Media Morality: Who Is Responsible?

by Floyd Chappelear
Sentry Magazine, Vol. 9, No. 11, November 30, 1983

Dorothy Gilliam is a liberal, feminist, syndicated columnist. Like so many of her calling, she has done much to break down the barriers of decency. In the name of "liberation," she decried the morality that helped make this country great. Now, when it is, perhaps, too late to do the country any good, she is beginning to see the error of her course.

In a column earlier this year, she told of a young woman law student "who seemed to be destined to be one of the best and brightest" but whose life was cut short by a drug overdose. Gilliam poignantly tells the tale of this young lady and tries to assess the blame for her untimely and tragic death. Her explanation is as follows:

"The ridiculous cycle that snuffed out this young woman's life must be turned around. Her life was filled with hope and potential for good. She lost her chance on a winter night in Washington, and in a sense, all of us must share the blame. For at the point when taking drugs became socially respectable, it became everyone's responsibility."

While I agree that writers like Dorothy Gilliam must share the responsibility for this youngster's death, I deny emphatically that morally upright people who have always pointed out the evil of drug use are responsible. I simply will not share Dorothy Gilliam's guilt trip for the evil people like her have perpetrated. Let the liberals take a reasonable stand on the subjects of drug use and sexual liberation, and you will see a reversal of the trend of tragedy that is encompassing the youth of America. In the meantime, if they keep promoting godlessness in the name of liberation, one will see the tragedy repeated. Indeed, let the media take a moral position, and the trend can be reversed; otherwise, things will only get worse.

"And although they know the ordinance of God, that those who practice such things are worthy of death, they not only do the same, but also give hearty approval to those who practice them" (Romans 1:31).