I have small colorless bumps on my scrotum. Should I be concerned?
I have had small colorless bumps on my scrotum for at least four years. The bumps are anywhere from 1 mm to 3 mm in size, and they protrude anywhere from 0.5 mm to 3 mm. They are pretty hard, like soft rocks just under the skin of the scrotum. I rarely get to, but sometimes they can be popped and a whitish cream comes out. I've been married for six years so I've had a sexual partner for more than five. They aren't contagious because my wife doesn't have them. My wife has been my only sexual partner. She also says that I've been her only sexual partner too.
I also have a growth that looks like jock itch, but it is also colorless. The skin on my scrotum gets slightly protruded along with the discoloration, and it's rough compared to the rest of my scrotum. I've used every single anti-fungal medication I could find. When I use them, it just gets a little better, then comes back the same as before. Any ideas?
Nearly all men have small spots in the skin of their scrotum and penis. These are called Fordyce Spots and are normal. However, your description is something more than Fordyce Spots.
The bumps sound like cysts. A cyst is a clogged oil or sweat gland. From your description, I would guess they are clogged oil glands which doctors call sebaceous cysts. They are not harmful and most doctors don't bother treating them if they remain small. If they get large, the doctor can perform minor surgery to remove the gland. The cause is not known, though some men are prone to get them. They are definitely not contagious. The next time you see your doctor, ask if he can remove the larger ones or recommend a skin doctor who can remove them.
The discoloration sounds either like eczema -- a thickening of the skin -- or a genital wart. Eczema can be treated with a cream. There is no cure, but it can keep the skin from being irritated. Eczema is not contagious. If it is a genital wart, it needs to be removed as they are contagious and are associated with cancer later in life. Since I can't see what you see, I can't narrow it down further. I would recommend asking your doctor to take a look at it and see what he thinks.