Are We Looking for Questions or Answers?

by Doy Moyer

There is a difference between the one who is constantly seeking questions and the one who is seeking answers. The following is not intended to be a list of hard rules with no exceptions. Rather, these are observations I have found to be fairly typical in my own experiences:

  • The question-seeker is rarely satisfied with any answers but continually asks unanswerable questions.
    The answer-seeker has questions, too, but is able to recognize legitimate answers and is happy to find them.
  • The question-seeker’s follow-up is to the effect of, “Yeah, but what about…?” (cf. Luke 10:29 and the lawyer wishing to justify himself).
    The answer-seeker’s follow-up is to the effect of, “Now let me understand how to apply this.”
  • The question-seeker mistakes a search for questions with a humble search for truth and quits looking.
    The answer-seeker finds truth through humble acceptance of legitimate answers and keeps studying.
  • The question-seeker looks for clever ways to ask the questions so as to stump others (Cf. Jesus’ opponents who often tried to trap Him).
    The answer-seeker looks for clarity, not to stump anyone, but to lead to solid conclusions and grow together.
  • The question-seeker sees the questions as an end in themselves since no answers suffice.
    The answer-seeker sees the questions as a means to find real answers.
  • The question-seeker uses the lack of answers as a reason to raise doubts.
    The answer-seeker uses the lack of answers as a way to keep seeking and finally trust in the One who does have the answers.
  • The question-seeker asks questions without learning much from them.
    The answer-seeker asks questions to foster learning
  • The question-seeker uses unanswered questions to suspend judgment upon God and Christ.
    The answer-seeker suspends judgment on an unanswered question but can still trust God.

The question I need to ask myself is simple: Am I a question-seeker or an answer-seeker?