I like the sounds of your church. How do I find one like it in my area?


I just wanted to say that your web page is wonderful. Not to build you up, but to let you know it gave me some help. And just that I found it extremely biblical and to the point, clear; better than most any pages out there I've read. Started off with reading your page on temptation ... the best and clearest way I've ever heard it explained. A child could understand it. But it would be so confusing at many other places. Just really, really, made sense to me and clicked with what I know and believe about the Bible. Biblical, common sense, clear, readable, logical and simple. Made perfect sense and it's amazing how many hundreds of confusing things you can find out there.

Anyways, I just wanted to let you know I appreciate it. Looked around some more, and I will again, saved it in my favorites, and I'm really liking just about everything. Finding that it all is consistently biblical and good. I really like it and I'm happy to have found this.

A quagmire, a landfill, and a minefield out there, as far as what you'll find. Been through the gamut and can usually smell something that's confusing things and twisting them. When I see something like this, I like to let the person know it was read and appreciated. Good deal. Keep up the work and hopefully be encouraged! 🙂

I pray that it will be blessed, will help many others; and I'll be sure to suggest it for those with questions I don't know if I can answer whenever I have the opportunity.

I wish your church was where I lived! I definitely like the statement on the home page and would be very interested in checking it out. I'm looking for a new church, by the way, hopefully, one that practices the communion with some regularity (have a good reason for mentioning this), I don't know if you know anything about most other churches, but, if you do, do you have any suggestions for a good start? Tried a few around here, but it's mostly a Mormon state and the non-Mormon churches are really varied. Churches are so different anymore, I just want to go to a church that's doing what it's supposed to be doing and is seeking God in a real way, right.

Just thought I'd ask. 🙂


Thank you for your kind comments. There are churches of Christ all around the world. In some areas, it is denser than in others. You can search for congregations in your area using one of the search engines listed in "Locating Congregations of the Churches of Christ." If you need help, let me know where you are and I'll look up the congregations in your area.

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