Where did you find the old children’s Bible story books?


I came across your website while I was looking for Bible story pictures from my childhood. As a small child, I dearly loved the pictures in the “Standard Bible Story Readers”. I remember memorizing some of the stories. The story of Blind Bartimaeus was my favorite. Several years ago I saw a large book containing many of the pictures from those old storybooks. I wish I had bought it then because I never saw it anywhere again. Do you know where I may buy some of these old books and/or pictures?

I’m happy I came across your site; I will be returning to read more of your sermons and articles.

Thank you and I pray the Lord will bless your ministry.


I came across Standard Bible Story Readers, Book Five by Lillie A. Faris in a local used book store. I always keep an eye out for old children's books because the illustrations are useful for a variety of things, and old means I don't have to worry about copyrights.

After finding Book 5, I searched various used booksellers on the Internet and I now have all five volumes. As I get a few spare moments, I'm scanning the pictures and adding them to our website. At the moment I'm working on a HUGE book that has over 700 pages, called Treasures of the Bible. I found this one also at a local used book store dealer; come to think of it, it might have been a Goodwill store. The covers have fallen off, the pages are yellow and fragile, but what I found most interesting is a note on a scrap piece of paper saying that its prior owner lived in a small town about 20 miles from here.

I hope one day to scan the stories, check them for accuracy, and then add the text to the website as well, but we're talking a year or two out.

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