Will all Jews receive Christ?


I've been reading Hebrews and in chapter 8 it seems there is a prophecy about before Christ comes again, "all" Jews will know and believe in him and ultimately receive salvation.  Am I reading something more than it says into this?  This is the first time I've really seen this and don't recall it ever being taught.

Thank you.


It appears you missed the point being made in Hebrews. The book is written to Christians who had come out of Judaism to become Christians. The purpose of the book is to convince them not to return to their old religion because Christianity is far superior to the old. In Hebrews 8, the point being made is that God had prophesied the replacement of the Old Covenant with a New Covenant and those of Israel are now under the terms of the New Covenant. See A Better Covenant Based on Better Promises for more details.

Nothing in this chapter says that all of Israel will convert to following Christ.


Thank you. I didn't think I could have been a Christian for 40 years and never been taught that before.

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