Can inspiration of the Bible be proven?


I know II Timothy 3:16: "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness."

I had a discussion with a person who is not a member of the Church of Christ and, therefore, not a Christian. I was referring to the Scriptures in all I said, but he said the Scriptures were written by men. He also claimed to have read the Scriptures cover to cover three times and had studied philosophy. He said I shouldn't be basing my arguments on the Scriptures. I pointed out the words in the Scriptures above, and he said it couldn't be proven that the Holy Spirit inspired the Scriptures since men still wrote that part.

On other occasions, people always say I shouldn't only refer to the Scriptures because there were things that happened that weren't recorded in the Bible.

What would be the appropriate responses to these questions and scenarios?


Concerning using the Bible to prove the Bible, see:

The second argument is nonsensical. Of course, other events happened. That is true of every history book. But that fact doesn't mean what is recorded in the Bible is necessarily false or an unreliable source.

The real problem is that people get uncomfortable arguing against the Bible. Your atheist friend doesn't believe the Bible, but that doesn't mean the Bible is false or uninspired. It also doesn't mean that the inspiration of the Bible cannot be proven. See: How do we know the Bible is inspired?


Thank you for the clarification, sir.