Who Has Low Self-Esteem?
From Meditate on These Things, November 2009:
Particularly enjoyed the article self-esteem, as blaming "low self-esteem" for all of the behavioral problems of children seems to have been a special problem for many in my profession, but especially therapists who come out of the very liberal schools of "social work." I had opportunity some years ago to speak with a colleague, a social worker, who was talking about an especially vile young client who cursed, threatened, and dared just about every authority figure he met. She blamed his problem on "low self-esteem". I responded that the problem for the client was self-esteem that was too great, and that the social worker was the one with low self-esteem. "After all, you just let a middle schooler call you every nasty name in the book and you just stood there and took it."
(Boyce F.Barger, LPC Licensed Professional Counselor)