
by Jeffrey W. Hamilton

Text: Psalms 119:145-152


I.         It is one of those minor points brought out by the Bible; a seemingly incidental detail that you almost overlook - Genesis 24:63

            A.        Isaac took a stroll in the evening in a field to meditate.

                        1.         We are given a hint as to why in Genesis 24:67. The death of his mother still weighed heavy on his soul.

                        2.         He was out for some quiet time

            B.        We don’t often talk about meditating.

                        1.         Eastern religions have made it an essential part of their religion.

                        2.         We think about the guru on the mountain top, looking within himself, to gain better understanding of himself.

                                    a.         But it is only a “truth” as you or I would perceive life.

                                    b.         It might lead you to a better understanding of your wants or desires, but such ideas would hardly be the Truth

                        3.         Of course, western religions have their meditators.

                                    a.         But joining an order of monks in seclusion from the world cannot equip a person for life.

                                    b.         Real life has its sorrows and trials, but I doubt managed discomfort can give us greater understanding of life’s problems.

            C.        Meditation is mentioned frequently in the Bible.

                        1.         It was not reserved for the religious class but was practiced by everyday people.

II.        Meditation is to dwell upon a subject in thought

            A.        There are several Hebrew words which are translated as meditate

                        1.         Suwach, as Isaac did, means to muse on a matter

                        2.         Siyach means to ponder, to talk to one’s self, to rehearse a matter in your mind. (No, it is not a sign of senility!) Psalms 145:5 (“speak”)

                        3.         Hagah means to murmur as you ponder. Talking under your breath, so others don’t understand what you are saying.

                                    a.         The thoughts of your heart - Psalms 49:3

                        4.         Higgayown means to make a whispered sound

                                    a.         In other words, meditation through music

                                                (1)       Psalms 92:3 - “resounding sound”

                                                (2)       Psalms 19:14 - “mediation” of the heart

                        5.         Chazah means to contemplate a mental image, to see something in your mind. Sometimes used in conjunction with meditation

                                    a.         Psalms 27:4 - to behold the beauty of the Lord and meditate in his temple

                                    b.         Proverbs 24:32 - To see and consider

            B.        In the Greek, words that are translated mediate

                        1.         Meletao - to resolve a matter in your mind

                                    a.         I Timothy 4:15

                        2.         Logizomai- To take inventory. To reason a matter to a conclusion

                                    a.         Philippians 4:8 - “think” on these things

            C.        As you can see meditating doesn’t mean chanting a word over and over or humming a monotone sound. It is giving a matter deep thought. - Psalms 77:1-15

                        1.         Meditation in eastern religions aims to think of nothing

                        2.         Meditation in the Bible is to think of something deeply

III.       It is done in quiet places because you don’t want any interruptions

            A.        Isaac going out into a field in the evening

            B.        Meditating on your bed - Psalms 4:4

            C.        Looking forward to the night watch to do some serious thinking - Psalms 119:147-148

            D.        It is not restricted to these times. It can be done at anytime there is a need - Psalms 55:17 (NASB is not well translated - should be meditate and cry aloud)

IV.      What requires our deeper thoughts

            A.        God’s work

                        1.         Considering the aid God has given in the past - Psalms 143:5-6

                        2.         Speak of (meditate on) God’s wondrous works - Psalms 105:1-5

            B.        More often, though, the Bible speaks of meditating on God’s law

                        1.         Psalms 1:1-2 - The righteous meditates on God’s law

                        2.         Psalms 119:14-16 - A delight to meditate on God’s law

                        3.         Psalms 119:47-48 - Because he loves God’s law

                        4.         Man so often despises any restriction that the very idea of laws are what many detest.

                                    a.         Can you imagine anyone waxing so eloquently about the IRS codes?

                                    b.         There is a beauty in God’s law which makes it like no other - Psalms 19:7-11

                                    c.         David loved the laws of God - Psalms 119:97

            C.        Righteous and pure things - Philippians 4:8

V.        What meditation does for us

            A.        Meditation is a part of our learning process

            B.        It gives us deeper insight - Psalms 119:97-104

                        1.         It makes us wiser. It gives us experience without the age.

            C.        It gives us understanding - Psalms 49:3

            D.        It helps us not to forget - Joshua 1:8

                        1.         If something is going to be firmly planted in your brain, you need to go over it again and again.

                        2.         This is why Timothy was to be “absorbed” by these things - I Timothy 4:13-16

VI.      Do not let God’s words slip out of your thoughts. Ponder them. Learn from them. And apply them to your life.