A. From this position, he claimed that the kingdom was postponed because of Israel’s unbelief.
B. He claims that physical Israel doesn’t exist today but will return in the future. At that time God will resume His dealings with Israel and its covenant
C. So let’s look at the Scriptures to see if this idea is supported or countered
II. Jesus’ kingdom is spiritual
A. Jesus told Pilate that his kingdom was not of this world - John 18:36
B. After telling the parable of the vineyard workers - Matthew 21:40-45
1. The leading Jews realized that the parable was about them.
2. They realized the conclusion Jesus emphasized: the kingdom would be taken from them and given to other people.
3. They lost the kingdom because they rejected the Messiah due to their unbelief
C. Not all are Israel who physically descend from Jacob - Romans 9:6-8
1. It is not the physical descendants but the children of the promise are counted as descendants
2. If Israel is not defined by the physical descendants, then what do we call them? Spiritual Israel makes a good contrasting designation.
III. What defined physical Israel has changed
A. Who is truly a Jew? - Romans 2:28-29
1. Being a Jew not about physical circumcision
2. A true Jew is one who has circumcised his heart (removed sin) - Colossians 2:11-12
3. Paul is talking about Christians who have been baptized!
4. We are the true circumcision - Philippians 3:2-3
5. Physical circumcision has no meaning now - Galatians 5:6
6. Our only boast is not in the physical but in the death of Christ - Galatians 6:14-16
a. Some wish to claim that two groups are referred to in Galatians 6:16
b. “Them” refers to those who walk by “this rule.” What rule?
(1) Boasting in cross of Christ by which we are crucified to the world and become a new creation
(2) A reference to baptism - Romans 6:3-4
c. Blessing on these people and on “the Israel of God”
(1) The only time this phrase is used is here in Galatians 6
(2) Who is the Israel of God?
(3) Notice it a designation for a group. The blessing is on the individuals and the group as a whole. In other words, the church.
d. The man who claimed there is no spiritual Israel wants “Israel of God” to refer to physical Israel, but to make this work grammatically, he had to redefine “those who walk by this rule” to be the new creation which he claimed to be the church. Therefore, he has two groups receiving the blessing: the church and physical Israel.
(1) The problem is that the pronouns don’t work. The pronouns are in the plural. We are talking about a group of individuals, not a single collection.
B. A change in capital
1. There is present Jerusalem - Galatians 4:25
2. There is the Jerusalem above - Galatians 4:26
a. That is a reference to heaven – a spiritual realm
3. We are children of promise and not of the flesh - Galatians 4:28-30
4. Christians are of Jerusalem above, not physical Jerusalem - Galatians 4:31
C. A change in priesthood
1. Physical Israel had a priesthood – the descendants of Aaron - Numbers 3:3,12
2. But it was prophesied that the priesthood would change and include Gentiles - Isaiah 66:18-24
3. Christians are a royal priesthood, a holy nation, and God’s own special people - I Peter 2:9-10
a. Each designation alluded to physical Israel but are now applied to the church
4. Christians are made kings and priests - Revelation 1:6; 5:10
D. A change in citizens
1. Many nations will join themselves to the Lord - Zechariah 2:11
2. Iniquity will be removed in one day - Zechariah 3:9-10
3. God will save them. They are His flock - Zechariah 9:16
4. The Lord will be king over all the earth - Zechariah 14:9
5. The separation of Israel from the Gentiles will no longer exist - Ephesians 2:11-16
IV. Why was there a change?
A. The physical Israelites were broken off because of their unbelief. Gentiles were grafted in because of their belief - Romans 11:20
B. However, if physical Israelites start believing, they can be grafted back in - Romans 11:23
1. Note that it is conditional. Not all physical Israelites will believe.
C. It is called a “partial hardening” because not all physical Israelites rejected Christ - Romans 11:25; 11:1
D. Thus, all Israel will be saved - Romans 11:26
1. Stop and consider. Who is grafted in? It is the believing Jews and Gentiles
2. All Gentiles will not believe. All Jews will not believe.
3. Who are we talking about? All Israel in Romans 11:26 must be referring to the church, which is composed of Jews and Gentiles.
E. This Israel will have a new covenant and their sins removed - Romans 11:27
1. We are no longer talking about physical Israel but spiritual Israel (the church)
2. This is exactly what Jeremiah prophesied - Jeremiah 31:31-34
V. Yes, it could be confusing but there are two Israels
A. There is the physical Israel who, as a whole, rejected God, broke their covenant, and had the kingdom removed from them.
1. They are no longer “of God” having turned their backs on Him
B. There is the spiritual Israel composed of believers under the covenant of Christ and are now the kingdom - Colossians 1:13-14
C. Are you a part of the Israel of God? - Colossians 1:25-28